Health is prevention, knowledge and treatment. In this section we will provide you with information about the human body and the functioning of organs, diseases and illnesses, the main treatments for each of them, and the first aid you should know.
What medicines should not be taken together: the pharmacist answers
Drugs banned in some countries but allowed in others
Interval fasting – why the 8-hour food window? Who chose the number?
What are the dangers of carotid artery occlusion?
Hereditary microspherocytosis: symptoms and characteristics
12 foods with analgesic properties. What foods could be an alternative to painkillers?
Acidification of the body: truths and myths” Strong bones and an alkaline diet: there is a link.
15 signs of epilepsy in a baby: Epilepsy in infants is not always visible
Memory disorders: what they are and how they manifest themselves