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Healthy living

Why do they add bread, eggs, starch, semolina, and potatoes to meatballs ?

One of the most popular dishes in Europe cuisine is meatballs . They have gained their popularity due to their relatively simple preparation and...

Soy sauce: what is it made of and where can it be added?

Sosul de soia este un condiment care își are originea în China. În mod tradițional, este fabricat din boabe de soia, sare de mare și apă. Poate fi folosit pentru a adăuga aromă la multe feluri de mâncare și este, de asemenea, excelent pentru gătit.

Muer mushroom (auricularia auricularia): description and benefits

Ciuperca Muer, cunoscută și sub numele de auricularia auricularia, este un tip de ciupercă comestibilă care crește pe ramurile copacilor. Aflați mai multe despre beneficiile și utilizările acestei ciuperci aici.

Morel mushroom: photo, description, benefits and contraindications

Morel mushrooms are edible, but can be poisonous if eaten raw. Learn more about this interesting mushroom, including the nutritional benefits, how to cook and how to identify this tasty mushroom.

Cocoa beans: health benefits, properties, nutrition and recipes

Cocoa beans provide a wealth of health benefits, and cocoas are one of the most popular food items in the world. This article provides all the nutritional information you need to know about cocoa beans.

Green beans: benefits, nutrition and recipes

Green beans are one of the most economical and sustainable vegetables to grow at home. Here's how to grow them, as well as a few quick recipes for green beans.

Black beans: useful properties and recipes

There are about 90 varieties of beans today. One of these species is the black bean, which is considered a unique and sparsely distributed...

Canned peas: useful properties and contraindications

The method of canning is recognized as one of the most convenient and reliable for preserving food. It is very convenient to store legumes...

Pea sprouts: useful properties and contraindications

The legume family is considered one of the earliest species that man began to cultivate. The benefits of beans, lentils and peas are undeniable...

Chickpea sprouts: useful properties and contraindications

Germenii de năut sunt un tip de germeni comestibili, care sunt semințele unei plante de năut care au germinat. Sunt adesea consumați cruzi în salate, sandvișuri și, ocazional, ca înlocuitor al salatei proaspete sau al spanacului.

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