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Brown and white eggs: what’s the difference?

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In nature, the coloration of eggs depends on the environment in which the birds live. The main task of the multicolored shell is to blend in as well as possible with the surrounding landscape and give the chick a chance to survive. Poultry have no such need. They don’t need to hide and the safe living conditions have paid off.

The color of the eggs in chickens is white or brown. The question often arises as to whether there are differences other than the color of the shell.

Why is the color of the eggs different

Domestic layers are kept in approximately the same conditions, eating the same feed, but the owners receive eggs of different shades. The main reason is the coloration of the bird itself. Mottled and dark plumage is a sign that the eggs will be brown, beige. Breeds with white feathers also have the same shell color. They simply lack the natural pigment.

Brown and white eggs: what's the difference?

Protoporphyrin is responsible for the brown color. Its addition to the structure of the upper layer occurs at the last stage of egg development. Initially it is white, and the coloration is programmed at the genetic level.

Interesting: the saturation of the brown pigment changes depending on the season.

Which eggs taste better

The composition of the product is exactly the same. Depending on the breed, the shade of the shell, the size of the eggs, and the frequency with which the layers lay them vary. Pure egg breeds lay eggs almost every day, meat-egg breeds half as often.

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The flavor and health benefits of the same diet will coincide completely. In this aspect, it is influenced by the balance of the laying hen’s diet, receiving all the necessary vitamins and supplements. There is no difference in the composition, because the nutrient content of the egg is formed long before the addition of pigment.

What kind of eggs to buy – a question of priorities of the particular housewife. The main thing is that they have all the necessary veterinary certificates, stored in the right conditions for a strictly limited period.

Do not forget that this product also has a shelf life and it is the same for eggs with any shade of shell. Raw ones are stored in the refrigerator for up to 30 days.

When selecting eggs, their coloring is of secondary importance. First of all, pay attention to the integrity of the outer shell, the consistency of quality and price. It is safer to buy the product from large producers who value their reputation.

When buying from a private farm, it is desirable to ask about a veterinary certificate. By the way, white eggs have a huge advantage on the market before Easter. They can be dyed in the color of your choice and the natural pigment does not distort the hue. And in everyday life, it does not matter what kind of shell the egg has. The main thing is that it is fresh.

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