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Signs of preterm labor


A preterm birth is when your body is preparing for labor very early in pregnancy and you give birth less than three weeks before the expected due date. The opening of the cervix and regular contractions usually occur between 20-37 weeks.

Doctors usually do everything they can to prevent premature birth. If the baby grows inside you by the time it should be born, it is less likely to have problems after birth.

The exact cause of preterm birth is unknown, but certain risk factors make it more likely. However, preterm birth can occur even in women with no risk factors.

What Increases the Risks?

Signs of preterm labor

There are many factors that increase the risk of preterm birth and some of them are as follows:

  • Smoking
  • Being overweight or very underweight before birth
  • Being in adolescence or over 40 years of age
  • Not attending pregnancy check-ups
  • Alcohol and drug use during pregnancy
  • Having conditions such as high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia, diabetes, blood clotting disorders or infection
  • Conceiving a child with certain birth defects
  • Being pregnant with a multiple birth of twins or more children
  • A family or personal history of premature birth
  • Getting pregnant again very soon after having a baby

Signs of Premature Birth

menstruation on top of pregnancy

To prevent preterm labor, you need to be aware of its warning signs. Acting quickly can make a big difference. If you have the following symptoms, contact your doctor immediately:

  • Lower back and back pain: Usually there is pain in the lower back. It can be constant or intermittent, but it does not go away even if you change position or do something else for comfort.
  • Contractions: Contractions that get faster and more intense, every 10 minutes or more often.
  • Cramps Cramps and pains in the lower abdomen, similar to menstrual cramps. They can also feel like gas pains with diarrhea.
  • Fluid coming from your vagina.
  • Flu-like symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Call your doctor even if they are mild. See your doctor if you cannot drink fluids for more than 8 hours.
  • Increased pressure in the pelvis and vagina.
  • Increased vaginal discharge.
  • Symptoms of vaginal bleeding, such as light bleeding.

Some of these can be signs of normal pregnancy and are therefore very difficult to distinguish. However, it is still helpful to consult your doctor if you see a point of concern.


Preterm birth is likely to cause some health problems for the baby, such as low birth weight, breathing problems, underdeveloped organs and vision problems. Children born prematurely are more likely to develop cerebral palsy, learning disorders and behavioral problems.

Ways to Prevent

Signs of preterm labor

You may not be able to prevent preterm labor, but there are some basic things you can do to ensure a healthy, normal, on-time birth:

  • Go for regular check-ups: With regular pregnancy check-ups, you and your baby’s health will be checked regularly. If there are any causes for concern, these can be checked. If you have a history of preterm birth or develop signs of preterm labor, you may need to see your doctor more often during pregnancy.
  • Healthy diet: A healthy pregnancy is often linked to good nutrition. Some studies have also linked a diet rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids to a lower risk of preterm birth. These fats are found in nuts, seeds, fish and some oils.
  • Avoid risky substances: If you smoke, quit. Your doctor can give you information about smoking cessation programs. Illegal drugs should also be avoided.
  • Put time between pregnancies: Some studies show that having less than six months or more than 59 months between two pregnancies can increase the risk of preterm birth.
  • Caution in the use of assisted reproductive techniques: If you plan to conceive with assisted reproductive technologies, consider how many embryos will be implanted. Multiple pregnancies carry a risk of premature birth.
  • Control chronic conditions: Chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity can increase the risk of preterm birth. Talk to your doctor about controlling these conditions.

Can I Prevent Premature Birth?

Signs of preterm labor

One of the most important things you can do to have a healthy baby is to be very healthy even before conception and to go regularly for check-ups during pregnancy.

It may not be possible to avoid preterm birth, but the following steps can help:

  • Try to reduce stress. Spend some alone and quiet time every day, ask for help when you need it.
  • Researchers see a link between gum disease and premature birth, so brush your teeth daily.
  • If you smoke, quit.

Your doctor will check your risk factors for preterm birth and tell you what precautions you should take. Measuring the length of the cervix with a transvaginal ultrasound can help estimate the risk of preterm birth. This is usually done between 20 and 28 weeks if necessary.

According to recent studies, treatment with the hormone progesterone can prevent preterm birth in some women. Vaginal progesterone was given to women with a short cervix. Women who have already experienced preterm birth and have had a baby can have a progesterone injection during pregnancy to reduce the risk.

What happens if my baby is born prematurely?

Signs of preterm labor

Approximately 1 in 10 babies are born prematurely. Most preterm babies grow normally and soon catch up with their peers.

However, the risk of problems is higher in these children. Premature babies grow a little slower than normal babies. They may take longer to turn on their backs, talk and hold things. They have a higher long-term risk of autism, mental retardation, cerebral palsy, lung problems, vision and hearing loss. Some may have problems such as emotional outbursts and hyperactivity. They may have problems with learning and reading at school.

The earlier the baby is born, the more likely it is to have problems. Babies born after 7 months usually need some time in the neonatal intensive care unit. Babies born earlier have more difficulties. These babies need special care.

When you come home from the hospital, watch out for some warning signs that may require you to call your doctor or go to the emergency room.

Breastfeeding Your baby may eat very slowly or may not get enough milk from the breast or formula. You need to feed him more often, every 3-4 hours. If your baby refuses to eat, call your doctor. If you see that your baby is having difficulty learning to suck, consult your nurse or lactation consultant.

Signs of preterm labor

Sleep Your baby may be sleepier than babies born normally. He may even sleep while sucking. Wake her up when it is time to eat. Then put him back to sleep.

Breath: If he/she has difficulty breathing, call the emergency room.

Body temperature Premature babies do not have enough fat to keep their bodies warm enough. Keep him away from cold places and keep the room warm. Dress him well in winter.

Jaundice: If your baby’s eyes and skin are yellow and he or she has problems eating, this could be a sign of jaundice. This means that the liver is not clearing enough bilirubin from the blood. Make sure jaundice is checked before you leave the hospital and call your doctor if you see any signs. If left untreated, it can cause brain damage.

Infections Premature babies do not have a fully developed immune system. This makes them vulnerable to infections. Look out for symptoms such as high fever and breathing problems.

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The articles on this site are for information purposes only. The site administrators are not responsible for attempting to apply any recipe, advice or diet, nor do they guarantee that the information provided will help or harm you personally. Be cautious and always consult a doctor or nutritionist!

*All products recommended are selected by our editorial team. Some of our articles include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, you help us earn a small commission from the seller and thus support the writing of useful and quality articles.

Miscarriage bleeding: causes and symptoms


Conception bleeding is bleeding that occurs 10-14 days after fertilization, when the fertilized egg attaches to the inner tissue of the uterus. The movement of the egg can cause mild bleeding and spotting and is completely normal and does not require any medical intervention.

In general, one-third of pregnant women will experience a breakthrough bleeding. It occurs at a similar time to a woman’s period but is much lighter than normal menstrual bleeding.

Symptoms of Menstrual Hemorrhage

Miscarriage bleeding: causes and symptoms

Menstrual bleeding is one of the early signs of pregnancy. Because it occurs close to the time of the next bleeding, many women are confused about whether it is a period or a sign of pregnancy. Below are some other signs and symptoms of spotting bleeding:

  • A mild pain (lighter than normal menstrual pain)
  • Mood swings
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Tension in the breasts
  • Low back pain

These symptoms can also be signs of menstruation or ovulation, and therefore the presence of pink-brown spotting with this bleeding does not guarantee that you are pregnant.

What does a menses bleeding look like?

Miscarriage bleeding: causes and symptoms

Menstrual bleeding is slightly different from normal menstruation. It is also important to remember that not all women have the same bleeding pattern during their periods. Some may have more intense menstrual bleeding, while others may have more irregularity.

Below are the main differences between menstrual bleeding and menstrual bleeding:

  • Color: Most women know the color of their period, whether it is heavy or light (usually ranging from bright red to dark red). Menstrual bleeding, on the other hand, is usually light pink or dark brown.
  • Clots Some women have a lot of clots in their menstrual bleeding, others not so much. There should not be any clots in the menses.
  • Quantity: Most women can fill pads and tampons during menstruation, but breakthrough bleeding is different. The term “bleeding” can sometimes be misleading because it is usually just spotting rather than a flow. A normal spotting bleed is a little pink or brown discharge that is only lightly soaked through a napkin or pants.

How long does the menses last?

Miscarriage bleeding: causes and symptoms

The bleeding should last between a few hours and three days. If the bleeding is bright or dark red in color, lasts for more than three days, or is a full discharge that fills a pad, it is unlikely to be breakthrough bleeding.

Women who are experiencing their first pregnancy usually have slightly more spotting and bleeding than women with previous pregnancies.

However, if your menstrual cycle is shorter than normal, i.e. lasts less than 3 days, if you have not filled pads and tampons, if it is pinker or browner than normal, if your contractions have been less than normal, you are more likely to have a breakthrough bleeding.

Why Does Menstrual Bleeding Occur?

10-14 days after fertilization, the embryo attaches itself to the uterine wall. This action can crack some blood vessels in the uterine wall and cause bleeding.

Menstruation occurs 11-14 days after ovulation and it is therefore possible to confuse the two. Some women think that their period is a few days early. Usually, the menses occur during the week of the expected menstrual period.

Women usually know what their normal menstrual flow looks like, and as long as there is no medication or change in stress levels, the flow, color and consistency remain the same. This is why this lighter colored pink spotting feels a bit strange.

Concerns about Menstrual Hemorrhage

Miscarriage bleeding: causes and symptoms

Mating bleeding should not be a cause for concern and does not pose any risk to the developing baby. If you experience bleeding or spotting more than a few days after your period is delayed, it is probably not a spotting bleed.

This slight bleeding after implantation is not considered normal, but there may be several reasons for its occurrence:

  • Irritation of the cervix, especially from reasons such as examination
  • Small tears caused by sexual intercourse
  • Causes such as weight lifting and sports
  • Vaginal infection

At least 50% of women who experience spotting and bleeding other than menses have a normal, healthy pregnancy.

Excessive bleeding can be a sign of something more serious, especially later in pregnancy. Molar pregnancy or miscarriage are usually the two main causes for concern. It is therefore good to inform your doctor about your bleeding. Don’t forget to mention any other symptoms you are experiencing.

Inform your doctor about spotting in the first trimester. Also inform your doctor immediately if you see any spotting in the second and third trimesters. If you experience heavy bleeding at any time during your pregnancy, contact the emergency room and your doctor immediately.

Pregnant women with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, abdominal pain, especially on one side, may be experiencing an ectopic pregnancy and should inform the doctor immediately. Contractions are normal during pregnancy, but if the pain increases, talk to your doctor.

Further Steps to be taken

Menstrual bleeding is a sign of a potential pregnancy. If you have waited until your period and the pregnancy test is negative, there is a good chance that you are not pregnant. It is normal to experience spotting bleeding when you are trying to get pregnant, but not many women experience spotting bleeding.

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The articles on this site are for information purposes only. The site administrators are not responsible for attempting to apply any recipe, advice or diet, nor do they guarantee that the information provided will help or harm you personally. Be cautious and always consult a doctor or nutritionist!

*All products recommended are selected by our editorial team. Some of our articles include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, you help us earn a small commission from the seller and thus support the writing of useful and quality articles.

Food poisoning during pregnancy


Pregnancy brings with it a higher risk of food poisoning. It can be a frightening experience for expectant parents. There are many risks associated with food poisoning during pregnancy.

The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy affect the immune system and can make you more susceptible to food poisoning.

Food poisoning occurs when a person eats a food or drinks a drink that contains bacteria, viruses, parasites or other contaminants.

Food poisoning during pregnancy can harm the baby, lead to premature birth, result in pregnancy loss or cause stillbirth. But there are many ways to prevent and treat it.

Symptoms of Food Poisoning

Food poisoning during pregnancy

Common symptoms of food poisoning include the following:

  • stomach upturn
  • abdominal pains
  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • fire

The timing of symptoms will depend on when the person ate the contaminated food and what type of food poisoning they have.

The type of food poisoning also causes various symptoms. Let’s take a look at the symptoms of the following types of food poisoning.


Food poisoning during pregnancy

Pregnant women are 10 times more likely to be infected with listeria than the general population. Symptoms can take anywhere from a week to a month to appear. These can include:

  • fire
  • muscle aches
  • headache
  • fatigue


Food poisoning during pregnancy

Salmonella symptoms appear between 6 hours and 6 days after exposure to contaminated food.

  • stomach pain
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea
  • Nausea


Food poisoning during pregnancy

Norovirus symptoms usually start 12-48 hours after consuming contaminated food or drink. Symptoms are as follows:

  • stomach pains
  • diarrhea
  • vomiting
  • nausea


Symptoms of E.coli appear 3-4 days after consumption of contaminated food and are as follows

  • stomach pains
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea


Staph symptoms can appear as quickly as 30 minutes to 8 hours. Symptoms are as follows

  • Nausea
  • vomiting
  • stomach pains
  • diarrhea

Disorders with Similar Symptoms

Below are some other conditions that give symptoms similar to food poisoning.

Food Poisoning or Gastrointestinal Inflammation?

Food poisoning during pregnancy

Gastroenteritis, also known as gastroenteritis, is very contagious and can easily be passed from person to person. This condition is an inflammation of the intestine. It can be caused by contaminated food and drinks, but the main cause is usually a bacterial or viral infection.

Food poisoning is not usually contagious. Usually the only way it can be transmitted to more than one person is if they consume the same food.

Food Poisoning or Morning Nausea?

Food poisoning during pregnancy

Morning sickness has symptoms similar to food poisoning. A person with morning sickness may have symptoms during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, but it can occur at any time.


Food poisoning can be dangerous for the unborn child as well as the parent. It can cause serious health problems for the child, pregnancy loss, premature birth, stillbirth or even death of the person carrying the child.

Developing fetuses need to get as much food as possible from the parents who carry them. If the parent cannot keep the food in the body long enough for the body to absorb it, the baby may not develop sufficiently.

A person with mild symptoms can pass the infection to their unborn child and not even realize they have food poisoning.

If the person carrying the child is infected, the child may have health problems and may even be born with food poisoning.

Food Poisoning Treatment at Home

Pregnant women should contact their doctor immediately if they have symptoms of food poisoning, but there are some things that can be done at home.


Food poisoning during pregnancy

It can be difficult to eat when you have food poisoning, but pregnant women need to gather strength and eat for themselves and their baby. It can be helpful to keep the stomach as calm as possible by eating unflavored, low-fat foods.

Here are the foods that can be eaten:

  • saltine crackers
  • Toast
  • apple sauce
  • mashed potato
  • boiled rice


Food poisoning during pregnancy

People with food poisoning are at high risk of dehydration. It is therefore important to drink enough fluids. Here are some easy ways to replace lost fluids:

  • drinking water
  • drinking juices diluted with water
  • consuming sports drinks containing electrolytes
  • consuming meat broth

Oral rehydration solutions or salts can also help to replace glucose and electrolytes. These are waters with extra salt and glucose added and help the body.

Natural Solutions

Ginger has properties that reduce nausea and vomiting. Ginger tea can also help people with these symptoms.

When to Contact a Doctor?

Food poisoning during pregnancy

If you are pregnant and think you may have food poisoning, you should contact your doctor immediately. Although most people can overcome food poisoning without medical help, pregnant women need to think about the health of the unborn child.

Contact your doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms

  • Fever over 39
  • blood in the stool
  • Diarrhea lasting more than 3 days
  • dizziness
  • dry mouth and throat
  • frequent vomiting

Ways to Prevent Food Poisoning

Although the risks of food poisoning during pregnancy can be frightening, there are ways to prevent it.

Types of Food to Avoid

Food poisoning can be caused by many different food products. But there are steps that can be taken to reduce the risk. Examples are below.

Red Meat and Poultry

Food poisoning during pregnancy

Make sure they are cooked very well. This reduces the chance of food poisoning. A meat thermometer can show when the meat has reached a safe internal temperature. For example, red meat should be heated to at least 63 degrees Celsius and should also be allowed to rest for 3 minutes after cooking.


Food poisoning during pregnancy

Unwashed and raw vegetables can cause food poisoning. Wash all vegetables thoroughly.


Consuming raw and undercooked eggs increases the risk of disease. The risk is lower with pasteurized eggs.


Milk products

Food poisoning is more likely with unpasteurized milk. This includes cheese made with unpasteurized milk.

Water Products

Pregnant women should avoid products containing raw or undercooked fish, such as sushi. Cooked seafood and canned food are less likely to cause illness.

Other foods that pregnant women should avoid are as follows:

  • raw sprouts
  • appetizer type salads
  • foie gras pate

In addition, processed and dried meat should be avoided until at least 74 degrees Celsius.

Food Safety Tips

To avoid food poisoning, pay attention to the following food safety recommendations:


Food poisoning during pregnancy

When preparing food, everything must be clean. This includes washing hands, utensils, countertops and cutting boards. This reduces the risk of infection.

Washing fresh fruit and juices in running water also removes germs that cause food poisoning.


Make sure that utensils that touch raw food do not touch cooked food. Keep raw meat, white meat, seafood and eggs away from other foods and do not mix when preparing them.


Food poisoning during pregnancy

Use a thermometer to make sure that the internal temperature of the food kills all poisoning-causing bacteria.

Cool down

Cool perishable foods immediately and make sure the refrigerator is at or below 4 degrees Celsius. Thaw frozen food in the refrigerator, in cold water or in the microwave. Bacteria can multiply quickly when food is thawed on the counter.


According to statistics, 48 million people contract foodborne diseases every year. Of these, 128,000 require hospitalization and 3,000 die.

Pregnant women are more prone to food poisoning.

Food poisoning usually goes away on its own within a few days but can be serious and even fatal in pregnant women. Following food safety steps can help you avoid food poisoning and prevent any pregnancy problems.

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The articles on this site are for information purposes only. The site administrators are not responsible for attempting to apply any recipe, advice or diet, nor do they guarantee that the information provided will help or harm you personally. Be cautious and always consult a doctor or nutritionist!

*All products recommended are selected by our editorial team. Some of our articles include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, you help us earn a small commission from the seller and thus support the writing of useful and quality articles.

Aspirin use in pregnancy


You should not take aspirin during pregnancy unless your doctor tells you not to. Because there is no data on what doses of aspirin are safe for the developing baby. Especially if you are over 30 weeks pregnant, you should avoid taking aspirin unless your doctor asks you to.

If you are at risk of pre-eclampsia or have had repeated miscarriages in the past, your doctor may recommend taking low-dose aspirin, up to 300 milligrams a day. There is some evidence that small amounts of aspirin may help reduce the risk of these conditions. So for some women, the benefits of taking small amounts of aspirin may outweigh the risks.

Aspirin use in pregnancy

Similarly, if you have been taking low-dose aspirin for a condition you had before you became pregnant, it may be safer for you and your baby to continue. It is always better to check with your doctor before suddenly stopping your prescribed medication.

Aspirin is available over the counter in daily doses of up to 4000 mg. However, taking this much aspirin can increase the risk of birth defects in the baby, such as the intestines developing outside the body. But more research is needed to find out how much aspirin poses a risk. In the meantime, it is better to avoid aspirin altogether unless the doctor strongly recommends it.

It is important to avoid taking aspirin without a prescription, especially after the thirtieth week. Studies have shown that taking too much aspirin later in pregnancy can affect the baby’s heart and blood circulation. It can also cause a decrease in amniotic fluid in the womb, which can cause problems for the baby’s lungs.

Aspirin use in pregnancy

If you took aspirin once in a while during your pregnancy, don’t worry. It is unlikely to harm your baby. The main danger is taking it regularly in full adult doses. But to stay safe, keep your doctor informed. He or she may want to do extra scans to make sure the baby is in good health.

You should also avoid ibuprofen during pregnancy. Aspirin and ibuprofen belong to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and pose similar risks to your baby.

It is not possible to say that any medicine is completely safe during pregnancy. It is therefore important to avoid taking painkillers as much as possible. However, if necessary, paracetamol is usually considered the safest option.

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The articles on this site are for information purposes only. The site administrators are not responsible for attempting to apply any recipe, advice or diet, nor do they guarantee that the information provided will help or harm you personally. Be cautious and always consult a doctor or nutritionist!

*All products recommended are selected by our editorial team. Some of our articles include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, you help us earn a small commission from the seller and thus support the writing of useful and quality articles.

What is lavender oil? What is lavender good for?


Hello everyone! I am again in a peaceful place full of abundance and fertility. I came to Isparta for roses and stayed for lavender. I wanted to tell you about lavender. What is lavender? What is lavender essential oil good for? We answer all these questions together!

What is Lavender Essential Oil?

Lavender, like rose, is one of the medicinal and aromatic plants that have been used for healing in every dimension throughout human history. It is also frequently used in aromatherapy due to its numerous benefits.

In fact, there is a story like this; Gattefosse, a French chemist who gave the name “aromatherapy” to aromatherapy; while doing research in his laboratory, he dipped his hand into a container of water to relieve the pain of his burning hand and realized that the pain suddenly passed. He realizes that what he thought the pain was relieved with water was actually lavender essential oil. And the lavender essential oil that Gattefose, who gave aromatherapy its name, accidentally put his hand in.

Lavender is an essential oil that can be safely used by everyone from 7 to 77, from babies to the elderly, from the sick to the puerperal. Lavender plant is a very useful plant used in phytotherapy due to its relaxing effects, in botany to repel mosquitoes and garden pests, and especially by organic farmers to prevent harmful insects and pests from coming to their plants.

There are Different Types of Lavender

One of the things you need to know about lavender is that there are many different types of lavender. There are 6 types of lavender that we know, that we use in aromatherapy. However, since the public does not know this very much, they may be using lavender with different effects for different things. There is lavender we call hybrid lavender, there is herbal lavender called officinalis.

Lavandula angustifolia is the real lavender that Gattefose discovered by chance and that led to the discovery of aromatherapy. When we talk about lavender for relieving pain, facilitating falling asleep, treating wounds and burns, we always talk about Lavandula angustifolia. And we know it by the leaves of the plant. The most common place in the world where this species grows is France.

Apart from these, there is a lavender derived from the black pepper, which we call Lavandula Stoechas. This is actually the black-eyed Susan, which is more common in rural areas in Turkey, in the Aegean and Central Anatolian regions. The flowers of the black-eyed Susans are different from lavender. The part of the lavender with the mauve flowers on the head is fatter and the flowers are closer to dark purple.

Lavender essential oil, which we call lavender essential oil, has soothing effects, while lavender oil extracted from black pepper has warming and stimulating properties on the contrary. Therefore, when using aromatherapy essential oils, if there is no origin and manufacturer on it; the product you buy to provide a benefit, you may experience many problems because you are using a wrong product.

There is no such thing as “I’m going to apply a lot of this, it’s natural”!

Dear friends, the origin of pharmaceutical science is already plants. For millions of years in the world, people have been getting healing from plants when there was nothing, that is, when there were no medicines. There are molecules in plants. Tons of lavender plants are steam distilled for the essential oil of lavender, which we see as a medicinal plant, an innocent plant.

As a result of that steam distillation, certain liters of very dense, very concentrated lavender essential oil is obtained. And it is put into a small 10 ml bottle. So, that high, chemical dose of tons of lavender plants goes into a small bottle. Therefore, dosage information is very important. I mean, just like medicine, it needs to be used in the right dosage.

If you say, “Let me rub this lavender all over me”, it can have different interactions. For this reason, we always dilute these essential oils in aromatherapy. We do this dilution process with odorless vegetable oils, which we call odorless base oils (almond oil, apricot kernel oil, etc.).

Three of these six types of lavender are more soothing. It has wound and burn healing properties.

Aromatherapy is a holistic healing method

What is lavender oil? What is lavender good for?

Holism means that an oil has an effect on your physical body, mind, spiritual, emotional and energy body. Because we are not only living beings with a physical body. We also have emotional, mental and energy bodies. The Eastern approach is holistic, even though the Western approach doesn’t know this very much.

Aromatherapy provides you with holistic healing. Why did I tell you this? Because you can use a lavender essential oil for any physical complaint (acne, pimples, inflammatory conditions, excessive sebum production, etc.). However, of course, you should follow the usage and dosage information very well.

If there is dandruff on the scalp, hair loss and lifelessness, cellulite problems, digestive complaints, it is also very effective.

How you use it is very important!

For such complaints, you need to use different applications. However, some of them require a very specific use. Therefore, if you are not familiar with their use, I recommend that you do not use them on your own. We talked about the physical dimension, but how do aromatherapy oils work on the emotional and spiritual dimension?

Let’s give an example of lavender oil… We said acne, we said inflammation. What we call inflammation is an inflammatory condition, there is heat. Lavender is a good antipyretic. Because it is antipyretic, it is also a good fighter against viruses and bacteria. In summer, it protects against insects and mosquitoes. On a physical level, we said it is good for these things, so it is a cold oil.

Then, it can also be effective in emotional and mental states of a warm nature. So, how? Anger, anger, anxiety are hot emotions for us. Even the face of an angry person is hot. Here, it is an oil that calms the really angry person, calms the mind, calms anger, soothes and cools. It also makes it easier to fall asleep. This is due to its pain relieving and nerve relieving effects. Here is the secret of its multidimensional functioning!

An aromatherapy oil can work in many dimensions. You use it for your acne, but your small intestine may be reacting with the acne because it is allergic to something. You put lavender essential oil on the pimple, and it can also eliminate the problem in the intestine that is allergic and causing the pimple. It’s really, really effective.

I have been interested in aromatherapy for about 15 years and the more I learn about its details, the more fascinated I become. For this reason, I want to bring it more into my life and I want to bring it more into your lives. I think that we should not rely on medicines for simple diseases and that we should always keep aromatherapy, especially lavender essential oil, in our lives to stay healthy.

How to Use Lavender Essential Oil?

What is lavender oil? What is lavender good for?

In any acne problem, you can drop lavender essential oil on the ear stick and apply it directly on the pimple. The biggest problem of acne is the accumulation of bacteria. Therefore, you need to clean your face thoroughly. If you have an odorless face wash product; You can prepare an anti-acne face wash gel by dropping about 60 drops of lavender essential oil into 100 ml of odorless face cleansing gel.

With this mixture, lather and wash thoroughly for 3 minutes in the morning and evening to ensure that it penetrates the skin well. After washing, wipe your face with rose water or lavender water as a tonic and then apply lavender essential oil directly on the pimples to fight acne. Moreover, when that pimple fades, it does not leave a stain behind.

Apply this morning and evening, until it takes effect. Nothing works miracles in two days, so I recommend doing it regularly. You can also use it as a body care oil by diluting it with apricot kernel oil or sweet almond oil. Dosage information is important here too. You need to add 30 drops of lavender essential oil to 100 ml of almond oil. This ratio cannot be used for babies or pregnant women, you need to use a lower amount.

This is a great product that relaxes you, makes it easier for you to fall asleep more easily in the evening, and if you have rashes on your body or pimples on your chest area, you will use a tremendous product with a soothing effect. I could go on for pages about lavender, but I think this is enough. I hope you liked my article. That’s all from me for today. Goodbye!

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The 7 best essential oils for anxiety


Essential oils are oils that have been used for centuries for various purposes. They have been used since ancient times in many cultures, including China, Egypt, India and Southern Europe.

Some essential oils were even used on the dead as part of the embalming process. We know this to be true from remains found in tombs over 2000 years old. Essential oils are widely used in aromatherapy. French surgeon Jean Valnet developed aromatherapy after learning that essential oils could help treat soldiers during the Second World War when medicine was in short supply.

The beauty of essential oils is that they are natural, extracted from flowers, leaves, bark or plant roots. It is good to make sure that you use pure essential oils, that is, essential oils that are not diluted with chemicals or additives. These are natural remedies that provide much-needed relief and healing for a variety of ailments, including anxiety.

Best Essential Oils for Anxiety

Anxiety is a tough battle to face every day. This is why it is important to have natural solutions, such as an essential oil blend.

In a 2014 study by the American College of Healthcare, 58 hospice patients were massaged once a week for a week with an essential oil blend diluted with 1.5 percent almond oil. The essential oil blend contained equal amounts of bergamot, frankincense and lavender oil.

As a result of the research, patients who received aromatherapy massage reported less pain and depression. This suggests that massage with a mixture of essential oils is more effective in treating pain and depression than massage therapy alone.

The best essential oils you can use for anxiety are the following:

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

The 7 best essential oils for anxiety

Lavender oil, one of the most widely used essential oils, has other benefits besides calming and relaxing effects. Lavender oil is considered to have a restorative effect on the nervous system and this essential oil is also useful in disorders such as inner peace, sleep, restlessness, irritability, panic attacks, nervous tension and stomach tension.

The second edition of Prof. Dr. Hüsnü Can BaÅŸer’s “Essential Oils Handbook: Science, Technology and Applications” by Prof. Dr. Hüsü Can BaÅŸer mentions a number of clinical studies indicating that smelling lavender essential oil reduces stress and anxiety.

In a study using oral capsules of lavender essential oil, heart rate variability while watching an anxiety-inducing movie was significantly increased compared to a placebo. This suggests that lavender has anti-anxiety effects.

Further research shows lavender’s ability to reduce anxiety in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery and in people visiting the dentist.

You can add lavender oil to a diffuser, bath water or a spray bottle filled with water to promote relaxation. You can use lavender oil with many essential oils such as geranium oil, ylang ylang oil and chamomile oil. You can also rub lavender on your wrists, temples and neck.

Rose (Rosa damascena)

The 7 best essential oils for anxiety

One of the benefits of rose essential oil is that it calms the emotional state. This is why it is the second most popular oil after lavender oil for relieving anxiety and depression and helping with panic attacks, sadness and shocks.

In a study of first-time pregnant women in the Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, one group of women received a 10-minute inhalation and foot bath with rose oil, while the other group received a 10-minute foot bath. Comparing the control group with the research group, aromatherapy and foot baths reduced anxiety during the active phase in women who had never given birth before.

Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanioides)

The 7 best essential oils for anxiety

Vetiver oil has a calm, grounding and reassuring energy. This oil often helps to bring self-awareness, calmness and stability in trauma. Active in the nervous system, it reduces tension and hypersensitivity and is also useful for panic attacks and shock.

A study published in the journal Natural Product Research examined mice exhibiting anxiety-like behaviors and found that vetiver oil may be beneficial in reducing anxiety. However, more research is needed to confirm this information from the study.

Ylang ylang (Cananga odorata)

The 7 best essential oils for anxiety

This highly popular essential oil can be used to treat anxiety and depression thanks to its calming and uplifting effects. Ylang ylang oil helps with joy, courage and optimism and calms fears. It can also soothe restlessness and nervous palpitations and can help with insomnia as it is a mild strong sedative.

A 2006 study by Geochang State University in Korea found that using lavender and bergamot oils in combination with ylang ylang oil once a day for four weeks reduced psychological stress responses and serum cortisol levels, and blood pressure in patients with hypertension.

You need to be careful when using ylang ylang oil as it can sensitize or irritate the skin. Also avoid this oil if you have low blood pressure problems. You can use ylang ylang oil at home by putting it in a diffuser. This oil creates a beautiful blend with jasmine oil and lavender oil.

Bergamot (Citrus bergamia)

The 7 best essential oils for anxiety

Bergamot is often found in Early Grey tea and has a distinctive floral taste and aroma. Bergamot oil has a calming effect and is used to provide energy to treat depression. It can also help relieve insomnia by promoting relaxation and reducing restlessness.

Bergamot oil has been shown to reduce the corticosterone response in mice. Another 2011 study hypothesized that when participants were administered a blend of essential oils, including bergamot, it could help treat depression and anxiety. The essential oil blend consisted of lavender and bergamot oils.

When the subject group was compared to the placebo group, the essential oil blend appeared to naturally lower blood pressure and heart rate, and participants in this group rated themselves as calmer and more relaxed.

Although bergamot oil is generally safe to use, it can make a person sensitive to light and increase the risk of suntan oil and rashes. It is therefore best to avoid using bergamot oil from 12 hours before sun exposure.

Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile)

The 7 best essential oils for anxiety

With a peaceful and calming scent, chamomile is beneficial for inner harmony and reduces restlessness, overthinking, anxiety and worry. An exploratory study on the antidepressant properties of chamomile at the Medical College of Pennsylvania found that this essential oil may provide a clinically significant antidepressant effect in addition to its previously observed anti-anxiety effect.

Another study published by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health found that capsules containing chamomile reduced anxiety symptoms.

Chamomile oil is generally safe to use, except for people at risk who are allergic to ragweed.

Sweetgum (Boswellia carteri or boswella sacra)

Frankincense oil is excellent for treating depression and anxiety. Because it gives a calming energy as well as a spiritual grounding. In aromatherapy, frankincense oil can help deepen meditation and calm the mind, relieving problems such as chronic stress.

A study conducted at Keimyung University in Korea showed that frankincense oil mixed with lavender and bergamot in a 1:1 ratio in aroma hand massage had a positive effect on pain and depression in hospice patients in the last stage of cancer.

How to Use Essential Oils?

You can use essential oils in three different ways: aromatherapy, digestively and topically.


When it comes to anxiety, aromatherapy is quite famous because our sense of smell stimulates strong emotional responses. We process a lot of information with our sense of smell. More specifically, we process olfactory information in the region of the brain next to the limbic region. This is the area involved in emotional processing and recall.

When the scent of the essential oil is inhaled, molecules enter the nasal cavities and stimulate mental responses in the limbic system of the brain. These stimuli regulate stress or calming responses such as heart rate, breathing patterns, production of hormones and blood pressure.

You can benefit from aromatherapy by using these essential oils in the bath, inhaling them directly, using hot water vapor, a vaporizer or room humidifier, a fan, perfume, cologne or aromatherapy diffusers.


It is possible to consume many essential oils orally. However, you need to make sure that the oils you use are safe and pure. Many commercially available oils may be diluted or mixed with synthetic substances that are not safe to digest.

According to reviews, the most effective way to consume essential oils that are safe to digest is to consume them by dropping a drop in water or putting it in a teaspoon of honey. Or you can put one or two drops of essential oil under your tongue.

Since the capillaries under the tongue are very close to the surface, the oil you drip here will pass into the bloodstream faster and go to the areas needed in the body.

You can also take essential oils in capsule form, add a few drops to a favorite drink, make tea or use them in cooking.

Topical application

Many people apply essential oils topically. Topical application involves applying the essential oil to the skin, hair, mouth, teeth, nails or mucous membranes of the body. Oils penetrate quickly when they come into contact with the skin.

Since essential oils are very powerful, it is important to dilute and mix them with a carrier oil such as sweet almond, jojoba, olive, avocado or coconut oil. You can apply the mixture directly to the desired area, on the soles of the feet, around the ears, using compresses, putting it in bath water or massaging it.

Things to Consider

Do not take essential oils by mouth or apply to the skin without proper training or dilution without medical supervision. It is very important that you understand how to best use these oils.

Before using essential oils, consult an expert and test the area where you will apply them. You need to be careful as these oils can react differently in different people, especially children and pregnant women.


Using essential oils with a calming effect to reduce anxiety and relax is very easy and completely natural.

Some of the best essential oils for anxiety include lavender, chamomile, ylang ylang, bergamot and frankincense oil. These oils can be used aromatically to create a peaceful and relaxing environment. You can also apply essential oils topically by placing a few drops on your wrists and temples to reduce stress.

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*All products recommended are selected by our editorial team. Some of our articles include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, you help us earn a small commission from the seller and thus support the writing of useful and quality articles.

Effects of Rose Essential Oil on Skin, Depression and Hormones


The scent of roses is one of those experiences that can rekindle young love and good memories. But do you know that roses are more than just a beautiful scent? These beautiful flowers also have many health benefits. Rose essential oil has been used for thousands of years to treat health problems and as a natural beauty treatment.

So what are the things that rose oil is good for? According to research and personal experience, rose oil can heal acne, balance hormones, reduce anxiety, relieve depression, reduce rosacea and naturally increase libido. Rose oil has traditionally been used to heal sadness, tension, coughs and wounds and has been used on general skin problems, allergies, headaches and as a general anti-inflammatory.

What is rose essential oil?

Where is rose essential oil obtained from? This oil is usually obtained from Isparta rose (Rosa damascena). However, it can also be obtained from Okka rose (Rosa centifolia).

Rose essential oil is the vapor distilled from the flower petals. The biggest producers of oil from Isparta roses are Bulgaria and Turkey.

Have you ever stopped to smell the roses in your life? If you have, you can be sure that the scent of roses will remind you of this experience and even enhance it. Rose essential oil has a very intense floral scent that is sweet and spicy at the same time.

According to researchers, this oil contains various therapeutic components:

Citronellol – An effective mosquito repellent (also found in the citronella plant).

Citral – powerful antimicrobial, essential for vitamin A synthesis (also found in lemongrass).

Carvone – aids digestion (also found in cumin and dill).

Citronellil Acetate – responsible for the pleasant taste and aroma that rose has, which is why it is found in many skin and beauty products.

Eugenol – also the world’s richest antioxidant, it is the most powerful component that makes cloves beneficial.

Farnesol – Natural pesticide (also found in orange blossom, jasmine and ylang-ylang).

Methyl Eugenol – Local antiseptic and anesthetic (also found in cinnamon and lemon balm).

Nerol – aromatic antibiotic compound with a sweet smell (also found in lemongrass and hops).

Phenyl Acetaldehyde – Another sweet-smelling and aromatic component found in rose (also found in chocolate).

Phenyl Geraniol – Natural geraniol, commonly found in perfumes and fruit flavors.

6 Benefits of Rose Oil

Effects of Rose Essential Oil on Skin, Depression and Hormones

Helps with depression and anxiety

One of the greatest benefits of rose oil is, of course, its ability to improve mood. When our ancestors struggled with situations where their mental state was weakened or otherwise impaired, they took refuge in the pleasant sights and scents of the flowers that surrounded them. For example, it is difficult to inhale the scent of a strong rose and not smile.

The medical journal Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice published a study to prove that such natural responses occur when rose aromatherapy is used on people suffering from depression and/or anxiety. In the study, a group of 28 women who had recently given birth were divided into two groups: a subject group that received 15-minute aromatherapy sessions twice a week for four weeks using an essential oil blend of rose and lavender, and a control group.

The results of the study were quite remarkable. Significant improvements were noted in women who received aromatherapy compared to the control group. These women showed a significant improvement not only in postpartum depression but also in general anxiety disorder.

Fights acne

Rose essential oil has many qualities that make it an excellent remedy for the skin. Rose oil alone can provide antimicrobial and aromatherapy benefits, and a few drops can be added to your lotions or creams.

According to a 2010 study, rose oil has the most antibacterial properties compared to 10 other oils. When used in combination with essential oils of thyme, lavender and cinnamon, a 0.25 percent dilution of rose oil was able to completely destroy the acne-causing bacteria Propionibacterium acnes just five minutes after application.

Effects of Rose Essential Oil on Skin, Depression and Hormones


It is no coincidence that rose oil is often at the top of the list of anti-aging oils. How does rose essential oil improve skin health and slow down the aging process? There are several reasons to answer these questions.

Rose oil primarily has powerful anti-inflammatory effects. It also contains antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause skin damage and skin aging. Free radicals can damage skin tissue, causing wrinkles, lines and dehydration.

Increases libido

Because rose oil is anti-anxiety, it can help men with sexual dysfunction due to performance anxiety and stress. It can also help regulate hormones to increase sexual desire.

In a 2015 clinical study, 60 male patients with major depression disorder who experienced sexual dysfunction as a result of the use of antidepressants known as serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) were examined.

As a result of the study, sexual dysfunction improved in male patients using rose essential oil. In addition, as sexual dysfunction improved in these people, symptoms of depression decreased.

Heals painful menstrual periods

A 2016 clinical trial examined the effects of rose essential oil on women with painful menstrual periods (dysmenorrhea). In primary dysmenorrhea, pain in the lower abdomen occurs just before or during menstruation in the absence of other diseases such as chocolate cysts.

In the study, 100 patients were divided into two groups: one group received nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, while the other group received anti-inflammatories with aromatherapy consisting of 2 percent rose essential oil.

Within 10 minutes, no significant difference was found between the two groups. However, after 30 minutes, patients who received rose aromatherapy reported less pain than patients in the other group.

The general conclusion of this study was that aromatherapy with rose essential oil, which is not a pharmacological treatment method, can help relieve pain in women with primary dysmenorrhea if used as an adjunct to traditional treatment methods.

Effects of Rose Essential Oil on Skin, Depression and Hormones

Natural perfume

Rose oil is widely used in the perfume industry to make perfumes and to fragrance various cosmetic products. Rose essential oil can be used as a stand-alone perfume with its sweet and floral yet slightly spicy scent. With just a few drops of rose essential oil, you can avoid perfumes full of harmful synthetic fragrances.

How to choose and how to use rose essential oil?

You can find rose essential oil online or in various stores. Have you ever wondered why rose essential oil is so expensive? Because it takes about 5 thousand rose petals to distill just half a liter of oil.

The products you see sold as rose absolutes usually use a carrier oil such as jojoba oil. This way you can get more affordable products. However, you won’t get the powerful therapeutic effects of pure rose oil. You also get a concentrated form of rose scent, which is obtained through the use of chemical solvents.

A high quality rose oil will certainly be expensive. But this will be the best and purest option, and even a small bottle will last a long time.

Effects of Rose Essential Oil on Skin, Depression and Hormones

How to use rose essential oil?

There are some basic ways you can use rose essential oil:

  • To use it aromatically, you can diffuse the oil into your home with a diffuser or inhale it directly. If you want to make a natural air freshener, you can put water and a few drops of oil in a spray bottle.
  • If you want to use it topically, you can apply rose oil undiluted on the skin. However, it is better to dilute it 1:1 with carrier oils such as coconut and jojoba oil before applying it to your skin. After diluting the oil, try it on a small area. If you don’t see a negative reaction, you can use the mixture as a face serum, add it to bath water or add it to lotions and shower gels. Since the rose absolute is already diluted, you do not need to dilute it again.

You can use rose essential oil as follows to provide health benefits:

  • Depression and anxiety: Use rose oil and lavender oil together in a diffuser or apply 1-2 drops on your wrists and the back of your neck.
  • Acne: If you suffer from acne, try applying a drop of rose essential oil to the blemished areas three times a day. Use a sterile cotton swab to do this. If the antimicrobial power of the oil is too much, dilute it with a little coconut oil.
  • Libido Put the oil in a diffuser or apply 2-3 drops on your neck and chest. For a therapeutic massage to increase libido, use rose oil with a carrier oil such as jojoba, coconut or olive oil.
  • Skin health: Apply topically and add to your facial cleansing gel, shower gel or lotion.
  • Natural perfume 1-2 drops of rose oil behind your ears or on your wrists will be enough.

If you want to use rose oil in your home products, it is good to know that this oil is compatible with bergamot, chamomile, sage, fennel, geranium, immortelle, lavender, lemon, orange blossom, patchouli, sandalwood and ylang ylang oils.

Precautions for Rose Essential Oil

You can’t drink rose hips oil. First of all, you need to pay attention to this.

Also, do not use essential oils too close to mucus membranes, such as your eyes. If you have sensitive skin, always dilute rose oil with a carrier oil and test on a small area before applying to large areas.

Keep essential oils out of the reach of children and pets.

Last but not least

Rose essential oil is usually obtained from the Isparta rose (Rosa damascena) and it takes about 5 thousand rose petals to extract half a liter of oil. Therefore, it is one of the most expensive essential oils.

The benefits of rose essential oil are as follows:

  • It improves mood, especially in anxiety and depression.
  • Increases libido.
  • It can be used to fight acne and can improve skin health with anti-aging effects.
  • Provides relief during painful menstrual periods.
  • It can be used as a natural perfume without harmful synthetic fragrances.

Rose essential oil can be used as follows: You can put it in a diffuser and diffuse it into the air or use it topically on your body.

The best rose oil is 100 percent pure, certified organic and therapeutic grade. Although these oils can be expensive, even a small bottle will offer long-term use.

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The articles on this site are for information purposes only. The site administrators are not responsible for attempting to apply any recipe, advice or diet, nor do they guarantee that the information provided will help or harm you personally. Be cautious and always consult a doctor or nutritionist!

*All products recommended are selected by our editorial team. Some of our articles include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, you help us earn a small commission from the seller and thus support the writing of useful and quality articles.

The 10 Best Anti-Inflammatory Oils for Cooking


The oil we use in cooking is actually the basic ingredient in everything we cook. We add oil to vegetables and meat before we put them in the pan, we use oil to moisten the baked goods we make at home, and we add oil to salads.

Cooking oil adds to the taste and texture of food, while also helping to enhance or counteract the nutritional benefits of the food. The heart-friendly cooking oils you can find on grocery store shelves are generally considered anti-inflammatory. Regular consumption of these oils has been scientifically linked to preventing chronic inflammation, which can lead to chronic diseases, cognitive decline and other health problems.

However, not all fats are beneficial in terms of their nutritional value. On the contrary, some fats contribute to inflammation in the body. You can read why not all fats are the same in this article. You can also check the list of anti-inflammatory oils to find out which oils are beneficial.

Why Do Some Fats Cause Inflammation?

The reason why some cooking oils cause inflammation is because they are rich in saturated fats. Diets high in saturated fats can increase bad (LDL) cholesterol, which can lead to an increased risk of heart attack. It is normally recommended to keep the proportion of saturated fats in the diet below 5 percent.

Saturated fats are mainly found in meat products, but some cooking oils are also high in saturated fats. Coconut and palm oil are high in saturated fats. Although coconut oil is touted as healthy, it is high in saturated fats and should be avoided. You can still use coconut oil in moderation in your skin and hair care routines or in the kitchen. Although this oil can add a nice flavor to some dishes, it is not heart-healthy to do so.

Palm oil is mostly found in processed foods. In addition to the high saturated fats in palm oil, forests are damaged to obtain this oil. For these two reasons, you may want to consider avoiding palm oil.

In short, you need to use coconut and palm oil in moderation. So which oils can you use for cooking? You can find the answer in the list below.

1. Olive oil

The 10 Best Anti-Inflammatory Oils for Cooking

Olive oil ranks first among edible oils in Mediterranean countries. This oil is rich in omega-3 acids, which are beneficial for heart health. In addition to being rich in healthy fatty acids, olive oil is a good source of antioxidants. For this reason, it has been linked to reducing inflammation in many scientific studies. Olive oil has a high smoke point, making it an excellent oil to use on a daily basis.

2. Avocado oil

Benefits of Avocado Oil for Hair

You already know how rich in nutrients avocados are. Many of the nutrients in this fruit are also found in avocado oil. Just like olive oil, avocado oil is rich in unsaturated fats and is associated with reducing inflammation.

3. Walnut oil

The 10 Best Anti-Inflammatory Oils for Cooking

Scientific research shows that regular consumption of walnut oil helps reduce inflammation and keeps blood sugar levels stable. The fact that this oil is rich in nutrients is not surprising when we consider the benefits of walnuts, especially for heart health.

4. Flaxseed oil

The 10 Best Anti-Inflammatory Oils for Cooking

Flaxseed oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Flaxseed oil, fibers and flax lignans are thought to be beneficial for cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis and the reduction of autoimmune and neurological diseases.

5. Pumpkin seed oil

The 10 Best Anti-Inflammatory Oils for Cooking

According to scientific research, pumpkin seed oil is associated with reducing inflammation because it is rich in unsaturated fats and antioxidants. It is also associated with helping to prevent type 2 diabetes, hypertension and some types of cancer.

6. Sunflower oil

The 10 Best Anti-Inflammatory Oils for Cooking

Sunflower oil is rich in vitamin E. One tablespoon of oil contains 28 percent of the daily recommended amount of vitamin E. Sunflower oil has a high smoke point and no pungent taste. However, this oil contains a lot of omega-6 fats. If you consume too much omega-6 fatty acids, it can cause inflammation in the body. Therefore, you should pay attention to balancing omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and consume sunflower oil in reasonable amounts.

7. Peanut oil

The 10 Best Anti-Inflammatory Oils for Cooking

Peanut oil is rich in monounsaturated fats. You can feel the taste and smell of peanuts in this oil, which has an aromatic taste. This oil, which is useful at high temperatures, is resistant to high temperatures.

8. Sesame oil

The 10 Best Anti-Inflammatory Oils for Cooking

Sesame oil usually has a pungent aroma. Rich in single and multiple fatty acids, this oil contains no other important nutrients. Sesame oil with a high smoke point can be used at high temperatures.

9. Safflower oil

The 10 Best Anti-Inflammatory Oils for Cooking

The smoke point of safflower oil is approximately 265°C. Safflower oil is obtained from the safflower plant from the daisy family. Safflower oil is low in saturated fat and high in unsaturated fatty acids. There is research showing that safflower oil can reduce inflammation, control blood sugar and may be beneficial in obesity and type 2 diabetes in postmenopausal women. This oil has a neutral taste and can be used in sauces and frying.

10. Canola oil

The 10 Best Anti-Inflammatory Oils for Cooking

Canola oil is obtained from rapeseed, a flowering plant, and contains monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. This oil has a high smoke point and can be used in high temperature cooking. However, you may want to opt for cold-pressed oils, as the nutritional value decreases when this oil is processed too much.

Cooking with anti-inflammatory oils is an excellent way to enjoy the health benefits of food. However, because these oils have different flavors, they give different results in different dishes. So experiment to find the oils that you like the taste of. When you choose a good oil, your food will taste delicious and your body will benefit.




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*All products recommended are selected by our editorial team. Some of our articles include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, you help us earn a small commission from the seller and thus support the writing of useful and quality articles.

Coping with Dementia


Things like forgetfulness, temporary confusion, difficulty remembering a name or word are a normal part of life. But when thinking problems or unusual behaviors start to interfere with daily activities such as working, preparing meals or checking your finances, it’s time to see a doctor. These can be signs of dementia, or what is commonly known as senile dementia.

Dementia is a brain disorder that usually affects older people. It is caused by the death or failure of nerve cells in the brain. According to some estimates, a third of people over the age of 85 have Alzheimer’s disease. While age is the biggest risk factor for dementia, it is not a normal part of getting older. Some people can live well into their 90s without showing any signs of dementia.

Dementia itself is not actually a disease. Rather, it is a group of symptoms caused by different diseases. Symptoms of dementia can include problems with memory, thinking, language, but also reduced social skills and some behavioral symptoms.

Some factors increase your risk of developing dementia. These include aging, smoking, uncontrolled diabetes, high blood pressure and drinking too much alcohol. The risk is also increased if a close family member has dementia.

Dementia symptoms can be reversed when they are caused by dehydration or other treatable conditions. But most cases of dementia worsen over time and there is no cure. Scientists are looking for ways to slow down this process and even prevent it from starting.

The two most common causes of dementia in older people are Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia, which is caused by changes in the brain’s blood supply. Vascular dementia is usually caused by atherosclerosis or stroke. Other causes of dementia include Parkinson’s disease, HIV, head injuries and Lewy body disease.

Coping with Dementia

In people under 60, dementia is usually caused by a group of brain disorders called frontotemporal disorders. This condition starts in the front or side parts of the brain and spreads gradually. A rare, inherited form of Alzheimer’s disease can occur in people in their 30s, 40s and 50s.

The symptoms of dementia can vary depending on which parts of the brain are damaged. In general, the left side of the brain is involved in language, while the right side is involved in social behavior.

In the case of frontotemporal disorder, if the problem starts on the left side of the brain, language problems can worsen; if it starts on the right side, behavior can be affected and it can be confused with psychiatric disorders. Damage to certain areas of the brain can cause a person to become insensitive, unable to stop themselves or to care about the feelings of others.

In Alzheimer’s disease, memory-related areas in the front and back of the brain tend to be affected first. In other types of dementia, the areas that control movement may be affected.

The treatment of all these disorders is slightly different. It is therefore important to get the right diagnosis.

Since different types of dementia can have similar symptoms and some people may have more than one condition, it is worth seeing a doctor who specializes in dementia.

To diagnose, the doctor usually looks at the person’s medical history and performs a physical examination, including blood tests. Thinking, memory and language skills are also checked and sometimes brain scans may be performed. This assessment can determine whether the symptoms are caused by treatable conditions such as depression, infection or medication side effects.

Some types of dementia cannot be fully diagnosed until the brain is examined after death. There is no single blood test or brain scan that can fully diagnose Alzheimer’s disease or other sources of dementia in one go. In this case, the final diagnosis can only be made through an autopsy.

Coping with Dementia

A few decades ago, scientists discovered a method for detecting signs of Alzheimer’s disease in living people. All people with Alzheimer’s disease have abnormal protein masses called amyloid plaques. These plaques can be detected in positron emission tomography with special substances that bind to amyloid. However, some people with excessive plaque accumulation show no signs of dementia. Because of this uncertainty, amyloid imaging is not considered sufficient for a full diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Other techniques are being worked on, but none have yielded a complete and definitive result.

A lot of research is currently underway into the pre-symptomatic stages of the disease, in which amyloid proteins can be detected before symptoms appear. Therefore, they are working on whether it is possible to prevent the accumulation of this amyloid protein with drugs. So far, there has been no significant improvement in symptoms after ridding the brain of this amyloid build-up.

Treatment options for Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and some other forms of dementia are still being evaluated. Currently approved medicines can improve symptoms, but none can stop or reverse the damage to the brain.

However, if dementia is caused by vascular disease, there are many ways to prevent it from progressing. This is very similar to preventing cardiovascular problems. Some people with vascular dementia are given anti-coagulants. Others may be given medicines for blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes.

A healthy lifestyle can help protect the ageing brain. Regular exercise, a healthy diet and avoiding smoking reduce risk factors for both heart disease and dementia. Being socially engaged and engaging in intellectually stimulating activities can also help maintain brain function. By making healthy choices, you can have a healthier brain.

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What You Should Know About Uterine Fibroids in Menopause


Uterine fibroids are common formations and about 80 percent of women have fibroids by the age of 50. Uterine fibroids can cause mild symptoms as well as severe symptoms. It is not known what causes fibroids, but it is known that these benign formations change over time.

Experts do not know why fibroids form, but it is known that they are associated with estrogen production. As the body changes, the likelihood of fibroids forming in the uterus changes. With menopause, there is usually a decrease in the symptoms caused by fibroids.

What Happens in Menopause?

What You Should Know About Uterine Fibroids in Menopause

During menopause, the body goes through a natural process of change. Missing periods for 12 months in a row signals the end of a woman’s reproductive years.

The period leading up to menopause is called perimenopause. During perimenopause, most women begin to experience some changes and symptoms.

Some of the changes that occur in the body during menopause are as follows:

  • The ovaries stop producing estrogen and progesterone.
  • The ovaries stop releasing eggs into the fallopian tubes.
  • The menstrual cycle ends completely.

Do Fibroids Shrink in Menopause?

What You Should Know About Uterine Fibroids in Menopause

Female hormones have an effect on the formation of fibroids. Hormones such as estrogen and progesterone increase the risk of fibroids forming. These hormones are most secreted during the childbearing years.

These hormones decrease as the body enters menopause. With menopause, the function of the ovaries decreases and they stop producing estrogen.

As menopause approaches, uterine fibroids may shrink. In many women, the symptoms associated with fibroids even disappear. The risk of new fibroids also decreases with menopause.

When menstrual cycles end, fibroids go to sleep. So the ovaries hibernate everything.

Fibroids, although rare, can also occur after menopause. Although the exact cause of this is unknown, fibroids that form during menopause usually cause milder symptoms.

How is uterine fibroids treated?

What You Should Know About Uterine Fibroids in Menopause

Treatment for uterine fibroids will vary depending on your age and symptoms. Various hormonal treatments and surgical interventions are possible in the pre-menopausal period. However, every woman’s body and every fibroid is different from each other. Therefore, there is no single treatment option for everyone.

Fibroids are all different sizes and located in different places. For this reason, the symptoms caused by fibroids may appear differently in everyone.

However, by a certain age, fibroids and/or symptoms usually disappear. Menopause is effective in reducing the symptoms caused by uterine fibroids. Therefore, you will probably not need treatment at this time, unless your doctor advises otherwise.

It is important to make sure that the problems you are experiencing are caused by uterine fibroids. Some women experience heavy bleeding after menopause. This is usually not a sign that fibroids have formed or that the fibroids are getting worse.

Symptoms experienced during menopause can be a sign of other problems. Therefore, if you experience unusual symptoms, you should not assume that they are caused by fibroids and ignore them.

People who have had fibroids in the past may attribute the heavy bleeding they experience later in life to fibroids. However, fibroids rarely cause symptoms after menopause. So if you have postmenopausal bleeding, your body may be trying to tell you something else. In this case, you should visit your doctor as soon as possible.

Your doctor may order various tests and scans to identify the factors causing your symptoms. He or she may also try to detect the problem with a pelvic examination.

Fibroids rarely cause bleeding in the post-uterine period. Fibroids that occur during menopause usually do not cause symptoms. In this case, fibroids will not need to be treated. If menopausal fibroids do not cause you any discomfort or symptoms, there is nothing to worry about.

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The articles on this site are for information purposes only. The site administrators are not responsible for attempting to apply any recipe, advice or diet, nor do they guarantee that the information provided will help or harm you personally. Be cautious and always consult a doctor or nutritionist!

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