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15 signs of epilepsy in a baby: Epilepsy in infants is not always visible


How do you know if a baby has epilepsy? Babies are just beginning to learn about the world, can’t talk, and don’t behave like adults. Primitive reflexes control a baby’s movements, which can seem very unusual, so it can be very difficult to detect symptoms, to distinguish abnormal movements and behavior from the norm.

Even medical professionals find it very difficult to recognize the symptoms of epilepsy in infants. But here are some common symptoms to be aware of: they may indicate that a child has epilepsy.

Partial seizures.

Epilepsy is also known as a seizure disorder because it is a condition characterized by seizures. There are two main types of seizures, which also encompass many other types of seizures – partial and clonic seizures.

In partial (“partial”) epilepsy, the neurological disorder usually affects only one or two small areas of the brain. This can lead to focal seizures, which can be simple or complex. The child will remain conscious during a simple seizure, but may lose consciousness completely during a complex seizure.

Simple seizures are quite difficult to detect in a child, but during complex seizures, your baby’s behavior may become strange and erratic-more erratic than usual-so watch for behavioral changes that seem unusual.

Clonic seizures

Clonic seizures

Clonic seizures are the other major group of seizures, and they are more serious. Clonic seizures are also called generalized seizures because they arise from a neurological disorder affecting the entire brain, not just certain areas of it. Therefore, it is clear that the result, the seizure itself will be – or at least appear to be – much more severe and distressing for parents, unlike partial seizures, whose symptoms can be quite mild.

Important to know!

This does not necessarily mean that such seizures will last – they may only last a minute or so. In infants, they rarely occur very often and usually go away on their own, or they may stop recurring.

The symptoms are essentially convulsive movements-excessive twitching-that are certainly out of the norm. But these symptoms also reflect signs of various other neurological disorders that occur in infants and toddlers, so it is important that you fully describe everything to your doctor (and if possible, you should videotape the seizure).


Febrile seizures, occurring with a high body temperature, are found in about one in thirty children. Are they related to epilepsy?

Danish scientists have reported a pattern: children with frequent febrile seizures are more frequently diagnosed with epilepsy. Thus, on average, epilepsy occurs in 2.2% of all children. But in children with one attack of febrile seizures it is detected in 6.4% of cases, with two – in 10.8%, with three or more – in 15.8%.

Infantile spasms (infantile seizures)

Infantile spasms occur during the first year and can indicate many things, including epilepsy, in which case they will follow a pattern of seizures.

Again, it can be very difficult to see if the child has these spasms because many of his movements are quite random. They are characterized by sudden involuntary movements, spastic movements where the muscles suddenly twitch. The spasms can become quite violent, which is a cause for concern.

Infants are still developing, so spasms, especially early on, can be a serious problem. Single spasms are possible, but they tend to occur in clusters at an early age and can be a sign of the onset of epilepsy. Read more about infantile spasms in a separate article.

Infantile Behavior

Child Behavior

Even at a young age, one can notice that a child develops certain characteristics, certain behavioral traits. There are different types of behavior in children with epilepsy. Because epilepsy is essentially a neurological problem affecting either certain areas or the entire brain, this neurological problem can also manifest in different ways and can lead to other neurological problems.

Just keep an eye out if anything unusual appears, if you suspect serious developmental problems in your baby at an early age. When the infant grows older and becomes a toddler, he may have behavioral problems and a number of character traits may change because of epilepsy, for example, he may develop shyness, withdrawal, introversion, etc. because of embarrassment about his illness.

“Like Needles Stabbing”

The sensation of needles tingling the skin is a common sign that a cramp is about to occur. This is pretty obvious for older children. But how do you know if your baby’s skin is tingling? Babies can’t accurately convey this strange feeling. Instead, you’ll have to watch for changes in your baby’s behavior.

The baby may find this sensation very strange, which will make him/her very upset. This discomfort may also feel like itching, so the child may start touching or rubbing the affected area and itching. Another common sign is twitching. This sensation may cause the child to start twitching more than usual, kicking his legs and trying to “shake off the needles.

Feeling a strange smell and taste

This may seem a little strange, but it is certainly a symptom of epilepsy, or more specifically, the onset of simple partial seizures, during which the child remains fully conscious. People often experience strange smells and tastes before the onset of a partial seizure.

Because children find most things strange and most foods and smells a new experience, it can completely discourage them from eating. Imagine if you had a strange taste in your mouth or a strange smell constantly hovering around you, would you want to eat? Thus, if a child is not screaming and refusing to eat his usual food at the proper time, it could be one of the symptoms of seizures and epilepsy.

Strong emotions

Strong Emotions

This may seem ridiculous, since in children this sign is difficult to detect. Just because a child is laughing and really happy and then cries loudly half an hour later does not mean he has epilepsy. This is just one thing to look out for, which in combination with some of the other symptoms on this list may indicate epileptic seizures.

Sometimes babies will just cry, seemingly for no reason, get very upset about something, and then suddenly laugh and be in an upbeat mood the next minute. This sudden feeling of joy or fear is a sign that seizures may be just around the corner.

Pay attention if a child is suddenly upset about something that used to cause joy, and vice versa.

Muscle rigidity

A child’s movements are not yet fluid, not yet coordinated. Children usually seem rather angular in their movements until their bodies develop muscle coordination and reflexes. However, babies do move a lot; they tend to twist and wiggle as they explore their surroundings.

But one of the possible symptoms of epilepsy is stiffness and stiffness. This is one of those symptoms that is fairly obvious – if a child becomes immobile, it’s hard not to notice. Perhaps the child is just lying in the same position, his arms barely moving, and he just can’t seem to get out of that position.

This is a sure sign that something is wrong, not necessarily epilepsy, but it could be. See a doctor!

Twitching and flinching

Twitching or general flinching of the torso is quite common as a predictor of an epileptic seizure. It can be an arm, knee or leg twitch, even the face.

Again, the baby’s movements are pretty jumpy anyway, so it can be hard to tell the difference between something and the norm. Watch to see if it happens over a long period of time or in conjunction with any other symptoms, and what happens next. If the twitching is not cramping, just keep an eye on it, and if you see the muscles contracting when you do, report it to your doctor immediately.

Chewing and swallowing

Babies love to chew and chew on things. As soon as they start crawling, they pull absolutely everything in their mouths. This is especially true when their teeth start to erupt. So chewing is not in itself a sign of epilepsy.

But a lot of chewing combined with a lot of swallowing is a common symptom of epilepsy, especially in infants. Babies tend to chew things with their gums, but they don’t necessarily swallow while doing so. But if you notice that your baby is swallowing and swallowing quite often when he or she is not eating, it is a sure sign that something is wrong. Repetitive swallowing can occur on its own, or it can be the result of a seizure.

Rubbing pens

Rubbing Pens

This type is associated with a tingling sensation on the skin. The child tries to rub the affected area. This feeling may result in a symptom such as frequent rubbing, as if washing the hands. It may occur because of the tingling, or it may not be related at all, but it is certainly a striking symptom.

It is not clear why the constant rubbing of the hands by children is manifested in epilepsy, but it is a fact. But it is certainly one of the symptoms to watch out for.

Researchers point out that such automatisms – automatic movements of unconscious hand rubbing – are the most frequent in the list of other automatisms in epilepsy. There may also be stomping, spitting, tapping, etc.

Random movements and sounds

This may seem rather vague in terms of symptom, because most of the things infants do seem strange and random. But over time, parents recognize certain sounds and movements the baby makes and learn to understand them.

Sudden random movements, especially convulsive movements that occur over a long period of time, perhaps several times a day, are a cause for concern, as are random sounds the child has not made before.

It is important to note that these movements and noises do not have to be caused by a change in activity or by something new appearing in the child. In epilepsy, they will be completely random, unusual and appear without reason.

The effect of absence

Babies are not always attentive or totally interested in what you say or do, but they at least pay attention because they are curious and want to communicate. That’s why it’s fairly easy to tell if a baby has absences, a type of seizure in which the child loses consciousness unnoticed and for a short time, perhaps just staring into space.

Absansional seizures are a type of generalized seizure, that is, the whole brain is affected, so the child may appear to be frozen during those few seconds. Because it affects both halves of the brain at the same time, absences occur quickly and at any moment – there is no real indication that an absentminded seizure is about to occur.

Fortunately, they usually last only a few seconds, and there are medications that can help prevent absences. We have written more about why such absences, seizures of “silent epilepsy” in older children often go unnoticed and what the dangers are, in a separate article.

Lip smacking

Mouth smacking

Babies smack their lips because they are hungry and want to eat, or perhaps right after feeding. But if the baby starts smacking his lips indiscriminately and the problem is not hunger or feeding, it could be a sign of the onset of an epileptic seizure.

This repetitive smacking of the lips to pay attention to may indicate a problem. Again, there is no real explanation as to why many people with epilepsy smack their lips when a seizure approaches-it’s just one of those things that tends to happen, one of those symptoms that show up in people with epilepsy, including infants.

Impaired reactions to loved ones

If you are trying to communicate with your child and getting no response in return, it may be a sign that a seizure is about to occur, or that the child has already had a seizure, possibly an abscence. Lack of response is important in determining the onset of an epileptic seizure and may even help identify a seizure.

This is one of the main ways to do it in newborns, because many of the other symptoms on this list are hard to detect-even medical professionals have a hard time trying to assess whether a baby has epilepsy or some other neurological condition, or if everything is okay at all.

Sources used

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Memory disorders: what they are and how they manifest themselves


Here I remember, here I don’t remember: how memory disorders manifest themselves

The human brain normally has the ability not only to perceive the world around it, but also to save the information obtained in the process. And not only to save, but also to use, extracting if necessary from “memory storages”. But sometimes there are failures in this system of perception and storage. The First Doc. tells us what types of memory disorders are known, what causes may cause them, and what they manifest themselves in.

Memory disorders and their causes

One or another memory disorder is a fairly common phenomenon. According to statistics, almost every person on Earth at least occasionally faces the fact that his memory fails him, and with more or less regular problems of this kind at least 25% of the population of the planet are familiar.

Causes of such disorders can be very different. One of the most common causes is considered by specialists to be asthenic syndrome, nervous overstrain, anxiety and depression. Asthenia can also be observed after various diseases suffered by a person.

Other causes that can cause memory impairment are more serious. These are mental illnesses and some organic lesions of the brain, including vascular abnormalities, stroke, age-related changes, tumors, injuries, etc. Memory can also be affected by alcoholism.

In some cases the disorders develop gradually without causing anxiety; in others they appear suddenly. The disorders may be expressed in varying degrees:

  • Amnesia, in which memories may be absent altogether, or only for a period of time, which is more common. There are many causes of amnesia: trauma, physical and psychological, hypoxia, poisoning by various substances, etc.
  • Hypomnesia, permanent or temporary, manifests itself in a decreased ability to remember. This disorder is more often manifested in cases of traumatic, vascular and atrophic processes affecting the brain, as well as simply in a state of overwork, physical or emotional. In addition, hypomnesia is a normal age phenomenon and occurs in old age in almost all people. Moreover, events disappear from memory in the reverse order to that in which they occurred: the most quickly forgotten what happened recently, and best kept in memory events of childhood and youth. This is the so-called “Ribault-Jackson law.
  • Hypermnesia manifests itself in memory enhancement, and a person experiencing this phenomenon gains the ability to remember significantly more information than usual. Hypermnesia can also be transient or permanent, referring to different types of information. In most cases, this phenomenon is transient, capable of manifesting itself in states of altered consciousness. For example, under the influence of hypnosis, alcohol or psychoactive substances. It is also known that hypermnesia can appear as a component of the aura associated with grand epileptic seizures. Cases of hypermnesia in people with oligophrenia have also been described: for example, one patient, whose condition was characterized as imbecility, could unmistakably name the dates of death of all the residents of the village where he lived for 35 years.

Memory impairments may concern both the inability to assimilate and record new information, events occurring, and the inability to recall previously assimilated information. The latter phenomenon is called “anekphoria”.

Fragmentary amnesia is possible. For example, memories associated with strong negative emotions, traumatic events can disappear from memory: this is the case with hysterical amnesia. But “casual losses” are also possible – fragments of memories may drop out without connection with any unpleasant events. In this case, we are talking about scotomization of memories.

One of the varieties of hysterical amnesia is fantasy pseudologia. In this case everything that the patient does not like in his biography is dropped out of memory, and the place of the “crossed out” is taken by the invented facts or events.

Moreover, the patient himself is quite sure in the truth of his memories and notions. Hysterical phantasms can have a complex, intriguing plot, and always present the personality of the patient in an excellent light, very significant, extraordinary.

Memory fads

Fads of Memory

The most well-known phenomenon associated with memory is déjà vu, in which a person feels that a situation or event has already been experienced before. There is another, similar phenomenon: jame vu. If the first one means “already seen” in French, then the second one is translated as “never seen”. And jame vu refers to a situation when a person perceives familiar faces, objects, or places as if he or she has never seen them before or known them.

Déjà vu, according to the authors of a 2018 article, is familiar to almost all people on Earth: 97% of the world’s population has experienced the feeling at least once, and 67% experience déjà vu if not regularly, then often. Jaume vu is much less common.

The exact causes of all cases are unknown. But there is undeniable evidence that déjà vu is more common in people suffering from anxiety and depressive disorders, depersonalization, and temporal lobe epilepsy. The latter also causes déjà vu, and it is especially common after a seizure, when the person is not immediately aware of where he or she is and what or who surrounds him or her.

Turkish scientists published a paper in 2013 describing a case of persistent déjà vu in a teenager suffering from temporal lobe epilepsy. The authors of the paper note that déjà vu occurring in children and adolescents should be perceived as a possible warning sign of temporal lobe epilepsy.

In many neurological disorders, such as age-related dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and others, so-called prospective memory impairment develops, in which a person forgets about his intentions, about what he was supposed to do or planned to do.

For example, the patient may forget to take pills on time, turn off the gas or water, or forget where he or she was going and why. Prospective memory impairment in such cases is clinically important in assessing the patient’s condition. This is what Julie D. Henry reports in her article. The paper was published in 2021 in Nature Reviews Neurology.

Paramnesia: memories of the unprecedented

Paramnesia: Memories of the Unseen

Confabulations are similar to hysterical phantasms and also represent false memories, the truth of which the person himself does not doubt in the slightest. But, unlike fantastical pseudologia, confabulations can have not only a grotesquely exalted character. They can also replace completely ordinary, everyday moments, or, in the case of paralytic confabulations, be completely absurd at all.

Pseudoremagnification is associated with a violation of the chronology of events. It is as if the patient is displaced in time, the past and the present are mixed up. For example, an elderly person may think that he has just graduated from the institute and started to work.

Interesting fact: Pseudoremensuration can be associated with another neurological symptom, which is that the patient forgets what he looks like and stops recognizing himself in the mirror. This is called the symptom of non-recognition.

Cryptomnesias manifest themselves as a rejection of one’s own memories, alienation from the real events of one’s life, or as appropriation of someone else’s. And it can be both the real circumstances of the lives of close or familiar people, and the plots of books or movies. For example, a woman may be sure that she is the mother of her nephews or grandchildren and “remember” how she went about being pregnant, how she gave birth to them and breastfed them. Or a sick man is sure that the movie “17 Moments of Spring” is based on the events of his life, and that he is the spy who is named Stirlitz in the movie.

Cryptomnesia also includes so-called pathological plagiarism, in which the patient attributes authorship of artistic works, inventions, or discoveries to himself, sincerely believing in the truth of his own memories of how he created them all.

Treating Memory Disorders

Treating Memory Disorders

Whenever there is a suspicion of any memory disorder, it is necessary to see a doctor immediately and undergo a complete examination. This is extremely important, since the cause of the disorder may be developing diseases of varying severity. No self-medication should not be allowed. No “memory pills” or supplements will help if there is an organic brain damage or mental illness.

The treatment is always chosen by the doctor, and it is individualized. And it can be designed for long-term or lifelong use.

And to prevent memory disorders, it is very important to lead an active lifestyle, regardless of age. The more varied a person’s activities, the more interests and social interactions in his life, the better his brain will retain its functions. The role of a proper, balanced diet, getting enough healthy sleep, and moderate and sufficient physical activity should also not be underestimated.

Sources used

  • Persistent déjà vu associated with temporal lobe epilepsy in an adolescent / Akgül S, Oksüz-Kanbur N, Turanlı G. // Turk J Pediatr. – 2013Many Faces of Déjà Vu: a Narrative Review. / BoÅ¡njak PaÅ¡ić M et al // Psychiatr Danub – 2018
  • Phenomenal characteristics of cryptomnesia / Brédart S, Lampinen JM, Defeldre AC. // Memory – 2003
  • Confabulation Resilience of the Developing Brain: A Brief Review / Christensen JN, Sørensen TA. // J Int Neuropsychol Soc. – 2019
  • Confabulation. / Wiggins A, Bunin JL. – 2021Prospective memory impairment in neurological disorders: implications and management / Henry JD. // Nat Rev Neurol. – 2021
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Danish research is on the trail of the muscle pill


Eat a pill and get bigger muscles. It sounds almost too good to be true. And it is – yet. But a research group led by Professor Simon Bekker-Jensen from the Centre for Healthy Ageing at the University of Copenhagen has come a step closer, a new study shows published in The EMBO Journal.

And it’s an “exciting study,” says Jean Farup, an associate professor of biomedicine at Aarhus University who was not part of the research team.

“Especially for frail elderly people, such advances in research are crucial, because we know that muscle strength and maintenance of bone muscles are fundamental for a good old age,” says the lecturer, whose research interests revolve around the body’s functions.

We’ll come back to the frail elderly.

Medical challenges

Medically, there is a challenge when it comes to activating ZAK-beta’s function. This is because it is more difficult to activate a protein or enzyme in the body than it is to inhibit it.

An example of a common drug that inhibits is beta blockers. They inhibit so-called Beta1 receptors in the heart. This reduces the heart rate if a person has a heart rhythm disorder.

However, Simon Bekker-Jensen says that intensive research is being done globally into medical solutions to activate proteins.

Turns on ZAK-beta protein

But first, we’d better get a handle on what Simon Bekker-Jensen and his colleagues have actually uncovered.

Precisely, it is the so-called ZAK-beta signalling protein that they have discovered.

ZAK-Beta has been shown to be an important part of the process that is activated when a muscle contracts, also known as muscle contraction.

Imagine you’re showing off how strong you are to a friend, and you’re flexing and flexing your upper arm in classic Skipper Horror fashion.

Your biceps muscle towers like an oval hump.

This muscle contraction activates the ZAK-Beta protein, which then starts a chain reaction of a myriad of mechanisms in the muscle.

Among other things, muscle growth.

“We’ve long known about the many functions that start in muscles. Be it muscle growth, repair of muscles or improvement of muscle function. But this first link, the starting signal if you like, for all these functions to turn on, we haven’t known about until now,” says Simon Bekker-Jensen, elaborating over the phone:

“It’s been like finding a needle in a haystack. There are around 30,000 different proteins, each with its own function in the muscles. But only ZAK-Beta does exactly that.”

We also know from previous research that families with mutations in ZAK-Beta suffer from diseases that weaken the mass and strength of their muscles, explains Jean Farup in an explanatory comment.

Saving the elderly debilitated patient

But to return to the elderly debilitated patient, where muscle mass may already be low, this finding of ZAK-Beta protein is very important.

“For example, when the elderly fall and break a hip, it starts a vicious cycle. They have to lie or sit down for a long period of time, during which they lose muscle mass. And there is no guarantee that they will walk again,” says Simon Bekker-Jensen.

Loss of muscle mass

Loss of muscle mass is not something that suddenly happens to the elderly. In fact, you lose between 3 and 8 percent of muscle mass a year already from around the age of 30.

Muscle strength also starts to decline around age 30 by about 0.5-1 percent a year.

But the adaptability of muscles to external stresses works throughout life. So the 70-year-old can be just as strong as a 30-year-old if training has been maintained throughout life.

Exercise can also keep bones strong. Read more in this article: Football gives 70-year-olds bones like 25-year-olds

Sources: ‘Ergonomics – Movement and work techniques‘ (2014), Simon Bekker-Jensen

“Because once the hip is healed, there may not be strength or mass left to get out and move the body again. A pill that activates the ZAK-beta protein would therefore be a huge step forward for this patient,” the professor explains.

However, Simon Bekker-Jensen won’t put a precise timeframe on when – if ever – you’ll be able to pull up the number at the pharmacy and be dispensed a muscle pill.

Already on the next trial

But Simon Bekker’s further research in ZAK-Beta is already under way.

“We are actually already working on the next phase of the research. And that includes overexpressing the ZAK-Beta gene in mice. That way we can verify that the protein works as we hope. But we’re also uncovering any side effects.”

However, it will take at least two years to make this genetic change in mice. So patience is needed, says Simon Bekker.

Jean Farup will also follow the development with great interest, especially in relation to the effect versus the side effect.

“As with all drugs in the early stages of research, you have to be sure that if you put pressure on ZAK-Beta, you won’t also create good conditions for cancer cells or inappropriate growth of heart cells,” concludes Jean Farup.

Source: Simon Bekker-Jensen, pro.medicin.dk

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Dental formulas, what are they? What do the numbers and letters in the dental formulary mean?


Teeth are bony formations located in the human oral cavity, designed for the mechanical processing of food. In addition to biting and grinding food, teeth are involved in the formation of sounds. Good dental health is essential for a good quality of life. In this article, we will talk about the structure and number of teeth, as well as look at a concept such as dental formula.

Structure and number of teeth in adults and children

As we have already said, teeth are bony formations. There are three main divisions in their structure:

  • The crown is the part that protrudes into the oral cavity;
  • Neck – the narrowed transitional section surrounded by the gingiva;
  • Root – the part of the tooth located inside the jawbone.

In humans, it is customary to distinguish between four main groups of dental elements:

  • Molars;
  • Premolars;
  • Fangs;
  • Incisors.

The permanent bite has a total of 32 teeth: 12 molars, 8 premolars, 4 canines, and 8 incisors. However, sometimes the third molars, also called wisdom teeth, do not erupt in full or are absent altogether.

Children each have 10 teeth on their upper and lower jaws – 4 incisors, 2 canines, and 4 molars.

As far as the histological structure is concerned, teeth consist of enamel, which is the hardest tissue covering the crown, dentin, which accounts for the bulk of the tooth, and cementum, which covers the dental root. The cavity of the tooth is filled with loose connective tissue – pulp containing blood and lymph vessels, nerve fibers.

Basic variants of the dental formula

Basic variants of dental formula

Many people have heard such a term as a dental formula at least once in their lives. A dental formula is a special scheme that records the order of the teeth. It is used to show the condition of a person’s dental system as clearly as possible. Also, the dental formula can be used to assess the level of biological maturity in infants and young children, which was proved by scientists from Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky in the work published in 2016.

To date, there are several variations of the dental formula.

One of them is the square-digit one. In this case, an adult’s dental formula is written in Arabic numerals, a child’s – in Roman numerals. Both dentitions are divided in half, resulting in four segments. Each of the segments contains 8 (permanent bite) or 5 (temporary bite) teeth, which are numbered from the center to the side.

Thus, the complete upper or lower dentition of an adult would look like – 8765432112345678. In a child, each of the segments may be written as follows: V IV III II I.

In addition, a universal dental formula is often used. According to it, teeth are assigned the following designations:

  • Molars are M (adult) and m (child);
  • Premolars are R;
  • Fangs – C (adult) and c (child);
  • The incisors are I (adult) and i (child).

In addition to the letter designation, the teeth are numbered according to their location in Arabic numerals, such as M3 or P2.

A complete adult dental formula would look like this: M3 M2 M1 P2 P1 C I2 I1 I1 I2 C P1 P2 M1 M2 M3.

Read also:

There are other schemes for recording dental formulas, but above we have cited two of the most popular.

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How to apply the cream in the morning and in the evening


No one will argue that the care of the face and décolleté zone is an important procedure that should not be skipped. But not everyone knows how to apply cream correctly, in what quantity, at what time and in what sequence to apply this or that product.

Daily Ritual

Habit is notoriously difficult to correct, but there are some healthy habits. One of them is the obligatory procedure before going to bed, and it has to do with cleansing and nourishing the skin of the face. It is a mistake to think that it is enough to wash your face with water, apply cream, and your skin will be protected, nourished and revitalized. This is far from it. It is necessary to work out a certain algorithm, which will make all the procedures as effective as possible.

There are several conditions:

  • Facial cleansing;
  • skin toning;
  • nourishing and moisturizing.

Not only the face itself should be covered, the neck, décolletage and eye area should not be neglected. As in any business there are certain nuances. If you know the little secrets, you can achieve great results in facial care.

An important stage is cleansing, it depends on how the skin will perceive a cosmetic product, how rested and restored overnight. It is better to remove makeup when you come home from work. Two hours before bedtime it is necessary to remove all impurities.

Foam or gel, which thoroughly removes dirt, will help. It is important not to overdry the skin and not to damage the skin when washing. Very well proven facial brushes for mechanical skin cleansing and in the form of a battery-operated gadget.

Several times a month it is necessary to carry out a deep skin cleansing. This can be done with peels, special masks and cleansers.

How to apply the cream correctly

How to apply the cream correctly

After washing you should first use a toner. As a conductor, it allows you to maximize the use of all the useful substances in the cream. It is useful both in the evening and in the morning.

There are massage lines, and with knowledge of them, you can not only nourish or moisturize the skin, but also improve the lymph flow. This is very important because stagnant lymph leads to swelling and changes in the shape of the face.

It is important to act in the right directions, because otherwise it can have the opposite effect – the skin will stretch, which will add age and wrinkles.

It is better not to smear it, but to pat the cream lightly with the pads of your fingers on your cheeks and forehead. This can improve blood flow and, as a consequence, the complexion.

Do not apply the cream immediately before going to bed, it leads to swelling. Therefore, the cream should be applied to the skin around the eyes at least 2 hours before bedtime. You should also not pull or rub the area.

Not only the face, but also the neck gives away age, so you should not forget about care for it. The cream is different here, more greasy, and the amount of cream required is much greater. Motions are directed from the bottom upwards, they are smooth, without pressing. A gentle massage before application is useful.

If you use several types of care products, always start with the more liquid consistency. It is better to use a special spatula, if the cream does not have a dispenser, so the cream stays usable for longer.

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History of Psychology as a Science


The history of psychology as a science has long roots, but the main contribution to its development was made by scientists of the 19th and 20th centuries, who were able to study the human psyche as extensively as possible, but still not to the end.

History of Psychology from Antiquity to Modern Times

At different historical stages, researchers have understood various phenomena-including the soul, consciousness, behavior, etc.-as the subject of psychology.

The first attempts to study the human psyche can be observed in antiquity. It was from that time that the understanding of psychology as the study of the soul came, and this definition was held until the eighteenth century.

For example, the materialist Democritus believed that the soul consisted of atoms and was subject to the laws of nature because it was part of nature. The idealist Plato believed the soul to be immortal and incorporeal. His writings made it possible to apply the psychological approach to many religious, pedagogical, and philosophical movements. The famous work of the time was Aristotle’s “On Soul”, in which he systematized the ideas of ancient scientists, understanding under the soul something incorporeal, due to which a person is able to think and feel.

The medieval scientists Avicenna and Leonardo da Vinci viewed the human psyche in the context of anatomico-physiological structure.

The second period in the development of psychology belongs to the New Age (seventeenth and nineteenth centuries), when they began to study consciousness rather than the soul.

The works of René Descartes, who studied human behavior by analogy with the laws of mechanics, were of great importance. He is also credited with the notion of reflex. Benedict Spinoza, John Locke and their contemporaries were interested in how consciousness works, how memory, emotions and sensations affect it.

History of psychology from the nineteenth century to the present day

History of psychology from the nineteenth century to the present day

The third stage is characterized by the emergence of science as a distinct experimental vector, which occurred in the 1960s and 1970s.

The foundation of experimental psychology was laid by Wilhelm Wundt, who opened a psychological laboratory at the University of Leipzig. Wundt was interested in psychology through the prism of anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. His ideas were reflected in the studies of Edward Titchener, who laid the groundwork for structural psychology.

As can be seen from the definition, Titchener studied the structures and elements of consciousness. His opponent, William James, believed that psychology had a functional purpose and therefore needed to study the functions of consciousness, through which the body’s adaptation to the world takes place.

In psychology, by the beginning of the twentieth century, the following current trends had taken shape: behaviorism, psychoanalysis, and Gestalt psychology.

Behaviorism as a trend was developed by John Watson, who focused on behavior as the body’s response to external stimuli. The father of psychoanalysis is traditionally considered Sigmund Freud, whose followers developed and supplemented his ideas – Alfred Adler, Erich Fromm, Erik Erikson and others. Psychoanalysis explored three spheres of the psyche: the conscious, the unconscious and the subconscious.

Gestalt psychology was discovered by Max Wertheimer and Wolfgang Köhler, who studied the psyche in terms of gestalts as holistic structures.

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Mysterious experiences reduce fear of death


What do near-death experiences and the influence of psychedelic drugs have in common? They both reduce people’s fear of dying.

According to forskning.no, researchers from the American university John Hopkins University in a recently published study investigated the similarities between the experience of being suspended between life and death and being under the influence of psychedelic drugs.

The results showed that both groups had a remarkably equal effect in their relationship to death.

The researchers had collected 3,000 participants for the study, a third of whom had had a near-death experience, while the remainder had had mystical experiences associated with taking LSD, psilocybin, DMT or ayahuasca, which were originally used by shamans in South America.

Here, 90 percent of all participants – both those with near-death experiences and psychedelics – were found to have experienced a reduced fear of death. The event had also led to them being more curious and having a more positive attitude towards death.

The two groups also responded equally that the experiences had had a spiritual or personal impact and had given them psychological insight.

But the group that had had near-death experiences without psychedelic drugs more often reported that the event had been the most significant in their lives. And the same group had also more often had the experience of being in contact with the dead.

According to forskning.no, the study showed that both types of experiences change one’s attitude towards death, and it is possible to use psychedelic drugs to help people suffering from fear of death.

However, there are some important caveats to the study’s findings. The researchers had recruited participants through online ads seeking people who had had abnormal experiences that changed their views on death.

Therefore, it is not certain that the participants in the study are representative of all people who have had a near-death experience or taken psychedelic drugs.

Source: forskning.no.

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News addiction linked to poor mental and physical health


Many people might think that following the news is a good thing. But everything in moderation, as they say.

And that probably includes news consumption. The points out a new study at least.

Because according to the study, people with a huge news consumption are more likely to suffer from stress, anxiety and physical illnesses.

It is the negative focus on problems – of which we have had enough recently – that is particularly affecting the big consumers of news.

“For these individuals, a vicious cycle can develop in which, instead of dropping out, they are led further and further in, obsessing over the news and checking updates to relieve their emotional discomfort. But that doesn’t help. Because the more they check the news, the more it starts to interfere with other aspects of their lives,” says Bryan McLaughlin, a professor in the College of Media and Communication at Texas Tech University, according to MedicalXpress .

In the study, researchers analyzed data from an online survey in which 1,100 Americans participated.

The results showed that 16.5 percent of respondents showed signs of ‘seriously problematic’ news consumption. Consumption characterised by becoming so preoccupied and personally invested in news stories that it dominates one’s thoughts to such an extent that it interferes with socialising with family and friends and makes it difficult to focus on work, in addition to restlessness and difficulty sleeping.

This group with ‘severely problematic’ news consumption was significantly more likely to experience mental and physical challenges than those with lower levels of news consumption – even after the researchers controlled for demographics and personality traits.

In the group of people who had ‘severely problematic’ news consumption, 73.6 percent had experienced mental discomfort ‘quite a lot’ or ‘very much’, compared with only 8 percent of other study participants with more normal news consumption.

In addition, 61 percent of the group suffered physical discomfort ‘quite a lot’ or ‘very much’ compared to only 6.1 percent for the group with normal news consumption.

The study was published in the scientific journal Health Communication.

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Top 6 tasty foods that can replace bread


More and more people refuse the most accessible source of carbohydrates, which in addition to fiber, vitamins, minerals contains gluten, genetically modified enzymes, dramatically increases blood sugar. In order not to refuse favorite sandwiches and not to gain extra weight, nutritionists offer several options for an adequate replacement. Especially since bread does not contain unique substances that would not be present in other products.

A helpful alternative to bread

Armenian pita

Armenian pita

Lavash made from flour, salt and water has no harmful preservatives, stabilizers, flavorings. The advantage of the product for people with intestinal diseases is the absence of yeast in the composition.

Meat, fish, vegetables, herbs, cottage cheese, mushrooms are wrapped in a thin flour product cooked without oil in a tandoor.



Manufacturers produce an alternative to bread for every taste. In the trade network sells breads diet, gluten-free, for people with diabetes, from sprouted grains, with bran.

They are made on the basis of buckwheat, oatmeal, corn, rice flour. The nutritional value of the product with less weight, but more calories increase fruit, vegetable additives, herbs, spices.

Legume scones.

Legume scones

Useful bases for making bread substitutes are lentils, beans, and peas.

A recipe for lentil tortillas
To make this diet dish, you will need:

  • 200 g red lentils;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 3 g ghee oil;
  • 1 pinch each of dried garlic, oregano, salt.

How to prepare:

  • Combine beans and seasonings with water. Process with a blender.
  • Preheat, grease a skillet with melted butter.
  • Pour the lentil batter in small portions onto the pan, forming tortillas.
  • Fry on both sides until cooked.

For more filling, variety of flavors, the tortillas are layered with fillings of cheese, chicken, avocado, vegetables.



The delicate-tasting marker of healthy eating is rich in protein, carbohydrates, fiber, powerful antioxidants, minerals, tocopherol, and B vitamins. The small seeds of a relative of beets and spinach may well replace bread. Quinoa prevents the development of diabetes, useful for digestion, suitable for people with gluten intolerance.

Seeds of the exotic crop are added to smoothies, cheesecakes, cottage cheese casseroles, to fresh cucumbers, and sun-dried tomatoes.

Black rice.

Black rice

Grains of cereal with a nutty aftertaste have no fat, lots of protein, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, manganese, magnesium, B vitamins, Omega-6, 9 unsaturated fatty acids.

Black rice is used in cooking as a base for salads, as a side dish, or as a separate dish. Half a cup of rice is equivalent to a slice of white bread in nutritional value.

Durum wheat pasta


Whole-grain pasta is a source of slow carbohydrates and healthy fiber for digestion. The product of unrefined cereals has the same properties as whole-grain bread. Nutritionists recommend eating this hearty dish with a low-calorie sauce of zucchini, tomatoes, broccoli.

Bread-free sandwich options

Sandwiches can be made with eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, mushrooms, cabbage, lettuce leaves, meat, ham, cheese:

Of eggplant.


  • 4-5 slices each of tofu, cooked smoked meat;
  • eggplant;
  • a few leaves of spinach, green lettuce;
  • favorite spices.

Grill eggplant circles on a grill or dry pan. Season with salt and pepper. Put a slice of cheese, meat, spinach, lettuce on a slice of cooked vegetable. Cover the filling with another slice of eggplant.

With egg on lettuce leaves

Food Set:

  • one egg;
  • 2 pcs. radishes;
  • 1 tomato;
  • salt, ground pepper;
  • lettuce leaves.

How to cook:

  • Fry an egg without oil. Season with pepper, salt.
  • Cut tomato, radish into circles, salt.
  • Place some of the salad leaves on a plate. Spread rings of vegetables on them.
  • Place a fried egg on top.
  • Cover with the remaining lettuce leaves.

A delicious, hearty sandwich is ready.

From cheese and tomatoes.


  • 4 slices of mozzarella;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • handful of asparagus;
  • a clove of garlic;
  • salt, pepper;
  • wine vinegar, olive oil.

Cooking steps:

  • Chop the asparagus, garlic.
  • Slice the tomatoes into rings.
  • Form a sandwich.
  • Place garlic, asparagus, and a slice of cheese on a tomato circle. Salt and pepper each layer.

Spritz the sandwich with vinegar and oil to spice up the diet dish.

From the chicken filet.


  • chicken breast;
  • 1 tsp. 10% sour cream or natural yogurt;
  • A few slices of ham;
  • spinach;
  • arugula.

How to make
Cut the breast into equal even slices. Grill it on the grill. Chop, mix herbs. Grease each chicken slice with sour cream. Place spinach and arugula on top, with a slice of ham. Cover with chicken meat.

Breadless sandwiches are a delicious healthy breakfast, snack and even a complete dinner.

If you’re not ready to give up bread completely, limit yourself to 2-3 pieces a day. Give preference to bran, rye, and whole-grain baked goods. It has fewer calories, more fiber and nutrients.

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What seasonings and spices are added to the kebab?


Meat cooked on a chargrill differs from pan-fried steaks by the smell of smoke and the unique aroma of spices. To make the kebab a success, do not forget to add to the marinade suitable spices, seasonings.

Classic Shish kebab seasoning set

The traditional seasoning mix for 1 kg of any meat includes 1 tsp. ground black pepper, 0.5 tsp. chili, 2 tsp. dried garlic. Salt and sugar are obligatory.

The sweetener, in addition to enhancing the flavor, gives the dish an appetizing crust. Garlic can be used as dry as well as fresh. The latter is added to the marinade in smaller quantities because of the more pronounced flavor. To make the meat look more appealing, paprika and turmeric are added to the spices, which color the dish brightly.

Top 10 spices for kebabs

Popular spices, spices for barbecued meat:

Laurel Leaf

Photo of the laurel leaf

Gives the product a spicy aroma and a resinous, bitter flavor, and whets the appetite. The spice eliminates bloating of the stomach, clears the airways, eliminates muscle pain.


Black pepper

The king of spices, without which no kebab mix is without. Professionals advise using peas crushed or crushed with a knife, rather than ready-made powder from a sachet. You can add black, red, white, and green peppers to the recipe.



Dried pellets impart a faint garlic flavor to the dish, but not the aroma. Fresh garlic due to the release of sulfur compounds has a pungent, spicy smell and a burning taste. The spice suppresses pathogenic microflora in the intestines, speeds up the metabolism.



Just half a teaspoon of ground seeds with the smell of burnt orange is enough to enrich the kebab with a mildly spicy taste with a sweet delicate aftertaste. Coriander lowers blood sugar levels, relieves edema, stops diarrhea. You can add coriander, which goes well with the meat.


Photo of curry seasoning

Indian spice set is more suitable for marinating chicken, fish, seafood. The spice imparts a unique flavor to products due to its complex composition. Curry is assembled from hot chillies and allspice peppers, coriander, fenugreek with a nutty flavor, cloves, cardamom, ginger.


Hops Suneli

Traditional Georgian spice mix with a lot of dry herbs has a specific aroma, slightly spicy spicy taste. This universal spice is added to meat, vegetables, fish.



Another Caucasian spice that can replace lemon juice, goes well with meat. It has a tart, sour, astringent taste and a faint sourish smell. Sumac is a ruby colored powder made from dried mature berries of the same name plant. This spice controls cholesterol metabolism, thinning the blood, and is useful for digestive disorders.



Fragrant herbs enrich the taste of a dish with a slightly bitter anise flavor and a lemony, less often vanilla aroma. Basil protects liver cells, relieves bronchospasm, fights infections.



Powdered seasoning has multifaceted, but poorly pronounced organoleptic properties, depending on the variety of pepper. The maximum sharpness on the Scoville scale – 1000 conventional units. Paprika gives meat a sweetish taste with a slight bitterness.



The spice has a nutty, slightly bitter taste, a strong spicy resinous smell that reveals itself when heated. Cumin grains are roasted in a dry pan and ground in a mortar before being added.

If desired, onions are added to the kebab, additionally seasoned with saffron, basil or thyme.

Suitable spices for pork

Suitable spices for pork

Sage, coriander, marjoram, and ginger work well with soft, juicy pork.

To take no chances and guarantee a delicious pork shish kebab, you can use two kinds of spice mixes developed by professionals.

The first is the optimal set of seasonings for 1 kg of meat:

  • The juice of two onions;
  • 1 tsp. ground black pepper;
  • A couple of pinches of thyme;
  • A pinch of coriander grains ground in a mortar;
  • Zira to taste (you can do without it).

Pokhlebkin’s spice kit for pork includes only 5 ingredients – black pepper and allspice, fresh or dried garlic, onion juice, and bay leaf.

Seasonings for other meats, fish, vegetables

Seasonings for other meats

For beef kebabs, ginger and tarragon are added to the classic set. The first ingredient softens the tough muscle fibers, the second gives a fresh, special flavor.

With chicken, duck combines tarragon, thyme, with goose nutmeg. Common seasonings for poultry are a mixture of peppers, paprika, turmeric, garlic, and basil.

Unleash the flavor of lamb and mute its specific smell with cloves, ginger, rosemary, oregano, and mint.
Paprika, cumin, honeysuneli, curry are suitable for vegetables.

Fish kebabs are seasoned with lemon juice, coriander, allspice, red pepper, and provincial herbs.
Seafood is marinated in oil with ginger, garlic, and ground red pepper before barbecuing shrimp.

How to choose seasonings for shish kebab

How to choose seasonings for kebab

To get the most out of spices, flavor, follow the rules of choice:

  • Buy spices in foil packaging. Mechanical damage is unacceptable, as they increase humidity and develop harmful microorganisms. Bloated packaging indicates that starch has been added to the spices.
  • Pay attention to the expiration date. The closer it is to the end, the more the product loses flavor and aroma.
  • Give preference to whole spices in the form of seeds, buds, pods, roots or berries. Powdered spices contain additional components and do not have a bright flavor. Mill packs are a good option.
  • In stores the product is stale on the shelves and it is difficult to call it quality. Visit a farmer’s market, where you can smell the aroma of spices from afar.

Aromatic mixture is better to make your own, selecting to the classic set of additional ingredients to your liking. In order not to spoil the kebab, do not forget to check the proportions.

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