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History of Psychology as a Science

The history of psychology as a science has long roots, but the main contribution to its development was made by scientists of the 19th...

Psychology of pain in atypical facial pain

What causes atypical facial pain? Symptoms of atypical facial pain. The role of the psychogenic factor in the development of atypical facial pain.

Listening is an important skill in developing relationships

Everyone feels good when they are listened to attentively in a conversation. But not everyone knows how to do it. How to fix it?

Relationships of girlfriends: quarrels and ways of reconciliation

Relațiile dintre prietene: certuri și modalități de reconciliere. Dezacorduri și neînțelegeri între prietene - un lucru obișnuit. Principalul lucru este să tratezi conflictele cu calm, să ceri iertare și să ierți.

Relationship Psychology: How to Give the Right Advice?

Is it worth listening to the advice of others? The psychology of relationships between advisors and people who need help.

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