A wound is one of the most frequent results of traumatic impact, characterized by the violation of soft tissue integrity. It is wounds that account for the majority of reasons for referral to trauma centers. In case of extensive injuries accompanied by disruption of the integrity of large vessels, massive blood loss can occur, directly threatening the life of the person.
In this article we will talk about the types and symptoms, the treatment of wounds, and such a concept as primary healing.
What kinds of wounds are there and what symptoms do they have?
To begin with, it is necessary to understand that depending on the origin of the wounds there are:
Surgical – inflicted by a physician during a surgical procedure;
Combat injuries – sustained during combat operations;
Accidental – caused by some other reason.
Based on the mechanism of the wound and the features of the traumatic weapon, there are stabbed, cut, chopped, and other types of wounds. It is also accepted to separately distinguish mixed types of wound defects, for example, stabbing-cutting.
If we talk about wound healing by primary tension, this concept is more applicable to incised wound defects that have parallel flat edges, greater length than depth of injury.
Another important division is between aseptic and infected wounds. Aseptic injuries include wound defects resulting from surgical intervention. Incidental wounds are infected wounds. If we refer again to healing by primary tension, it is characteristic of aseptic wound defects.
The main clinical manifestations of this injury are pain resulting from damage to nerve fibers and wound gaping. Both signs will depend on the localization of the wound defect, its depth, and the nature of the wounding object.
Another obligatory manifestation is bleeding, the intensity of which is determined by the nature of the damage to the blood vessels and their caliber. There may also be impairment of the function of the injured part of the body.
Wound treatment and healing
For small, shallow wounds, medical care is provided in a trauma unit. In case of deep or extensive wound surfaces, hospitalization in a department of an appropriate profile is indicated.
In the first day after the injury if there are no signs of inflammatory process primary surgical treatment is carried out. It implies washing the wound defect, removing foreign objects and blood clots from it.
Then the wound edges are dissected out, and the wound is sutured in layers. If medical care has been provided correctly, the injured area is adequately supplied with blood, and the wound can heal with primary tension.
Healing by primary tension is possible if the edges are even, well supplied with blood, not more than one centimeter apart, and there is no infection in the wound surface. There is no suppuration in the healing process, and a linear scar is formed.
Healing by primary tension is the most successful wound outcome, characterized by the formation of a weak scar or no scar at all, which was described by scientists from Samara State Medical University in a paper published in 2018.
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Researchers at the University of California have discovered how the circadian clock affects cell growth, metabolism, and tumor progression.
In today’s world, there is an alarming increase in the incidence of cancer at a young age, including colorectal cancer (colon cancer). The underlying cause of this increased incidence of cancer in adults between the ages of 20 and 30 remains unclear. Suspected risk factors include aspects of the environment, such as lifestyle and dietary factors known to affect the circadian clock.
We are exposed daily to several environmental factors that affect our internal biological clock. These factors include night shift work, prolonged exposure to light, disturbances in sleep/wake cycles, and altered eating behavior. Social jetlag is one of the common phenomena of modern life.
Scientists believe that such disturbances in circadian rhythm play an important role in provoking cancer pathologies. The results of a new study indicate that disruption of circadian rhythms causes additional genomic mutations that are crucial in accelerating the development of colorectal cancer.
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Teaching a child to read without discouraging him is very important. And sometimes it can be difficult. We will tell you how to teach your child to read properly.
Getting your child interested in reading
If parents constantly read books, the child will eventually reach for literature. So it’s always worth setting your own example.
In addition, you should read books to your child from an early age. Of course, you should choose literature according to age. After reading you should look at the pictures, discuss the book. An older child should be asked more difficult questions about the plot and actions of the characters. You can ask your child to make up a story or a fairy tale.
All of this will help to enthuse your child to read.
When to start
You should begin to teach reading when the child talks well, answers questions, can talk coherently about the past day or event, maintains a conversation, and can sit still for a short time and listen attentively.
The most common time to start school is at age 4 or 5. But everything is individual. Someone matures later, and someone at the age of three is trying to identify letters by himself.
The main thing to remember: teach gradually, use special primers and alphabets, teach the child while playing, do not engage in long, because the child can not concentrate on one thing for a long time.
Teach slowly
You don’t want to rush and rush to teach letters and syllables in a short time. It is better to teach slowly.
First show the letters, name the sounds. When the child learns a few letters, you can look for them everywhere. For example, in the names of stores. Or put letters out of sticks, molded from plasticine or dough. It will be interesting, fun, and the child will learn new information faster during such games.
Has your child learned the letters? It’s time to move on to learning syllables. Cubes or cards with syllables will help. Here, too, it is important not to rush. Your child needs to understand and understand that you can make syllables out of letters. This period of learning can be quite time consuming.
And then you can move on to words. The first words should be very simple and consist of the same syllables. Gradually you can complicate and choose longer words.
You can choose from a variety of alphabets and primers for learning. The alphabet will help consolidate the letters with pictures, interesting short poems. And letters will consistently teach your child to combine letters into syllables, and syllables into words.
Helpful Tips
When teaching a child, you should praise him more often. But it is not necessary to scold. The learning process should arouse interest and enthusiasm. If you put too much pressure on the child, in a few weeks he won’t want to learn letters at all, or even just listen to books.
A child remembers slowly, so it’s worth repeating what you’ve learned more often. But do it not in the same way and not in a boring way. It is worth constantly coming up with different games.
If the child wants to write letters, let him write printed ones. There is no need to teach him how to write, he will learn it at school. But it is very useful to develop fine motor skills.
Teaching a preschooler to read should take place in a playful way, regularly, but not longer than 10-15 minutes.
The articles on this site are for information purposes only. The site administrators are not responsible for attempting to apply any recipe, advice or diet, nor do they guarantee that the information provided will help or harm you personally. Be cautious and always consult a doctor or nutritionist!
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With a first-grader comes new worries in the home: adapting to school takes up a lot of everyone’s time and energy, and the day’s to-do schedule is often overwhelming. In first grade, it is especially important to remember to keep children healthy and maintain a good self-esteem in the child.
When you add in the social and emotional complexities of adjustment, and sometimes the first signs of the onset of puberty, it becomes difficult to keep track of everything.
Kids don’t come into the world with an instruction manual, so how do you figure out if you’re making mistakes in raising your first grader? Here are the most common problems parents may encounter and strategies for dealing with them: follow them throughout the year.
Overweight denial
Researchers at the University of Michigan have found that many parents of overweight children believe that the child will outgrow it or it’s just that type of figure. And this is a serious mistake.
A lot of physical changes occur in a child’s body over the years of schooling, including puberty. But many children do not outgrow excess weight, but carry it with them into adulthood. So you can’t relax, elementary school is the period when it’s not too late to introduce and encourage physical activity and healthy eating habits.
Most parents think that high blood pressure, blood cholesterol, and diabetes are diseases of adults and the elderly. However, this is a misconception, and a dangerous one: today, more and more “adult” diseases are being identified in children.
During the first year of the coronavirus pandemic, the number of children with type 2 diabetes increased 1.77 times over previous years. Researchers at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center who conducted the study don’t yet know whether it was the virus itself or changes in lifestyle during lockdowns, but the fact remains.
Many parents don’t realize that first-graders are already big enough to not only develop diabetes, but also to develop complications. And experts say that children develop them faster than adults.
If your child has extra pounds, don’t shame him or her or fixate on the numbers. This is a direct path to eating disorders. Set a goal for your child’s health and act on that program.
Cambridge scientists have proven that the judgement “everyone in our family is obese and it’s heredity” interferes with everyone and is a myth. Hereditary transmission of genes of tendency to obesity does not lead to overweight as long as the family does not overeat or neglect physical activity. So the obese children of obese parents “inherit” the family lifestyle.
Not following a sleep schedule.
Yes, the older a child gets, the less sleep he needs. And in adolescence, the biological clock shifts altogether, causing many teenagers to become “midnighters.
However, sleep is important, and a first-grader does not yet understand enough why, and can’t relate a constant little lack of sleep and feeling unwell. So the care of sleep falls on the shoulders of parents.
Make sure your child goes to bed at the same time and actually falls asleep (rather than playing quietly on a brand-new smartphone). Maintain evening rituals – yes, just like with babies. The emotional overload of school days needs help calming down.
Saying one thing and doing another.
The quickest way to get a child to disobey his parents is to say one thing and do another. Take a good look at yourself and make sure that you are a good role model and that you are doing what you want the child to do.
This includes every aspect of your lifestyle, from whether you smoke, drink, or constantly sit with gadgets to how you handle stress and how you relate to others in your family and community.
Procrastinating about talking “about it” for too long
Although it’s only first grade, for one thing, the age of onset of puberty has changed since your youth, with boys now having their first change at age 9 on average, and girls even earlier.
In addition, scientists from The Fuller Project conducted a large-scale study of the data and found that during the same covid pandemic, the number of girls with precocious puberty increased dramatically – 3.4 times.
Second, access to information on the Internet is difficult to limit: even if you have a password on all devices, a child at school may have more informed friends.
Finally, you don’t want your child to have no one to talk to about the molas, the chest pain, the hair under his arms, or the blood on his panties.
Although it is not easy to start such a conversation, and some parents prefer to wait until the child is older to find out for themselves, this is a big mistake.
Buy and put in a prominent place a book about what happens to a teenager’s body. When the child is interested, tell him you are willing to answer questions, if he has any.
Skipping a checkup
It’s not just preschoolers who need these routine exams. And don’t rely on school nurses: under the new conditions, they help mostly in acute situations, rather than examining all children as before. So every year you should go through all the required specialists, and do it for the sake of health, not for the sake of a certificate.
Overloading your child with activities
In most schools, children are offered many clubs and sections from the first grade on, not to mention the fact that 7 years old is the age for starting a sports, art, or music school.
It may seem tempting to enroll your child in a variety of classes in order to raise a versatile personality, but you have to remember that personality can grow up to be a sick person because of overload, as well as get pretty average knowledge in school because of the abundance of clubs.
Strike a balance so that your child meets academic expectations and participates in a select number of extracurricular activities. Different children have different needs, and there are really no hard-and-fast rules about how many extracurricular activities can be considered excessive. Be guided by your child’s well-being and academic performance.
Ignore signs of bullying
Bullying can and does happen even in elementary school. In addition, a child can be bullied and intimidated by older people on social media, the Internet, and even through text messages.
Watch for signs of emotional distress in your child, especially if he or she is in unexplained pain or suddenly no longer wants to go to school.
The articles on this site are for information purposes only. The site administrators are not responsible for attempting to apply any recipe, advice or diet, nor do they guarantee that the information provided will help or harm you personally. Be cautious and always consult a doctor or nutritionist!
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Not even a century has passed since the time when only quite wealthy people could enjoy fresh fruit, and not always, but only in a certain season. It is now difficult to imagine that in the winter there were no fresh strawberries or tender peaches and bananas were known only to the inhabitants of the regions where the fruit grew.
In medieval Europe, for example, pineapples were very rare, and those that can be seen in the paintings of old masters were most likely borrowed either to decorate the table at a feast or for a still life.
Today, everyone knows about the benefits of fruit, and it is recommended to include it in the diet of children and adults. But scientists continue to research, and new factors are being discovered about the effects of fruit on human health, physical and mental. Read about it in this The First Doc. article.
“Eat the apple, my light!”
The fruit is known to contain a host of healthful things. This is fiber, which is so lacking in an average modern person, and an excellent set of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants that help the body to resist the aging process.
Almost every fruit is sure to have something worth putting on your menu for.
Take, for example, the simple, inexpensive and beloved apples. Eating just one apple a day makes it easier to achieve significant reductions in “bad” cholesterol levels, according to a study published in 2013 in the Journal of Functional Foods.
And other studies from different years report interesting facts about apples. For example, those who regularly eat fresh apples generally have higher levels of intelligence, are more likely to lead healthy lifestyles, and are less likely to get lung cancer.
Some fruits and berries have a strong reputation for helping with a variety of health problems. For example, blueberries are said to improve eyesight, cranberries are attributed anti-inflammatory properties, watermelon is an excellent diuretic, and bananas are a well-known source of potassium.
But, as it turns out, that’s not all.
More fruit, less depression
According to a 2022 study from Aston University, the more often a person eats fruit, the higher their level of psychological health and the less likely they are to experience cognitive impairment as they age.
Scientists have spent much more time studying the effects of fruit diets on weight loss and digestive processes. Meanwhile, there is also a strong link between fruit in the diet and psychological health. Our group decided to try to fill this gap.
The study involved 428 healthy adults, the average age of the participants was about 40 years old. Analysis of questionnaires completed by the participants showed that the more often a person includes fruit in their diet, the fewer symptoms of depression they have. The more important factor was not the total amount of fruit consumed, but the frequency of consumption.
Polish scientists in 2020 published a paper also claiming that higher levels of consumption of all types of fruit are associated with higher levels of optimism and overall psychological well-being. “Fruit eaters” are more likely to rate their quality of life and satisfaction with it higher, and are less likely to report sleep disorders, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts.
In 2018, German researchers analyzed data from more than 22,000 elderly people from 11 countries and concluded: frequent fruit consumption helps slow the aging process and age-related cognitive changes and improves the physical and mental health of the elderly.
And American scientists made an important addition in 2022: It turns out it’s important not just to eat fruit more often, but to choose fruit with bright colors. The plant pigments that provide fruit with attractive colors are exactly what help preserve cognitive function in old age.
And at the same time – reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, ie contribute to the preservation of vision. But here’s the interesting thing: it turns out that a diet with lots of bright colors works great for women, but not so well – for men. For some of them, increasing the amount of fruit in their diet, on the contrary, worsened their mood and overall psychological state.
So, wishing to meet the autumn of life in sound mind and solid memory, try to diversify your fruit diet. Rospotrebnadzor recommends eating 300 g of vegetables and at least 250 g of fruit per day.
Fruit and joints.
American scientists at the University of Oklahoma published a paper in 2018 in which they presented the results of a study of the role of fruits in preventing arthritis. They focused on berries and pomegranates, which are rich in polyphenols. Raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and pomegranates have shown promise in both experimental models and human clinical trials.
Mark Dreher, a nutritionist from the United States, wrote in 2018 about the beneficial effects of fruit on well-being and health throughout a person’s life. But it’s important to note that the scientist is talking specifically about whole, fresh fruit.
Juices, purees and all sorts of processed fruit, as well as fruit that has been stored for a long time, show much less impact. Dreher reminds us that low consumption of whole fruit poses a potentially greater global health threat than previously thought, especially in light of new research on the benefits of whole fruits and fruit fiber.
Are there contraindications?
Unfortunately, there are. Not all fruits are suitable for everyone, without exception.
For example, if you have diabetes, you have to exclude grapes, bananas, mangoes, watermelons, and melons from your diet. And those fruits and berries, which the endocrinologist will approve, it is better to eat for breakfast, so that the carbohydrates contained in them “burn off” for the day.
In some liver diseases apricots may be contraindicated, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially with increased acidity – citrus and other acidic fruits, as well as melon. Sweet and starchy fruits should be avoided if they are prone to thrombosis, etc.
So, if you have any chronic illnesses, all dietary changes should be coordinated with your doctor and a nutritionist.
Read about the advantages and disadvantages of some diets in the article “Fruit Mono-Diet”.
The articles on this site are for information purposes only. The site administrators are not responsible for attempting to apply any recipe, advice or diet, nor do they guarantee that the information provided will help or harm you personally. Be cautious and always consult a doctor or nutritionist!
*All products recommended by thefirstdoc.com are selected by our editorial team. Some of our articles include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, you help us earn a small commission from the seller and thus support the writing of useful and quality articles.
Combinations of some foods to which we have long been accustomed are not always good choices for our health. According to nutritionists and doctors, some of them can disrupt digestion, others can deprive us of energy, and still others can put us in a hospital bed.
Which foods are best not to eat together, The First Doc. tells you.
1. Carbohydrates and animal protein
Many cooks add simple carbohydrates to meat dishes, combining duck with apples or rabbit with pomegranate. But in terms of health, such combinations are not healthy.
The fact is that animal protein itself is a difficult product to digest. It takes the body a long time to digest it. Carbohydrates can slow down protein digestion and in combination can contribute to bloating, gas and flatulence.
2. Meat and dairy products
This “pair” should be avoided by anyone with a high risk of anemia. This is explained by the fact that there are substances that improve iron absorption and those that, on the contrary, impede it.
For example, iron absorption is promoted by vitamin C, which means it is good to combine meat with leafy greens. And at the same time, it is impeded by calcium from dairy foods, so it is better not to eat meat and milk together.
3. Substitutes and strong tea
Subproducts are an inexpensive food that can provide many health benefits to humans. It is high in protein, vitamins B6 and B12, and iron. Liver, tongue, and heart have lower protein content compared to meat, but at the same time a higher concentration of valuable minerals such as copper, manganese, zinc, and others.
Subproducts are recommended for anemia because they have more iron than meat. But to get the most out of them, do not combine them with strong tea, because it prevents the absorption of iron.
4. Yogurt and strawberries
Dairy products have many health benefits if one does not have an intolerance to dairy sugar. And strawberries are a treasure trove of valuable vitamins. Why not combine them?
The fact is that strawberries are high in oxalates, which reduces the absorption of calcium from dairy products. If a person consumes several servings of dairy products per day, as recommended by experts, adding strawberries to one meal will not make a difference. But if the calcium content in the diet is already low, it is better to refuse this combination.
5. Bacon and eggs
This combination of foods is very popular in Western food styles. For example, people in the United States often eat scrambled eggs and bacon for breakfast. But it is worth noting that such a tandem is not a good idea for health.
Combining two high-protein foods puts a high strain on the digestive system, which can provoke digestive problems. To avoid this, it is better to combine protein with vegetables rich in fiber.
6. Beans and cheese
This combination is very common in Mexican cuisine, but you can’t call it healthy. For people with a weak digestive system, this duo can cause increased gas and bloating.
Dairy products and legumes are difficult to digest, so it is better not to eat them together.
7. Fried duck and pickles
This duo (just like other combinations of foods that contain fat and lots of salt) is considered potentially harmful to health.
Salt can cause fluid retention in the body and contribute to high blood pressure, and fats can contribute to high “bad” cholesterol.
Such changes in the body are dangerous for the health of the cardiovascular system, so it is better not to take risks.
8. Coke and pizza
Many fast-food chains advertise this food combination. But sweet soda and pizza are incompatible foods. Pizza is high in hard-to-digest protein and fat due to its cheese and meat content. And cola is full of refined carbohydrates.
The body finds it difficult to digest the abundance of fat, protein, and refined carbohydrates, which is why it feels heavy in the stomach and has digestive problems. In addition, carbohydrates can increase false hunger, which will contribute to ordering more pizza and, as a consequence, overeating.
9. Spinach and tomatoes
Both foods are naturally high in oxalates. The latter can form oxalate-calcium stones in the kidneys.
Patients with kidney failure are primarily at risk, but healthy people should exercise caution as well.
10. Honey and ghee
This combination of products is unacceptable in Ayurveda and considered forbidden. There is a scientific explanation for this.
When warm honey (>140°C) is mixed with melted butter, such as in the preparation of a popular beverage, brocade, a substance called hydroxymethylfurfuraldehyde (HMF) is released. This compound can cause negative health effects. This is according to a 2010 study published in the journal Ayurveda.
Different digestive enzymes act to successfully digest animal foods, even if they are vegetables traditionally combined with animal protein.
Potatoes and red meat, herring and milk do not bring joy when eaten “in one sitting. For example, cucumbers are conventionally acidic and tomatoes are alkaline. An energetic vitamin salad of cucumbers and tomatoes, seasoned with sour cream, seems to be good for everyone, but after eating it, there is a certain heaviness in the body. This is not dangerous, but uncomfortable.
Somewhat better smooths out such a combination of vegetables is not sour cream, but olive vegetable oil. In addition, raw tomatoes before bedtime will lead to indigestion.
Alcoholic beverages with coffee, cocoa and chocolate, as well as in combination with milk and sweets (for example, biscuits) are also undesirable.
With caution, knowledgeable people treat carbonated beverages, including those created on the basis of diluted dry mixes (and such are the majority today), with which it is undesirable to wash down “basic food”. In this case, an unbeatable recipe is to dilute drinks and food with water.
Combining banana with milk and yogurt, pineapple with dairy products because of the enzyme complex bromelain can even cause intoxication.
It is also important to dose the elements of the gastronomic experience. One to two tablespoons of salad, as well as 50-100 g of potatoes and herring, will not lead to discomfort. So it’s not so much what you ingest and in what combination, it’s how much.
It is important to stop in time, and remember that if you are not sure about the benefits of the food and the combination of ingredients that make it up, it is better to eat “little by little”, and after 2.5 hours you can do it again. And do not forget to drink. Pure quality water purifies the body from all undesirable effects.
The myth about the incongruity of foods has little to do with nutritiology. They all contain proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in different percentages. And nature has arranged it so that a healthy human body is able to cope with any food: during a meal in the gastrointestinal tract, together with digestive juices and other necessary substances, all the necessary enzymes to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates are released.
That is, the “incompatibility” of tomatoes and cucumbers in a salad or, for example, cheese and coffee is greatly exaggerated. But there are still dangerous “duos” to watch out for.
For example, desserts and fruits, fatty fried meats, pickles, citrus fruits and coffee cannot be combined with alcohol. This gives a heavy load on the body as a whole and harms individual organs (liver, stomach, gallbladder, pancreas), leads to more severe intoxication and a long hangover.
Another combination that I do not recommend: fruit and any other food. This is due to the fact that fruit is quickly digested, especially if you eat it on an empty stomach.
If you eat fruit at the same time or immediately after the main meal, it will begin to “ferment. This process is fraught with colic, bloating, heartburn and other discomfort.
Leaving aside traditionally incongruous pairings like herring and milk and individual health peculiarities, the main recommendation is as follows: pay attention not only to the product itself, but also to the method of preparation.
Conditional “meat with potatoes” may be fatty “meat à la française”, generously flavored with mayonnaise and cheese, or may be tender boiled beef with boiled potatoes in wedges, but with sauerkraut, but with a fresh cucumber.
Choose healthy cooking methods, and almost any food will be healthy and combined: it is not for nothing that the balance of the GI is one of the main recommendations of nutritionists.
To be healthy, energetic and not to have problems in the form of heavy stomach, heartburn, indigestion, flatulence and stool changes, it is necessary to combine the right foods with each other. Some foods, like vitamins, are not “friendly.
The process of their digestion can either speed up or slow down. Therefore, it is necessary to find out once and for all which foods are better not to combine.
Top 6 most incompatible combinations
Main dish and fruit/berries
In our food culture since Soviet times it has been laid down that fruit instead of dessert is a good thing. But it is undesirable to combine any dish with berries. Even if it is the healthiest oatmeal.
Fruits and berries are great sources of fiber, but if we eat them immediately after the first, second and compote, they have to wait a long time for their turn. Considering that they contain a lot of natural sugar fructose, the process of fermentation starts, there is a heaviness in the stomach and other negative phenomena.
Ideally, you want the berries to go as a separate meal – 30-40 minutes before a meal or 1-2 hours after. If you have consumed a portion of meat before, then after 2-4 hours.
The exceptions are blackberries and raspberries. They are full of digestive enzymes and a small handful will act as a natural mesim. Take note of this uncomplicated method.
Meat and cheese.
Cheese contains phosphorus, and meat is rich in zinc, which is poorly absorbed because of phosphorus. By the way, sour cream, which everyone likes to add to meat dishes, also gives an anti-effect.
Milk and Baking.
If you wash down sweet baked goods with milk or cocoa and milk, you risk getting an unpleasant fermentation in your stomach or even heartburn.
Wine and dessert
This summer combination, a favorite of many sweet eaters, can take a toll on the body. Alcohol raises blood sugar levels and triggers insulin production. This can cause all the extra calories from the dessert to go straight to the “fat depot.
In addition, after drinking alcohol, the body skips one of the sleep phases and the next day, in order to replenish energy, a person is drawn to carbohydrates, which leads to overeating. To avoid such consequences, choose a proper snack with wine – vegetables and easily digestible protein.
Tea and milk
Tea contains antioxidants and milk contains proteins that put a barrier to the absorption of antioxidants. As a result, we don’t get all the antioxidant benefits.
Red wine and meat
The tannins in red wine keep iron, which is rich in meat, from being absorbed. And this is one of the most difficult elements to replenish in our body.
The articles on this site are for information purposes only. The site administrators are not responsible for attempting to apply any recipe, advice or diet, nor do they guarantee that the information provided will help or harm you personally. Be cautious and always consult a doctor or nutritionist!
*All products recommended by thefirstdoc.com are selected by our editorial team. Some of our articles include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, you help us earn a small commission from the seller and thus support the writing of useful and quality articles.
Thick, voluminous, elastic hair like in shampoo commercials seems like an unattainable dream to many women. But scientists assure that everyone can have them. It’s enough to pay attention to the additives for hair. What should be in the composition and are there any alternatives? The First Doc. tells us.
Hair vitamins: myths and facts
Manufacturers of nutritional supplements develop their formulations to give every hair a growth boost. They promise to increase length by record centimeters per month, make strands more flexible and elastic, and increase their shine. But which of these is true and which is a myth?
““Hair growth supplements are indicated for anyone who suffers from thinning and losing strands and for those who want thicker, longer hair,” says Dandy Engelman, M.D., a dermatologist.
When a person takes a supplement, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and nourishes all cells, including the hair follicles. For a person who doesn’t get enough nutrients from his or her food menu, supplements can help make up the deficiency.”
However, when buying vitamins for hair growth, a woman should understand that they will contribute to increasing the length of the hair only if the body is already deficient in certain substances. No supplement can “bypass” genetics and have no effect on hereditary factors – the thickness, density, maximum length and strength of the hair.
Women who get a healthy, balanced diet are not likely to see the benefits of taking supplements. And if they take vitamins for a long time in doses exceeding the norm, unpleasant side effects may occur. Therefore, the intake of any supplement should always coordinate with your doctor.
The 5 best vitamins for hair growth
Without which vitamins can you forget about the health and beauty of your curls?
1. Vitamin A
Vitamin A is known for its “healing” properties in the prevention of visual impairment. Studies have proven that it prevents the occurrence of age-related macular degeneration and other diseases. This vitamin is also useful for the support of the immune system, the prevention of viral diseases.
And few people know that the concentration of vitamin A determines the rate of hair growth. A study cited in Biochimica et Biophysica Acta showed that vitamin A deficiency can lead to hair follicle damage and hair loss, as well as a host of other health problems.
“Vitamin A deficiency can slow down the formation of new cells in the body,” explains dermatologist Elizabeth Houshmand, M.D. – Its effect extends to the hair as well.
How much is needed? The daily rate of vitamin A for people over 18 years of age is 1,300 mcg/day.
What foods do they contain? Sweet potatoes, pumpkin, yams, and carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. The valuable vitamin is also found in animal products such as milk, eggs, fish oil, and yogurt.
Caution. Not everyone can take vitamin A supplements. Women who are preparing to conceive, are pregnant, or are breastfeeding should not take the supplement.
Also keep in mind that high concentrations of vitamin A in the body are as dangerous as a deficiency. Studies show that it can provoke liver damage.
2. B vitamins
B vitamins also have a lot to do with the growth and beauty of your hair. They are involved in the production of red blood cells, which deliver oxygen and nutrients to the scalp cells.
Scientists know eight B vitamins and they are all important for human health. But it is biotin that is the number one remedy for hair loss. A 2017 study published in the journal Skin Appendage Disorders found that this vitamin improves hair and nail health in people who are deficient.
How much is needed? The daily requirement of biotin for humans is 25-30 mcg and vitamin B12 is 2.4 mcg.
What foods are found in? B vitamins are found in whole grains, nuts, eggs, meat and fish, seafood, and dark leafy greens. Yeast, beef liver and kidneys, egg yolk and peanuts, sardines and mushrooms are the main sources of biotin.
3. Vitamin C
One of the common causes of hair thinning and stoppage of hair growth is cell damage by free radicals. Their concentration in the body increases due to external negative influences and under the influence of destructive habits. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can counteract this.
Another important role of vitamin C is participation in chemical reactions of the body, which are necessary for the synthesis of collagen, the structural component of healthy hair. The vitamin also helps to assimilate iron, on which the health and growth of strands depends.
How much is needed? The daily requirement for vitamin C for an adult is 90 mg.
What foods do you find in? Strawberries, apples, citrus fruits, guavas, tomatoes, blackcurrants, rose hips, sweet peppers, and all types of cabbage are a treasure trove of vitamin C.
Getting valuable vitamins from food is impossible to create a surplus of them, which cannot be said about vitamin complexes from the pharmacy. Therefore, the best way to get vitamins is through a thoughtful, healthy diet.
4. Vitamin D
“Sunny” vitamin, as vitamin D is also called, helps the body absorb and assimilate calcium and magnesium from food, important for heart, vascular, and bone health. Its role in maintaining healthy hair is still poorly understood, but it is already known to increase hair follicles in the scalp.
A scientific paper published in 2019 presented findings that people with vitamin D deficiency are more likely to suffer from alopecia.
How much is needed? The daily allowance of vitamin D for an adult is 600-800 IU.
What foods does it come in? To get the right amount of the “sunshine” vitamin, you need to walk in the sun for at least 15 minutes every day. Exposure to sunlight increases the concentration of vitamin D in the body. In addition, the vitamin can be obtained from foods such as fish, seafood and dairy products.
5. Vitamin E
Like vitamin C, vitamin E is an antioxidant. It plays an important role in maintaining a woman’s health and beauty, helping to keep her skin, hair and nails young and healthy.
In one study involving people with diagnosed alopecia, there was a 34.5% increase in hair growth after taking vitamin E supplements for 8 months. But you can also get the vitamin from healthy foods.
How much is needed? The daily norm of vitamin E for an adult is 10-12 IU.
What foods is it found in? The valuable vitamin is found in many tasty foods-nuts and seeds, fresh leafy greens, avocados, legumes, eggs, sea fish, and almost all vegetable oils.
Hair growth can be stimulated by vitamin supplements. Spinach, nuts – including cashews and assorted nuts, yams, fresh berries – raspberries, strawberries, blackberries and others, as well as bell peppers when added systematically to the diet strengthen hair roots and indirectly promote hair growth.
An organic complex of vitamins and minerals, including burdock and argan oil, helps to preserve and make hair thicker. Castor oil and honey and pepper lotions are also useful for hair.
There are special shampoos that promote hair growth, their name usually includes the word “equine”. Vitamin C complex, beta-carotene and vitamin D using sea buckthorn will also not be superfluous in the daily food basket.
Vitamins alone will not ensure hair growth, but with a sufficient dose, which a doctor will help to calculate correctly, taking into account the growth and body weight of the particular person, and regular application, can form and develop the external and internal root sheaths of hair follicles with the surrounding epidermal tissues, and thus promote hair growth.
Oils and moisturizing compositions of honey and burdock are recommended to strengthen the hair roots.
If symptoms or signs of deteriorating hair quality or quantity arise, the first thing your hand reaches for is vitamins. Especially since pharmacy shelves and advertising vied with each other to guarantee “magical” results from capsules and pills. But is it really so?
The realities of the current “fashion for correcting deficiencies” have not only exacerbated existing problems (e.g., iron, vitamin D3 deficiencies), but have also led to frequent overdiagnosis of deficiency conditions up to and including vitamin and micronutrient overdose, which is even more dangerous to health.
Modern trichology (the science of the hair follicle, the scalp, and the hair shaft) says there are no miracles.
The hair follicle is a microorganism with its own requests, genetic potential and reactions to exogenous factors: climatic (ultraviolet light, low temperatures); exposure to hair dryer, ironing, coloring, wearing tight hairstyles or pads, using the wrong products. After understanding the possible causes of hair deterioration, it becomes clear that vitamin deficiency is only one of the causes.
What vitamins and minerals are most important for hair? This can only be detected by determining blood values.
Reduced blood iron levels lead to changes in hair shaft quality and hair loss. Since this trace element is one of the components of hemoglobin and is involved in the transport of oxygen to tissues, it is also part of the hormones that regulate the functioning of the hair follicle. The best absorption of iron is promoted by vitamin C as a catalyst, but calcium can slow down the process of absorption.
Copper reduction is also important. Copper is involved in energy production at the cellular level, in the production of melanin (the pigment that determines hair color) and in the normal functioning of the nervous system, is a part of some enzymes, and also contributes to the absorption of iron.
Zinc is another important micronutrient. It should be noted that the chelated forms of zinc are preferable to inorganic compounds, such as zinc sulfate, for assimilation.
Omega 3-6-9 fatty acids, B vitamins and folic acid are also necessary for optimal scalp health and excellent hair health.
All vitamins and micronutrients are important for the proper functioning of the hair follicle, but you should not expect excessive stimulation from vitamins. It is always a complex effect and a synergy of drugs.
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In fantasy books and movies there is a storyline when a certain terrible disease comes to Earth, from which mankind begins to die out rapidly. But there is one or more people who for some reason do not get this infection. Is this possible, not in a Hollywood blockbuster, but in real life?
What can such exceptional resistance be due to, and is it possible to adjust the human genome so as to rid the entire population of the planet of the danger of contracting deadly or even simply unpleasant infections? The First Doc. suggests that we try to understand this difficult question.
Immunity Secrets
Very few people have a good idea of how the immune system works when encountering infection. How its work is related to heredity is also not yet the most studied area of science. But it is already known that genetics can determine resistance to certain viruses and bacteria, as well as predisposition to infections.
For example, among representatives of the Finno-Ugric peoples group there are the most people who are resistant to the human immunodeficiency virus. They have a certain mutation, because of which the virus, even if it enters the body, does not manifest itself in any way: it does not develop, cannot penetrate into cells, does not cause disease symptoms, and is not transmitted to other people. And even in cases where large amounts of the virus enter the body, which is important for HIV infection.
According to Academician V. V. Zverev, scientific director of the I. I. Mechnikov Scientific Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, scientists are currently researching in three directions: the viruses themselves, the receptors through which viruses enter the cell, and how the immune system reacts to infection.
How likely the disease is to develop depends on these positions, as does how severe it will be and what it will leave behind – strong or weak immunity, permanent or temporary. It is a very complex system with many influencing factors.
It is possible to determine which gene needs to be “turned on” or “turned off” in order for the disease to take a milder form. But it is more difficult to do so. And what “side effects” may subsequently appear from such interference in genes are generally covered with the darkness of obscurity.
And it is very difficult to solve such problems: such studies cannot be performed on living people. Particularly because such manipulation of genes can have far-reaching consequences.
Incidentally, it was because of the unethical nature of such interventions into the human genome that Chinese scientist He Jiankui was sentenced to 3 years in prison for altering the DNA of the embryos, Lulu and Nana twins, using CRISPR-Cas9 technology. The girls, conceived through IVF, were born with congenital resistance to HIV infection.
The scientist intended to “turn off” the CCR5 gene, which encodes the protein by which the immunodeficiency virus can enter the cell. However, CRISPR-Cas9 technology, although it works more accurately than other methods of making changes to genes, is still not highly reliable.
The authors of the study, published in 2019 in the journal Nature, claim that the efficiency of genome editing with “genetic scissors” is only 10 to 50 percent.
In the case of the girls, only one of them acquired resistance to HIV infection. In the second of them, the probability of infection was only reduced because she managed to edit only one copy of the gene out of two. And it is not at all clear whether any other breakdowns occurred during the editing process.
Because it is already known, for example, that the CCR5 gene that has been edited and “turned off” in the twins is not only responsible for susceptibility to the human immunodeficiency virus. It also ensures the functioning of lymphocytes. And its “disabling” causes an increased risk of contracting other infections. It is because of this uncertainty that genetic experiments on embryos are currently prohibited by law in many countries.
Diseases vs. infections
There is also this.
Some genetically determined diseases cause the development of resistance to certain infections. In a paper published in 2015, researchers from the United States reported some such combinations.
For example, hemoglobinopathy is associated with resistance to malaria; those with cystic fibrosis have virtually no risk of getting cholera. Tay-Sachs disease gives resistance to tuberculosis, and phenylketonuria in women protects them from mycotoxin, which causes pregnancy failure.
The article also notes that the hemoglobinopathy-malaria pair is also associated with increased susceptibility to respiratory infections, which clearly demonstrates a complex relationship: some gain in one direction is associated with deterioration in the others.
There is also evidence that myasthenia gravis can cause resistance to rabies virus, one of the most dangerous animal-borne diseases. Another understudied combination is Niemann-Pick disease, in which there is an abnormal accumulation of cholesterol in the lysosomes, and reduced susceptibility to Ebola virus and Marburg virus.
Physicians had previously been aware of the existence of various kinds of relationships between diseases. For example, the study of the relationship between hemosiderosis and typhoid fever led to the creation of a vaccine that interfered with this relationship.
Hemosiderosis is a genetic disease resulting in excess hemosiderin and therefore excess iron in the blood. Salmonella enterica is an intestinal pathogen that can cause a systemic infection called typhoid fever. Salmonella enterica is dependent on iron intake, and thus excess iron can lead to increased susceptibility to typhoid fever in patients with hemosiderosis. This information has been used to develop a vaccine that blocks iron consumption by the bacteria.
What to expect in the future?
Science is advancing rapidly, and genetics is one of the sciences experiencing an incredible explosion. Already today, drugs based on genetic research have been created and are working.
Apparently, the day when medicine will become extremely personalized is not far off. What does this mean?
That based on gene analysis it will be possible to create a kind of “passport” for each person, which will indicate to which diseases he is more resistant and to which he is more susceptible. And based on this data, the doctor will be able to give not general recommendations, but to develop a personal strategy for strengthening and maintaining health, including recommendations for physical activity, diet, and vaccinations.
And in the case of illness, it will be possible to select medications and the dosage of medications more accurately.
How long to wait for this? There is no answer to this question yet. But it is possible to increase the probability that living earthlings will be able to see such changes with their own eyes: read about how to live to be 100 years old on our website.
The articles on this site are for information purposes only. The site administrators are not responsible for attempting to apply any recipe, advice or diet, nor do they guarantee that the information provided will help or harm you personally. Be cautious and always consult a doctor or nutritionist!
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In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a medical process in which sperm fertilize an egg outside the body. The fertilized egg is later inserted into the uterus for pregnancy. This process can cause direct or indirect factors that can lead to certain types of hair loss in women.
It is important to understand what is causing this hair loss during the IVF process. In addition to suspecting hormonal influences, it is also wise to get blood tests to rule out any other causes of hair loss, such as iron deficiency, before seeing a trichologist (hair loss specialist). Here are the possible causes of hair loss.
Unstable hormonal activity
The most common cause of hair loss during IVF is the stimulating effect on hormone production that is part of the IVF process. According to hair loss treatment specialists, diffuse hair thinning can occur. It causes the hair to become thinner all over the body, but there are no noticeable hair gaps on the scalp.
The hair system is sensitive to changes that occur in other parts of the body. This can cause a hormonal surge. Experts specify that in this case, on average 6 months after in vitro fertilization (regardless of whether it ended in pregnancy) the hair will return to normal.
If your hair loss is a result of the IVF process, ask your doctor for advice before you decide to stop treatment.
This is interesting!
Actress Gabrielle Union, known for “10 Reasons I Hate,” “Life as a Sentence” and “Invasion,” talks about how her hair began to fall out after several cycles of IVF. Union has a hair care line, but she struggled with hair loss while trying to get pregnant. Fans of the actress had no idea she had hair problems.
Union says that after each IVF treatment, a bald spot the size of a dime appeared on part of her head. Over time, the patches began to join together to form what she called a “bandage” on the front of her head and around the top of her head. After the reproductive treatment ended, the hair grew back. Although Union was unable to become pregnant, she and her husband used a surrogate and are raising the child.
This is another type of hair loss that can occur due to IVF-related factors other than diffuse thinning. This autoimmune disorder manifests itself as hair loss, leaving spleens all over the scalp. Pregnancy and hormonal changes are just a few provoking factors for this condition. If alopecia is not neglected, a drug with proven efficacy, minoxidil, can cause re-growth. However, the condition may recur in the future.
Interestingly, scientists recently found out: topical application of this drug does not help particularly effectively, but oral pills do cause hair growth. And surprisingly, the latest data show that even 1/40 of the previously prescribed dosage is effective.
Female-type hair loss
If you have this genetic condition, it may be caused by hormonal changes that occur in the body during IVF treatment. This can manifest as thinning of the hair on your head.
The good news is that this disease is treatable and hair loss can be stopped. It is also possible that the hair loss after IVF masked the onset of hair loss due to a genetic predisposition, meaning IVF treatment was not the cause.
This disease should be suspected if hair thinning started six months after stopping IVF treatment.
The presence of deficiencies
It is important to note that hair loss is not always a result of IVF, even if you are undergoing treatment at the time you notice hair thinning. According to professionals, hair loss in women is a sign of a metabolic-hormonal imbalance or an underlying nutritional deficiency that can cause thinning hair density on the head.
This can be checked with blood tests for basic indicators and thyroid function. Iron and vitamin D levels can be important markers: according to a study by the National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology, deficiency of this vitamin in Russian regions reaches rates of 84%.
Hormone gland dysfunction also influences the development of deficiency conditions. Thyroid hormone T3 is considered the most important hormone for metabolic function according to David Geffen School of Medicine scientists.
If your body is not healthy enough to support hair growth, you will have a hard time supporting the baby growing inside you. Because hair is one of the body’s most metabolically active tissues, it needs nutrients and hormonal support. This means that if these factors change, your hair will also come back to normal.
I have talked to many women who have consulted with me about thinning head hair, and they mention in passing the failed IVF procedure.
Since hair loss in women is almost always an indicator of an underlying nutritional deficiency or metabolic-hormonal disturbance, my consistent approach has been to assess causal factors in these areas. The pathology findings of each of these clients identified some aspect of the disorder that adversely affected their hair and (in my opinion) their ability to conceive.
Simply put, it is nature’s way of informing a woman that if her body cannot support the growth of her own hair, how can it support the development of another human being within her?
The human scalp hair follicles have a unique mismatch: hair is one of the body’s most metabolically active tissues; constantly growing and requiring sufficient, stable nutritional, metabolic and hormonal support to achieve this goal.
However, in those same terms, it is NOT an essential tissue for the functioning of the body, and it receives its nutritional, metabolic and hormonal support only when all the major tissues of the body, such as liver function, skin repair and muscle repair, are fully supplied. That is, the hair is nourished on a residual basis.
Common but often overlooked causes of infertility: inadequate amounts of iron, vitamin D, iodine, and thyroid hormone cofactors also affect hair growth. Zinc and selenium are the most important nutrients for optimal metabolic function.
Excessive hair loss or persistent thinning of hair density on is often an initial sign of an internal disorder or deficiency. What is my advice to patients?
Optimized thyroid function: T3 (active thyroid hormone – triiodothyronine), vitamin D and cortisol receptors must be balanced – and have the above nutrients at target levels to achieve optimal metabolic thyroid function. Then healthy hair growth will begin.
What we were able to achieve: once the underlying disorders were corrected, each client (as far as I know) regained the thickness of her head hair and became pregnant in a short time without any fertility interference. Some of these women have had one or two more children since I last saw them – and one even named her first son Anthony!!!
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When you go to any medical center, whether it is a paid clinic or a state institution, the examination plan for pregnancy planning will be approximately the same, based on developed standards. In order to successfully carry a pregnancy to term, it is necessary to first examine and eliminate the detected abnormalities in health.
The diagnostic program includes general tests and examinations for hormones, infections and some pathologies, as well as ultrasound of endometrium, reproductive organs and breasts, followed by generalization of the data by a doctor to develop a scheme of correction, treatment and further preparation for conception.
Pregnancy planning: a sample examination plan
If we talk about the approximate scheme that applies during the period of pregnancy planning, it includes some procedures and examinations, according to the data of which it is possible to get an idea of the general state of health and the functioning of the reproductive system in particular.
Thus, pregnancy planning necessarily involves a visit to a gynecologist or a specialist in planning, as well as general tests and ultrasound of the endometrium and the entire genital area, and if necessary – and the breast. In addition, a gynecological examination includes colposcopy with collection of material for cytology (examination of cervical cells for neoplasia).
Also required are examinations to detect various intimate infections, smears and cultures from the cervix to determine the composition of microbial flora.
If planning a pregnancy against the background of existing health problems, both reproductive and other, involves testing for hormones (genital, thyroid, if necessary – adrenal glands), as well as counseling and treatment by subspecialty doctors.
How to assess a woman’s readiness for conception with the new SPERO-screen analysis
When you’re planning a pregnancy you always want to know whether or not it will work, how long to try, what the chances of success are. You can, of course, ask your doctor, but it is very difficult to give a prognosis. Everyone has different biological rhythms.
Even the healthiest couple is known to conceive within 12 months. This is the norm as defined by the WHO. But now it has become possible to estimate the likelihood of pregnancy individually with a new laboratory test SPERO-screen You can get a hormone test by filling out a questionnaire and taking a blood test for hormones.
The study gives a prognosis for the next 3 menstrual cycles in the form of a numerical expression – the SPERO index. The higher it is, the higher are the chances of pregnancy.
The new study differs from the “conventional” hormone test in that the results are correlated with history data, and using complex mathematical calculations, a fertility window (days when conception is most likely) and an index are determined to estimate the probability of pregnancy in the current and 2 immediate cycles.
Conducting ultrasounds of the endometrium, genitals, and breasts
When planning a pregnancy, routine ultrasounds of the endometrium, cervix and corpus uteri, ovaries and urinary organs are prescribed to evaluate the structure and functionality of the reproductive organs and associated systems.
By examining the ovaries, the presence of follicles in the ovaries is assessed, including maturing follicles, which allows for pregnancy. If there are problems with hormonal background or ovarian function, the structure of the internal wall of the uterus, USG of the endometrium and ovaries is performed in dynamics, assessing the increase in layer thickness and degree of follicle development.
If abnormalities are detected, their correction is carried out with the assessment of ultrasound endometrium and follicles in the dynamics, in certain phases of the cycle under the influence of treatment.
Without sufficient thickness of the inner layer of the uterus and follicle maturation, pregnancy will not occur. In addition, according to the data obtained in the dynamics of ultrasound of the endometrium and follicle size, the doctor will calculate the most successful days for conceiving a baby.
Effects on pregnancy of various abnormalities and their detection
Abnormalities in the structure of the genitals, especially the uterus and cervix, as well as inflammatory changes in the ovarian area, cysts or neoplasms can significantly affect the onset of pregnancy and its further course.
In addition, various uterine pathologies – tumors (myomas), scars, endometriosis and other pathological processes – affect pregnancy. To detect them, an ultrasound examination is carried out during the planning period, usually on the 5 to 8 days of the monthly cycle. If necessary, Dopplerometry is also indicated to assess the blood flow in the uterine vessels, especially if there are scars after surgery or myomatous nodes.
It is important to examine the mammary gland, which undergoes serious structural changes during pregnancy, which can be dangerous if there are lumps or tumors inside the gland. It is especially important to undergo an ultrasound scan if your breasts are sore or your lymph nodes are enlarged, or if there are nodules or lumps in the structure.
General tests and special investigations
The examination package includes a number of general tests, which include primarily blood tests to rule out HIV and hepatitis, as well as syphilitic lesions, group and Rh factor testing to rule out possible blood and Rh factor conflicts with the fetus.
Blood tests for TORCH infections are performed at least two to three months before conception. These include rubella, toxoplasma, cytomegaly and herpes.
When antibodies to these infections are detected, preventive measures to prevent and treat these pathologies must be taken.
If antibodies to cytomegaly and herpes are detected, the level of M or G immunoglobulins must be determined separately, which is important to determine the risk of infecting the fetus during pregnancy.
If viral activity is detected, the doctor will prescribe a course of therapy to suppress the activity of the process. In the absence of antibodies to rubella in the blood, the expectant mother should be immunized against rubella, since infection with this virus in early pregnancy leads in many cases to fetal abnormalities and defects.
General tests are performed:
Biochemical blood test with determination of the main indicators reflecting the work of the digestive and many other systems of the body. This test can indicate serious metabolic disorders.
Clotting blood test (coagulogram) with determination of clotting factors and time to correct a condition of increased clotting or decreased clotting in time. A tendency to clotting can significantly complicate the course of pregnancy, so it is necessary to treat such an abnormality in advance.
General blood and urine tests – allow you to identify somatic or infectious diseases of the woman, allergic and other pathologies. It is especially important to detect urinary infections, anemia or liver abnormalities. This will exclude pathologies such as pyelonephritis, cystitis, and intestinal microbial flora disorders during pregnancy.
A stool test for helminths is also performed.
Physician Consultation
Many women have many different pathologies by the time they plan to become pregnant – dental caries, tonsillitis, maxillitis, pyelonephritis and cystitis, skin infections or some other pathology. All of them require complete treatment, so that they do not exacerbate during pregnancy. Their treatment requires consultation with specialized specialists, to whom the gynecologist refers the woman for advice and possible treatment.
Major Consultants:
ENT doctor.
Consultations with all other specialists may also be scheduled, if necessary.
Hormone study
If there are thyroid problems, menstrual irregularities, breast problems, or long periods of infertility, hormones, both sex hormones and some others, are examined. Ovarian, pituitary, and adrenal hormones (sex hormones – androgens, estrogens) influence conception and conception.
In addition, thyroid hormones have an impact, and all of them need to be carefully examined and adjusted during the planning period.
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