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The First Doc.


How to properly sauté bacon at home: 2 unusual recipes

There are many ways to salt bacon. We have selected the best recipes, by which you are sure to get excellent salted bacon.

Wound healing stages, secondary healing

Wound healing stages, secondary healing What happens during the wound healing process?

How to help the heart? Nutrition and activity in children after illness

How to help the heart? Nutrition and activity in children after illness Are children lethargic, quickly tired and cranky? Parental observation can help prevent heart disease.

How to feed your child garlic and onions: easy recipes

How to feed children with a severe aversion to garlic and onions? Simple salad recipes in which even the finicky and gourmet will not find onions and garlic.

Listening is an important skill in developing relationships

Everyone feels good when they are listened to attentively in a conversation. But not everyone knows how to do it. How to fix it?

Relationships of girlfriends: quarrels and ways of reconciliation

Relațiile dintre prietene: certuri și modalități de reconciliere. Dezacorduri și neînțelegeri între prietene - un lucru obișnuit. Principalul lucru este să tratezi conflictele cu calm, să ceri iertare și să ierți.

Relationship Psychology: How to Give the Right Advice?

Is it worth listening to the advice of others? The psychology of relationships between advisors and people who need help.

People’s Wishes: The True Attitude of Dreams

Some people have to work all the time and put in a lot of effort to make their dreams come true, but they never...

Abdominal slimming exercises with a fitball for beginners

How to choose a fitball and how to exercise with it? Learn all the information you need, and use a set of effective exercises for successful weight loss.

What fitness and nutrition for endomorphs should be like

People who are rounded, lush, broad-boned, and usually short in stature are of the type known as endomorphs. It is very difficult for them...

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