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9 ideas to replace coffee in the morning

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Coffee is drunk in the morning at home to finally wake up, in the office to keep the work mood and in the coffee shop when meeting with friends. The drink is rich in antioxidants and acts as a stimulant, activating all systems of the body.

Caffeine stimulates the brain, speeds up thinking, concentrates attention, and increases physical endurance. Unfortunately the energy drink is addictive, it exhausts the nervous system, irritates the bladder and causes high blood pressure jumps. With excessive use of the drink an addiction occurs. When you give it up, you develop increased anxiety, hand tremors, and tachycardia.

9 alternatives to caffeine that cheer you up in the morning

When planning to give up coffee, you can take advantage of healthier, invigorating counterparts.



The familiar drink from childhood contains 16% protein and many micro- and macronutrients. Cocoa lowers blood pressure and risks of vascular accidents. Flavonoids contained in the drink participate in the synthesis of neurons, improve blood flow, brain function, and prevent senile dementia.

The tryptophan in the composition elevates mood and fights depression. After drinking cocoa, the adrenal glands produce phenylethylamine, which concentrates attention and has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. In addition, chocolate drink increases stress resistance, reduces symptoms of asthma, risk of diabetes, supports dental and skin health.



A great alternative to coffee is chicory, which can energize you without caffeine. The root of the healing plant has a poorer taste and aroma than coffee, but it has many beneficial properties. Chicory contains inulin and has a prebiotic effect, increasing the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestines.

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The drink adjusts lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, slows aging due to the content of antioxidants. The plant root powder strengthens the immune system, increases stamina, and tones the body without depleting the nervous system.

Green Tea

Green Tea

The usefulness, popularity of a drink made from tea leaves that have undergone almost no fermentation stage is due to the high content of polyphenols. Powerful antioxidants cachetins protect cells from oxidation, development of inflammatory processes.

Due to its rich vitamin complex, green tea strengthens blood vessels, supports the health of systems and internal organs, skin, hair. The drink reduces the likelihood of malignant tumors, stimulates brain activity, prolongs youth.

Green tea, like coffee, contains caffeine. But the tea drink contains L-theanine, which softens the effect of the alkaloid, which excites the nervous system.

Barley Coffee.

Barley Coffee

A decaffeinated beverage made from roasted, crushed barley with a rich array of nutrients, it bears little resemblance to coffee on its own. But when chicory and milk are added, it becomes similar to a cappuccino. Due to the presence of beta-glucan in the beans, barley coffee lowers blood glucose and cholesterol levels, removes toxic substances, and controls the amount of fluids in the body.

The drink reduces the effects of stress, strengthens the nervous system, increases hemoglobin, and treats inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. In addition, it has a bactericidal effect, improves the function of the heart muscle, the pancreas, and promotes weight loss.

Matcha latte

Matcha latte

Japanese powdered green tea is common among models, actors, fitness bloggers, and is gaining popularity among average consumers. Due to special agronomic practices in growing Camellia chinensis, the tea leaves contain caffeine, amino acids, chlorophyll and useful for weight loss epigallocatechin in higher concentrations.

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Matcha latte is a healthy alternative to coffee. Due to the counteraction of L-theanine caffeine affects the body more gently. Invigorating effect, a burst of energy, increased efficiency occurs without pressure spikes, overexcitation. The drink removes salts of heavy metals, normalizes the metabolism, starts the process of self-cleansing of the liver.

Golden Milk

Golden Milk

Milk with turmeric, cinnamon, cardamom, black pepper, ginger is a treasure trove of useful substances, a source of increased efficiency and good mood. If you drink golden milk in the morning, you can provide yourself with energy for the whole working day.

The alternative to coffee dramatically increases the body’s resistance to viruses, bacteria, accelerates cell regeneration, reduces inflammation, improves and refreshes breathing, and slows aging. In addition, spiced milk speeds up metabolic reactions and regulates cholesterol levels.

To make the drink, you will need:

  • A glass of cow’s milk or vegetable milk;
  • 0.5 tsp. ginger, cinnamon;
  • 1 tsp. each of turmeric, honey;
  • A pinch of ground black pepper;
  • Seeds of five cardamom capsules.

Pour the milk into a saucepan. Add the rest of the ingredients. Stir and place on the stove. After boiling, simmer for 5 minutes on low heat. Ready drink will take on a golden color, bright aroma of spices. Drink it both hot and cold, up to three cups a day.



The tonic kartade tea contains beauty vitamins, relieves fatigue, improves brain function, and regulates blood sugar levels. The sour-sweet drink made from Sudanese rose flowers is used in folk medicine as a diuretic and astringent. Infusion of flowers has choleretic, antipyretic, antispasmodic, antibacterial and hypotensive properties.

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Green tea, rose hips, pieces of fruit, cloves, and cinnamon are added to the kartade to enrich the flavor.



A caffeine-containing drink known since the 16th century, made from the leaves of the holly of Paraguay. Its peculiarity lies in its invigorating and at the same time soothing effect.

Mate fixes circulation, sleep, relieves muscle spasms and lactic acid after exercise, suppresses anxiety, panic attacks, prevents and treats anemia, and strengthens the vascular wall.

Useful drink improves blood composition, protects the liver, heals GI mucous membranes, and has antihistamine properties.

Herbal teas

Herbal teas

For hypertension, doctors recommend replacing coffee with invigorating herbal infusions that have additional therapeutic effects.

Invigorates, warms, speeds up thinking a drink of ginger with honey. A fragrant infusion of thyme with cinnamon, mint drink for coughs, stomach disorders, neurosis, depression.

Lvan-tea tones, adds vitality, removes excess fluid and toxins from the body.

Antidepressant St. John’s wort is brewed for stomach problems, tendency to thrombosis, heart failure, chronic fatigue.

You don’t have to consume energy drinks to cheer yourself up quickly and feel good throughout the day. Another useful alternative to morning coffee is a cold or contrast shower, which energizes you for a long time.

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