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5 signs of bronchial asthma in young children


Asthma is the most common lung disease in children. Undiagnosed or poorly treated asthma in young children can lead not only to routine hospitalizations, but also to the need for emergency care. The fact that a young child usually cannot express his or her distress means that an incorrect or delayed diagnosis is not uncommon.

Children often have a variety of acute respiratory infections that can mask signs of bronchial asthma, which contributes to lung tissue damage.

Children’s or pediatric asthma is the same disease as asthma in adults, but children experience slightly different symptoms. And parents need to be aware of them so they can see a doctor in time to start controlling the disease. Here’s what you need to pay attention to.

Confused breathing or shortness of breath

One of the most common signs that a child may have asthma is frequent shortness of breath. The pulmonary airways become narrow and swollen and fill with mucus because of asthma.

When a child suffers an asthma attack, the muscles surrounding the airways tense and the mucous membrane of the airways swells. As a result, less air enters the lungs, causing shortness of breath.

Note any rapid breathing or signs that may indicate forced breathing.


Experts at the American Asthma and Allergy Foundation point out that there are several risk factors for developing asthma in infants. Risk factors may include a family history of asthma, allergies and atopic dermatitis or eczema, and respiratory infections. A baby is also at higher risk for asthma if there was a premature birth or if the mother smoked during pregnancy.

In addition, researchers at Erasmus University Rotterdam have concluded that maternal depression and anxiety during pregnancy are significantly associated with both asthma and impaired lung function in their children.

Persistent wheezing.

Persistent wheezing

Recurrent or persistent wheezing is a typical symptom of asthma. Whistling wheezing is a whistling sound that occurs when a child breathes in and out. The wheezing is caused by constriction of the airways as well as inflammation anywhere between the throat and the lungs.

Although wheezing on its own may not be a sign that a child has asthma, when combined with other symptoms, it can be a sign of illness. There are other conditions that can cause wheezing, including bronchitis, allergies, and airway infections. Read more about possible causes of wheezing in children in a separate article.

Chest tightness

Chest tightness is another common symptom of asthma. It is often associated with chest and stomach pain. The baby may feel that something is pressing or squeezing his chest. In such cases, the baby may cry or grip his chest in pain.

Constipation or tightness in the chest may be frequent, infrequent, or persistent, depending on the child’s condition. This symptom may occur alone or along with other asthma symptoms.


A new study has shown that in babies who grow up in villages, the gut microbiome undergoes changes early in life that protect against the development of asthma.

Researchers from the Allergy Protection Project: a study in a rural environment confirmed previous beliefs that early contact with farm animals (e.g., in the countryside) helps build stronger immunity to allergies and asthma due to microbes produced in the gut flora.

They found that a relatively large part of the protective “village effect” against childhood asthma was mediated by maturation of the gut microbiome in the first year of life through exposure to environmental factors.

The Univercity of Munich study also found that Roseburia and Coprococcus bacteria were the most beneficial. Children who grew up around farm animals had more of these bacteria in their intestines compared to other children.

Frequent coughing

Coughing in a child is most often caused by SARS or bronchitis, but it can also be a symptom of asthma. If the cough is frequent or does not go away after a while, you need to find out if asthma is the cause. A recurrent cough usually occurs late at night or early in the morning.

The cough can get worse if the child is sick with a viral infection. An attack can also be triggered by cold air or exercise, or develop when the child sleeps. Be sure to see your pediatrician if your child’s cough persists for more than two weeks.

Sleep Problems

Sleep Problems

If your baby has trouble falling asleep, it may be a sign of asthma: intermittent sleep is one of the companions of this condition. Asthma symptoms, such as trouble breathing, coughing, or wheezing, are usually most pronounced at night. A study by researchers at the University of Alberta suggests that chronic insomnia may exacerbate asthma symptoms.

Fortunately, treating childhood asthma usually eliminates sleep problems.

How do doctors diagnose asthma?

Asthma is usually diagnosed after an interview and review of medical history, as well as a physical examination and tests to measure the flow of air into and out of the lungs. The test can be quite tricky for the baby because it requires blowing hard into a special tube.

Blood tests or skin allergy tests can help determine if your baby has allergic reactions that cause worsening conditions and asthma attacks.

Although there is no cure for asthma to cure the disease, it is possible to relieve symptoms and control the disease to prevent lung damage. Early diagnosis and initiation of therapy also helps to get the right medications and dosages more quickly, protecting your baby from frightening attacks and helping him or her grow and develop better.

Sources used

An approach to the asthma-protective farm effect by geocoding: Good farms and better farms / Müller-Rompa SEK, Markevych I, Hose AJ, et al. // Pediatr Allergy Immunol. – 2018

Parental psychological distress during pregnancy and the risk of childhood lower lung function and asthma: a population-based prospective cohort study / van Meel ER, Saharan G, Jaddoe VW, et al // Thorax – 2020

Individual circadian preference (chronotype) is associated with asthma and allergic symptoms among adolescents / Prasun Haldar, Anne-Elie Carsin, Smriti Debnath, et al // ERJ Open Research – 2020

The articles on this site are for information purposes only. The site administrators are not responsible for attempting to apply any recipe, advice or diet, nor do they guarantee that the information provided will help or harm you personally. Be cautious and always consult a doctor or nutritionist!

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How to properly sauté bacon at home: 2 unusual recipes


Bacon is a favorite product of many nations. It is revered not only in Slavic countries, but also in Italy, Spain, Germany and even England (remember the slices of bacon with eggs). The product not only gives gastronomic pleasure of eating it, but it is also very healthy, despite its high caloric content.

Bacon is rich in vitamins, phosphorus and selenium and contains arachidonic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, heart and brain.

As a food, bacon is eaten smoked, boiled or baked. But the best flavoring properties of this product are in pickling. The First Doc. experts will tell you how to salt bacon correctly for a perfect snack.

Recipes for salting bacon from experienced chefs

Recipes for salting lard from experienced chefs

Bacon in onion husks

Do you want to know how to properly salt bacon so that it acquires a beautiful golden color and slightly resembles smoked bacon? The most common onion peel will help.

1 kg of fresh bacon (can be with meat streaks) thoroughly washed, dried and cut into 2-3 pieces. Pour 50 g of onion husks with a liter of clean water, add 5 tbsp. salt, 1 tbsp. sugar, a bay leaf, 6 peppercorns.

Bring the water with the onion husks to a boil, immerse the bacon in it and boil for 2-3 minutes.

Take the pan off the heat and leave the bacon in the brine for 10 hours. Finished product thoroughly dry and rub with your favorite spices. This can be a mixture of peppers, paprika, garlic.

“Striped” bacon with adjika and garlic

Products needed:

  • A piece of raw bacon , at least 5 cm thick – 500 g.
  • Parsley greens – 6 sprigs.
  • Ajika spicy – 2 tbsp.
  • Garlic – 3 cloves.
  • Rock salt.
  • Onion – 1 pc.

Chop the greens as finely as possible, sprinkle with salt and combine with the chopped garlic.

Wash the bacon, dry it, and cut off the skin from it. Make three deep cuts along the piece on one side (not reaching 1 centimeter to the edge) and two cuts on the opposite side so that an accordion is formed. Coat the inside of the bacon with adzhika from the side where the two cuts are made. Fill the remaining notches with a mixture of garlic and herbs.

Sprinkle the cooked billet liberally with salt and black pepper on top. Shred the onion in half rings. Put the fat on the onion pillow and wrap it in clingfilm. Place the preparation in the refrigerator for three days.

Free the ready bacon from the foil, remove excess salt with a knife and place it in the freezer for 6-7 hours. You have a nice and spicy snack.

How do you choose a quality product for pickling?

The taste of the finished salted pork fat depends more on the original product than on the skill of the hostess. When selecting a suitable piece of bacon in the store or on the market counter, pay attention to its flavor and color. A quality product should have a pleasant, milky smell and a white-pink color.

Evaluate the appearance of the pelt. It is good if it is dark in color with a slight smoke flavor. Such a skin will be very soft and tasty after salting.

Try to find out from the seller from which part of the carcass your chosen piece is from. The back part is a real delicacy with a particularly delicate texture.

The articles on this site are for information purposes only. The site administrators are not responsible for attempting to apply any recipe, advice or diet, nor do they guarantee that the information provided will help or harm you personally. Be cautious and always consult a doctor or nutritionist!

*All products recommended by thefirstdoc.com are selected by our editorial team. Some of our articles include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, you help us earn a small commission from the seller and thus support the writing of useful and quality articles.

Wound healing stages, secondary healing


As you know, a wound is any violation of the integrity of the skin and underlying tissues as a result of mechanical traumatic effects on them. Every year millions of people of all ages visit trauma centers because of wounds of one or another localization.

In some cases, tissue damage is even a reason for hospitalization (with extensive or complicated wounds). In this article we will talk about the course of the wound process and secondary healing.

The healing process of wound defects

The healing process of wound defects

The wound process refers to the phenomena that occur in a wound from the time it appears until it is completely healed.

To date, it is customary to distinguish three stages of wound healing:

  • Inflammation;
  • regeneration;
  • Epithelialization.

The inflammation stage begins at the moment of tissue damage and, in the absence of any complications, lasts about four or five days. Initially there is spasm of vascular structures, thrombosis, followed by expansion of small vessels. There are phenomena of exudation with release of plasma proteins, migration of blood cells to the lesion. There occurs prolapse of fibrin threads.

As a result of increased osmotic pressure in tissues edema develops, the surrounding tissues are infiltrated. Clinically, this stage is manifested by edema and reddening of the lesion site.

The second stage, as we have already said, is called regeneration. Its average duration is from two to four weeks. Signs of edema and exudation decrease. There is an active formation of new collagen, new blood and lymphatic vessels are formed, the place of tissue defect is filled with granulation tissue.

The last stage is epithelialization. Its duration can vary considerably, which will be determined by the depth and area of tissue damage. During this period the wound defect is closed with epithelium, starting from the edges, moving towards the central part. In parallel, connective tissue matures and a scar is formed.

Types of healing

There are three main types of wound defect healing:

  • Healing by primary tension is the most favorable option, usually found in surgical, noninfected wounds. It occurs when the edges are even, the distance between them is not more than one centimeter. There is no suppuration and an even, linear scar is formed.
  • Wound healing by secondary tension is the overgrowth of the wound site through suppuration. In this case the wound defect is filled with granulation tissue with subsequent fibrosis and epithelialization, and formation of a rough scar. This variant is usually found in septic wounds, which was proved by scientists from the A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry in a paper published in 2018. Secondary tension healing occurs when there are extensive tissue defects, foreign bodies, or necrotic tissue in the wound.
  • Healing under the scab occurs when the integrity of the superficial layers of the skin is compromised (the growth layer is not affected). In this case a scar is not formed, the wound defect tightens under the crust.

The articles on this site are for information purposes only. The site administrators are not responsible for attempting to apply any recipe, advice or diet, nor do they guarantee that the information provided will help or harm you personally. Be cautious and always consult a doctor or nutritionist!

*All products recommended by thefirstdoc.com are selected by our editorial team. Some of our articles include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, you help us earn a small commission from the seller and thus support the writing of useful and quality articles.

How to help the heart? Nutrition and activity in children after illness


Children feel weak for a while after being ill. And this is normal, because during the illness, the baby’s body spent a lot of energy fighting infection and viruses. But what points in the child’s behavior should you pay attention to, so as not to miss the symptoms of heart disease?

Preventing heart disease in children after an infection

Prevention of heart disease in children after an infection

A child’s growth, development, and health depend on whether the baby’s heart is developing properly, whether it has time to get strong enough to handle the stresses, and whether it can withstand an attack of viruses?

A child’s heart is very vulnerable and can be affected by many diseases: pyelonephritis, measles, chicken pox, pneumonia, angina, or the common cold. An infection can sometimes provoke inflammation of the heart muscle – myocarditis.

Toxic substances released by viruses and bacteria cause damage to the muscle fibers of the child’s myocardium. As a result, the child’s heart beats faster or slower than it should, its cavities may expand, and most importantly, it becomes weaker.

If children have had any kind of infection, they should be monitored closely for a month. Myocardial symptoms usually appear in the third or fourth week after convalescence, when there seems to be no more trouble to come.

Therefore, you need to pay attention to how children tolerate physical activity? Do they take part in active games? Do they tire quickly? Do they have shortness of breath after moving games or running? If lethargy, rapid fatigue, lack of appetite, poor mood or even swollen feet are observed – these symptoms should be noted and the child should be seen by a pediatric cardiologist.

In order to ease the child’s heart, the child’s level of physical activity should be clearly monitored for one month after any infection.

It is not recommended to excite him, we are also talking about pleasant excitement (surprise is also stressful). You should put your baby to bed, take him for walks and feed him at certain times.

It is necessary to check the pulse rate regularly. The normal heart rate for a newborn baby is 150-160, for children after one year of age it is 120, and after five years of age it is 100 per minute. Check the pulse rate should be at rest: with physical activity and as a result of excitement, the pulse rate is naturally increased. If the baby’s heart rate has deviations from the norm, you need to show your child to the doctor.

Diet in a baby’s diet after an infection

Diet in a child's diet after an infection

To improve the health of children after illness, it is recommended to follow a diet that strengthens the heart muscle. Babies should eat protein foods daily: meat, fish products, cottage cheese, kefir, and yogurt. From the diet excluded fried, spicy, salty and smoked foods. The child should eat five meals a day, and portions should be small.

Often the baby does not want to have breakfast. And you do not need to force it! Let him have a little snack, and at about eleven o’clock you can have breakfast. Important rule of nutrition – do not overfeed at night: it is negatively reflected in the health of children.

For a weakened heart – a big dinner – a hard ordeal. The last meal should be two hours before bedtime, and before going to bed you can give an apple, a glass of kefir, low-fat yogurt.

In addition, the heart muscle needs potassium as well as B vitamins. The latter can be purchased in the pharmacy in the form of vitamin complexes, and potassium can provide the children’s heart with the consumption of raisins, bananas, apricots, bananas, figs, prunes, persimmons, as well as jacket baked potatoes, eggplants, herring, semolina, buckwheat and barley porridge.

You should not completely give up fats: such diets have a negative effect on children’s health because of the lack of useful substances. It is not recommended to use such a diet during the period of active growth.

Experts say that in the diet of a child two years of age and older, the proportion of fats consumed should not exceed 30% of all daily calories. Fatty red sea fish is extremely useful in this regard.

It is necessary to give children salads prepared from fresh vegetables with the addition of vegetable oil, which contains a large amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids that supply energy to the heart muscle and play an important role in the process of cellular repair. Due to the beneficial qualities of this food, fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E, so necessary for the weakened heart, are better absorbed from fresh vegetable salads and greens.

Healthy drinks and fresh air for the vigor and health of children

Healthy Drinks and Fresh Air to Keep Kids Invigorated and Healthy

Is your baby lethargic and quickly tired? There is no need to follow the example of some mothers who offer their child strong tea or coffee for breakfast in an attempt to cheer him up. With one cup of coffee, the body receives about 200 mg of caffeine. Even as medicine, this substance is prescribed to children in doses four times smaller than that contained in one cup of coffee.

The effects of caffeine force the baby’s weakened heart to beat at an accelerated rate, which has a very negative effect on his health.

It is desirable to replace traditional coffee with chicory. Children can also be offered tea, but only weak and with milk – it neutralizes the negative effects of caffeine.

But delicious cocoa cooked with milk can safely include in the child’s diet. Such a drink will only be good for the child’s heart – it contains very necessary for him magnesium. But do not forget that the less sweetness in cocoa, the better-the added sugar in the drink prevents the absorption of magnesium and other nutrients.

Walking outdoors is a great way to cheer up children. It is not necessary to immediately offer your baby to run or play active games. During a short walk during daylight hours, you can offer him to feed the ducks in the pond, collect leaves or just take a walk in the park.

It is not recommended immediately the day after discharge to send your child to kindergarten, it is desirable to spend a couple of days with him at home.

Although the child is already healthy, his body has not yet fully recovered from the illness and, as a rule, it is still hard for him to withstand the physical and emotional stress of a preschool institution.

Proper nutrition and moderate physical activity will help your baby recover faster after illness and gain strength for growth and activity.

The articles on this site are for information purposes only. The site administrators are not responsible for attempting to apply any recipe, advice or diet, nor do they guarantee that the information provided will help or harm you personally. Be cautious and always consult a doctor or nutritionist!

*All products recommended by thefirstdoc.com are selected by our editorial team. Some of our articles include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, you help us earn a small commission from the seller and thus support the writing of useful and quality articles.

How to feed your child garlic and onions: easy recipes


How often do you hear about children refusing onions and garlic? Very often, practically through one, children refuse these useful products for health and prevention of colds, even if just a week ago there were no problems.

Parents are trying to find a solution to this problem in different ways, some are waiting for the age when such dislike will pass and be forgotten, some are looking for recipes for salads, snacks, soups and second courses in which you can “hide” garlic and onions.

What are the health benefits of garlic and onions for children?

What are the benefits of garlic and onions for children?

Talk about the useful properties of garlic and onions, it is an excellent prevention of colds and respiratory infections in the season of increased morbidity. The unique composition draws attention – a large number of vitamins B, A, C and PP, essential amino acids.

Onions contain iron, which is necessary for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia, and potassium, which regulates the heart muscle. In addition, garlic will promote the production of bile, and it is especially desirable to add it to fatty dishes that are difficult to digest, and give it to all children with digestive problems.

But in order for these products to retain their useful properties, they must reach the table with children fresh, without heat treatment. The best way to feed your child with garlic and onions are salads, recipes which are within the power of even the busiest mom.

Why don’t kids like onions and garlic?

Onions and garlic are very different from many other foods in terms of their taste and aroma. Often children talk about these products – “burns the tongue”, “stings the nose and eyes”. Such a reaction is justified by the special volatile substances that irritate the delicate mucous membranes, and nature is genetically designed that the bitter is equal to the poisons.

That is why children perceive onions and garlic as something inedible, dangerous and sometimes appropriate reactions can form – urges to vomit, lack of appetite, etc.

The smell, sight, and presence of garlic and onions in dishes even some adults find inappropriate, but still more often than not this dislike is simply outgrown and remains in childhood.

An aversion to onions is a quite normal reaction of children, and there is no need to panic and look for underlying problems. Some psychologists and specialists do not even recommend forcibly giving a child dishes with these products, waiting for the time when children voluntarily want to try them.

By the way, not all onions and garlic turn out to be “evil.” There are many varieties of onions, such as salad onions, red onions, which have a pleasant, sweet taste, garlic can also be substituted for the green shoots of sprouted garlic.

Because of the variety of products and the digestive peculiarities of children, the following salad recipes are adapted for children aged 3 – 5 years. Salad recipes for older children will differ in ingredients, because their diet is as close to an adult’s as possible.

Simple salad recipes for children under 3 years old

Simple salad recipes for children under 3 years old

Simple recipes for any meal for children 3 years should not only be safe, but the dish should turn out beautiful, brightly decorated and arouse appetite. Even the simplest semolina, thanks to the fruits and jams can shine with bright colors and a desire to eat it. What to say about salads, because their recipes encourage parents to combine bright vegetables and fruits, to experiment and play with colors.

The simplest salad recipe in which you can easily “hide” onions can be called a vinaigrette. The classic vinaigrette recipe, can be recommended for the diet of children after 1.5 years. What is the advantage of vinaigrette? The fact that the bright colors of vegetables, their coloring properties will simply hide the onions, and even the smallest picky child just can’t find them.

For the vinaigrette you will need:

  • Boiled beets – 1 medium;
  • Boiled potatoes – 2 medium sized;
  • Boiled carrots – 1 medium size;
  • Pickles – 2 pcs;
  • Sauerkraut – 200g;
  • Canned peas – 2 tbsp;
  • Onion – half of a medium onion;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Herbs.

In these simple recipes, known since childhood, each family makes variations and twists. But still, the main thing in the preparation of the salad – to observe the technology of cooking. The first thing to start with is shredding the beets into small cubes.

Onions, which according to the recipe is added to the salad immediately after the beets, should be very finely chopped. If it is decided to grind the onions into a puree, the amount should be halved.

Next, the sliced beets and onions should be dressed with vegetable oil, it can be the usual sunflower oil, olive oil, or mustard oil, to which you should take a closer look.

In terms of its properties, it is not inferior to olive oil, and even better than it – it stimulates digestion, contains a large number of useful substances – vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and has a pleasant taste.

Subsequently, the rest of the ingredients are added to the vinaigrette – in the form of small cubes, and the resulting mixture is given to infuse for about an hour. The coloring properties of the beets will hide all signs of “crime,” and the riot of flavor of the vegetables will help in this case.

Other simple recipes include salads with garlic. For example, the salad “Tenderness” – a combination of the neutral taste of chicken breast, sweet prunes, tinged with garlic and onions, will not leave anyone indifferent.

The recipe for the salad is very simple, requiring a minimum of preparation and skill. Its preparation requires:

  • Half of a boiled chicken breast;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • Prunes – 20 g;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves (medium size, or one large);
  • ¼ onion;
  • Yogurt dressing.

Cut the boiled breast into cubes or break it into fibers, finely chop or grate the boiled eggs, add the finely chopped onion and the garlic, skipped through a press. Cut the prunes into julienne strips or cubes and scald them with boiling water.

The dressing can be sour cream, yogurt (natural without fruit or any other additives). If you use homemade mayonnaise as dressing, then the salad can be given to children closer to 3 years old, if the mayonnaise is bought in the store, then only after 3 years.

Garlic and onion salad recipes for children ages 3 and up to 5

Garlic and onion salad recipes for children ages 3 and up to 5

Children ages 3 and up have more advanced digestive systems and can be offered a greater variety of foods in their diet. A variety of fish, including salted fish such as herring, can appear in the diet.

The simplest recipe for herring salads can be called “herring under a fur coat”. Recipes for herring under a fur coat differ in every family, sometimes boiled carrots and pickles appear in it, but the classic recipe involves a layer-by-layer structure of the salad:

  • herring;
  • finely chopped onions;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • egg;
  • A mixed layer of egg and potato;
  • Beets.

Each layer is smeared with mayonnaise, which can be made at home, and the recipes for its preparation are simple, or you can buy it in the store. To stimulate more interest in children, you can wrap herring under the fur coat in a roll, or make it in the form of baskets in half boiled eggs.

Before you search for simple salad recipes in a cookbook, get your imagination on. Virtually any salad base, can be modernized. The simplest example would be a “Greek salad. To make it, you will need:

  • Lettuce leaf – bundle;
  • Fresh tomatoes (cherry tomatoes are better) – 200 g;
  • Fresh cucumbers – 200 g;
  • Cauliflower pepper – 1 pc;
  • Fetax/brynza/fetaki cheese
  • Salad onions (or red onions) – ½ onion;
  • Garlic – 1-2 cloves;
  • Vegetable oils.

Recipes for making this salad for children do not involve the use of vinegar, since it is only allowed after 5 years of age. The first thing to start preparing the salad is to make the dressing. Passing through a garlic press and finely chopped onion, you need to mix it with vegetable oil and salt and grind in a mortar. This dressing should “rest” and soak juices for 10-15 minutes.

The lettuce leaves should be cut into small pieces, the peppers should be cut into strips, and the rest – into cubes, and everything should be mixed. There is still a lot of debate about which cheese to choose, for children, it is best to choose fetaki/fetaxa – less salty cheese, with a pleasant taste and consistency. The resulting salad should be dressed with dressing.

The articles on this site are for information purposes only. The site administrators are not responsible for attempting to apply any recipe, advice or diet, nor do they guarantee that the information provided will help or harm you personally. Be cautious and always consult a doctor or nutritionist!

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Listening is an important skill in developing relationships


When talking to someone, do you often think only about the topic of the conversation, abstracting from extraneous thoughts? Probably not that often. But don’t feel bad-you’re not alone in that. Such a seemingly insignificant defect as inability to listen can be a serious obstacle to building both personal and business relationships.

Listening, Relationships, and the Psychology of Communication

Listening, Relationships, and the Psychology of Communication

According to numerous studies in the field of communication psychology, only about ten percent of the entire population knows how to listen effectively. In today’s world, people are so often distracted by news, music, social media, games, and more, not to mention work, that it is very difficult for them to concentrate on one topic of conversation with another person.

But if one concentrates poorly on the subject of the conversation, distracted by extraneous stimuli, the dialogue may go unconstructively and the relationship between the interlocutors will deteriorate. The feeling that a person is listening to his interlocutor is deceptive. This is found out after the listener is asked qualifying questions that he or she cannot answer.

The psychology of communication implies mutual active listening. When interlocutors not only let each other speak, but also listen to what they are told, reacting appropriately to remarks. Why do we need to be active and attentive listeners?

Effective listening is a skill that underlies all positive human relationships. It is an important stepping stone to success in many areas of life. According to numerous studies, the ability to listen and hear properly helps a person focus on understanding others, which in turn helps build trust, improve relationships with others, reduce conflict situations, and motivate and inspire others by successfully communicating their point of view.

Listening and hearing in communication

Listening and hearing in communication

For good, productive communication, it is important to be able to both listen and hear. But it is important to distinguish between these two similar concepts. The first most often means simply perceiving sounds by hearing, and the second means understanding and correctly recognizing the meaning of what you hear. The latter concept is much more important and requires certain skills.

A good listener will be able to understand not only what is being said, but importantly, what his interlocutor is not saying. The psychology of communication interprets effective listening as the correct reading of verbal and nonverbal signs (facial expressions, gestures, posture, gait). At times, body language can clarify a lot of important information that has not been voiced in speech.

But to become a good conversationalist and an effective listener, it is not necessary at all to be a professional forensic scientist or psychologist. It is enough to master the basic rules and recommendations by constantly practicing, doing communication exercises and improving your skills. Below are some practical and simple recommendations for improving this skill:

Rules for effective listening

Know how to be quiet

Often after exchanging traditional greetings, one of the participants in the dialogue concentrates only on his message, forgetting to give the floor to his interlocutor. This interferes with building an effective conversation and negatively affects the relationship of the speakers to each other. Always remember the saying about two ears and one language. Try to listen to your interlocutor first, without interrupting, and only then speak.

Relax and focus.

It can be difficult to concentrate during a conversation if there is any internal tension, anxiety, or external stimulus. Before starting an important conversation, it is useful to breathe in and out deeply, relax the body and eyes, forget about other things for a while, and focus only on the topic of the conversation.

If you are very busy, and there is a possibility to postpone the dialogue for later, then do so, so that you don’t waste time on ineffective communication.

Show your interest

Show your interest

Good, productive relationships are built on sincerity and reciprocity. It’s important to get the person you’re talking to to trust you, to open up and not feel like a burden. Try to catch his emotional background and match it correctly. Maintain eye contact with the speaker and show genuine interest in his/her words. Competently use gestures of attentive listening, such as an approving smile, a nod, a slight tilt towards the interlocutor, etc.

Respect the speaker’s opinion

Many people have a habit of interpreting in their own way what they are told and of drawing conclusions based only on their opinion. Such people usually interrupt without listening to their interlocutor and without understanding the essence of the problem, and begin to advance their own point of view. In that way there is no understanding between people, and the conversation can remain unproductive.

To avoid this, it is important to listen to the person’s opinion to the end, without rushing to your own interpretation. Even if you don’t agree with the person, always emphasize your respect for their point of view and only then share your thoughts.

Be patient.

Any conversation can consist not only of phrases, but also of pauses, which not everyone knows how to endure. A short pause in statements does not mean the end of the conversation. After all, the interlocutor sometimes needs time to think about the next phrase.

At such moments, it is important not to interrupt the speaker and not to be distracted by other topics, forgetting about the essence of the conversation. During the pauses it is useful to reflect on the meaning of the conversation and the necessary clarifying questions.

Ask questions.

Correct clarifying questions are an important indicator of active listening. They can be asked both in the course of statements (between pauses), and at the end of the conversation. It is important that your questions do not confuse the speaker with his main idea, but help him to reveal it better.

This will help the speaker to get your point across, and it will help you to understand the conversation more easily. Questions will make the conversation more interesting and give you a chance to get more useful information.

Do exercises together.

The best way to learn to listen is through constant practice. For example, there’s one simple exercise that’s easy to do for at least four minutes a day. You need to find yourself a helper and a stopwatch. Position yourselves across from each other, so that nothing distracts you.

For two minutes, one person should talk about something and the other person should listen attentively, nodding his or her head to express understanding. Then they change roles. At the end, questions can be used to check how accurately the listener has assimilated the information.

The idea is that the person learns to concentrate on listening, to understand and to control the desire to interrupt or to divert from the topic of conversation.

Be sure to try the above recommendations and exercises in practice, and you will notice that your ability to listen and understand your interlocutor will noticeably increase.

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Relationships of girlfriends: quarrels and ways of reconciliation


Some men perceive female friendship with irony. They are convinced that the relations of the fair sex can be called a friendship, but in no case such a loud and meaningful word as friendship. Of course, the girls do not share the opinion of guys, and examples of true friendship prove the opposite. The weaker half of mankind is able to help, support, listen, empathize …

Conflicts and quarrels in female friendship

Of course, women’s relationships are not always serene. And there’s nothing wrong or surprising about that. Friends have a right to express their own opinions and defend their point of view. And if people do not agree in views, or life paths at a time diverge, then between them there may be quarrels and misunderstandings. But fragile creatures find the strength to understand and forgive.

Having solved a problem, listened and dealt with what happened, sometimes it is not easy to start communicating again, as if nothing had happened. Only true friends can do that, and friendships, as you know, are tested by time.

Quarrels often happen spontaneously, sometimes a real scandal breaks out on the spot, the main characters of which are close people. Unfortunately, at this point a person ceases to control his or her emotions, and may say too much. Hurt goes deep into the heart, especially if the offender is a friend.

For this reason the road to reconciliation can be thorny and long. And to overcome it, you must first understand the reason for the conflict, to analyze the situation, and only then act.

Relationship with boyfriend causes girlfriend jealousy

There is a popular belief that most often girls fight over boyfriends. There is some truth in this statement: a large number of such scenarios are vivid evidence of this.

For example: single girls have been friends for years, they spend every free minute together. And then one of them meets a guy with whom she gets into a serious relationship. She wants to see her beloved as often as possible. The behavior of a girl in love is natural, but there is practically no time left for her friend.

One cannot say that after falling in love a woman forgets about her friend at all. She tries to find her a beau among the friends of her chosen one, drops in for a cup of coffee if possible, invites her to a movie or shopping, periodically arranges a date for three, which, as a rule, looks ridiculous.

In the latter case, in addition to the comicality of the situation, there is a chance that the girl’s well-meaning aspirations will turn against her. Over time, she may find that the boyfriend and girlfriend look at each other with interest. They have a lot of common topics of conversation, and there are times when they simply don’t notice her. Jealousy and resentment build up in her heart.

It is possible that the efforts of the woman who has met her love are in vain, and her friend still feels abandoned. She refuses to go on threesomes, and sadly recalls the times when no man stood between them.

How do you fix a relationship with your girlfriend?

How do you fix a relationship with a girlfriend?

Neither situation is conducive to the development of a normal, trusting relationship. Friendship in both cases is destroyed by banal jealousy. What should women do?

If you are the girl who was jealous of her beloved’s friend, then by all means apologize. By stopping to trust, you have hurt the feelings of the dear person. And it is really so, because trust and jealousy are incompatible concepts.

You have to believe that the person you know a long time, share their joys and sorrows, talk about their emotional distress, and ask for advice, will not be able to “knock off” your boyfriend, because he knows the pain you will feel in doing so.

It’s also worth reconsidering your behavior and your relationship with your girlfriend. It’s good that you take female friendship so seriously, but everyone should have a private life. You yourself have made your girlfriend an inseparable part of your tandem.

You shouldn’t ask her out on dates. This is a world of two lovers and there is no place for a third. Such an approach will help to avoid the possibility of unpleasant situations.

If you were lucky enough to meet love, but your faithful friend finds it very difficult to accept the fact that you can no longer spend all your free time together, try to understand her. She really feels lonely and abandoned. It’s hard for her, which is why she is offended and upset.

If we are talking about a real friend, deep down she is happy for you, it’s just a drastically changed situation, takes her out of her usual rut.

Explain that you care about her as much as you did before, and you value the relationship. But life flows, circumstances change, and perhaps she will be in your place tomorrow. Promise that in any case, you will provide the necessary help and support. You remain the same person, with the same habits and attitudes, only happier, as love gives people wings.

Envy and friendship are incompatible.

Envy and friendship are incompatible.

There should be no envy between people who are close to each other. At the same time, none of us is immune from this feeling. We compare ourselves with other people, and sometimes it seems that they are happier, richer, more beautiful. Women’s friendship and envy should not go hand in hand, but, unfortunately, sometimes they have to “touch”.

When you can’t control your feelings, the only thing left is to work on yourself and apologize. In this case, both girls must change their psychology of behavior. You can’t brag, praise your achievements and merits, put yourself above the others, then there will be fewer reasons for envy.

To restrain emotions, to be able to rejoice for others, to be there for them in sorrow and in happiness – these are the ingredients of a true women’s friendship.

Learn to treat your girlfriends with understanding, give them freedom and the opportunity to build a personal life. Everyone is entitled to their own secrets, their own space, and a friend is no exception.

He can share experiences and feelings, but only when he wants to, you can not insist in any case. And even more insulting for the fact that you are not devoted to all the secrets.

Friendship is the complete acceptance of a person. We notice the faults of a friend, but we put up with them easily.

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Relationship Psychology: How to Give the Right Advice?


The psychology of human relationships is often built on mutual assistance through advice and guidance. Advice is a valuable thing, and the person who gives it out left and right feels experienced and significant. The recipient of friendly advice also feels gratified by the attention he or she receives. Still, advice should be given with care, otherwise the effect can be just the opposite.

Even the most well-meaning advice can do harm. Because, unlike the recommendations of professionals, personal advice is not just a reasonable suggestion, it is also the psychology of the relationship. And in relationships it is not always easy to foresee all the nuances.

The effect of the advice habit on the psychology of human relationships

Giving specific advice in the form of “Do this!” is rather insecure. For example, when persistently persuading an acquaintance to change to a better-paying job, one sincerely expects words of gratitude and compliments about one’s insights. However, as a result, he may receive neither, since his friend did not like the work. And in this, of course, the advisor is to blame, even though he acted with the best of intentions.

Why does this happen? The reason is that human psychology is an individual concept, i.e. everyone has his own needs. And confidence of some characters that they know well the needs and desires of other people often turns out to be erroneous, so it is hardly worth giving such categorical advice to others. Even if he likes it and will be perceived at first as a sincere support and desire to help.

The psychology of human communication is such that probably everyone at least once in his life turned to someone for help in solving difficult problems. And probably everyone at least once has given advice to someone. Sometimes advice is really valuable, and as a result, people want to advise and receive similar help from others again and again.

In the language of the psychologist, there is a displacement of motive towards the goal. The person already asks for help not with the goal of knowing how to solve a problem, but simply to get advice. In other words, he or she has this psychology of communication – he or she needs the attention and support of others.

Such behavior is characteristic of people who experienced a lack of attention from adults in childhood. They were taught from an early age that they are already adults and should decide for themselves what to do, strongly believing that such actions bring up independence in children.

People who lacked care and attention in childhood try to make up for this deficit in adult life relationships. They ask for advice from colleagues, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances; such people more often than others turn to a psychologist. And as close friends they prefer to see those who do not like to use advice, but gladly give it, they are attracted to the psychology of a confident and authoritative person for whom recognition and respect of others is important.

What are the negative aspects of this psychology of communication? Dependence on the habit of taking the advice of others does not give a person the opportunity to develop. People who both accept and give advice become accustomed to receiving emotions in the only habitual way.

The first will never become independent and learn to make his or her own decisions, and the second will continue to raise his or her self-esteem at the expense of others.

Psychology of Communication: How to Give the Right Advice?

The psychology of communication: how to give the right advice?

You don’t have to give advice too often.

Practice shows that if you give out advice left and right, there will be fewer and fewer people willing to listen to it. And if you constantly ask for advice from others, the latter will soon stop answering and will perceive it as a special psychology of relations, which is not to everyone’s liking.

You have to think it over before you give advice

Advice given immediately is often taken as duty. In addition, they do not provide an opportunity to discuss all the nuances of the problem. Good advice can follow only after careful consideration of all options for solving the problem.

Advice should be vague and ambiguous

Direct advice binds both the party giving it and the party taking it. Good advice is considered to be that which implies room for one’s own reflection and at the same time contains useful information. It can be expressed in the form of a story: “A friend of mine also wanted to have her lips enlarged, and now she…”

Advice can also be given by resorting to proverbs and sayings

It is also acceptable to use allegories, fairy tales, some well-known stories for this purpose. Such advice is very valuable because it affects human psychology not directly, but through the subconsciousness. Innuendoes and hints help one to see the problem more distinctly, with all the nuances and even to foresee the possible consequences. Man suddenly understands himself how to act and feels a sense of gratitude for the wisdom of the one who so timely led him to this idea. This is truly good advice.

Human psychology: the right attitude to advice

Human psychology: the right attitude toward advice

One should not trust too much in other people’s opinions and unquestioningly follow all advice and recommendations, even if parents and other close people act as advisors. This applies both to work, to the psychology of relationships in personal life, and to the issues of your own health. Undoubtedly, parents will not advise bad things. But, first and foremost, it is still their opinion, and not an unquestioning instruction to execute.

How often people with serious illnesses, not wanting to go to the doctor, use useless advice from friends, aggravating an already difficult situation. As for interpersonal relationships, do not forget that independence has positive aspects such as self-confidence and high self-esteem. Therefore, to begin with, it is necessary to give up at least one piece of advice and make an independent decision.

Some people hardly ever use other people’s advice; it only helps them to organize their thoughts and gives them information to think about. Wanting to listen to as many opinions as possible, such people consult everyone who agrees to listen to them – a neighbor, a child’s teacher, even a fellow traveler on public transportation.

This is the wrong position, because in this case, there is a high probability of a spontaneous, emotion-based choice. Therefore, after talking to everyone, you should pause and try not to think about the problem for a while. After that it will be easier to make a decision.

Sometimes advice is the last hope to resolve a difficult issue. A person asks for help in solving an issue only in difficult situations. When he is doing well, hints and recommendations only irritate him and he doesn’t even hide it.

Such people should learn to be more tolerant of the opinion of others, accepting with gratitude their advice, because no matter what, they are sincerely trying to help and make every effort to do so. Otherwise, the next time you have to ask for help again, you can get rejected.

Sometimes the psychology of relations with others is such that a person feels as if with advice and recommendations they are trying to humiliate him and convince him of his own inadequacy. Therefore, he/she perceives everything negatively, sometimes even showing rudeness in relation to advisors. It is worth changing your attitude to the advice and trying to see in them only good intentions.

When a person is configured positively, he begins to extract from the words of others a lot of useful to himself.

But we should not forget that an advisor can also make mistakes, and he is not always able to give absolutely correct advice. Therefore, in order to follow the next recommendation, it is still necessary to listen to your inner voice, only in this case it is possible to find the right decision. And when choosing an object for consultation, it is necessary to be sure in the competence of the adviser in this matter.

The articles on this site are for information purposes only. The site administrators are not responsible for attempting to apply any recipe, advice or diet, nor do they guarantee that the information provided will help or harm you personally. Be cautious and always consult a doctor or nutritionist!

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People’s Wishes: The True Attitude of Dreams


Some people have to work all the time and put in a lot of effort to make their dreams come true, but they never get anywhere. Others, on the outside, seem to be the lucky ones. It would seem and live for their own pleasure, and the work they do not give much time, but their desires as if by magic, it works.

It seems that fate brings them all on a silver platter, and a guardian angel protects them from evil and failure. It turns out it is not in luck, but in the awareness of their true desires.

First of all it is necessary to understand our psychology, to understand what we really want, and what for us is not of great value, and only after this to complain about failed relationships, lack of money, lack of career growth, poor health.

Human Psychology: Could it be that happiness is in the money?

Many people are sure that they don’t have enough money to be happy. In fact, they earn good money, at least enough for everything they need, but they want to afford much more: trips to distant countries, clothes from the world’s best designers, a yacht, a house on the ocean… Otherwise, happiness will be illusory, incomplete, and not real.

But look at the situation from the other side. You have a lot of money. This amount is much larger than the amount you are used to, which means you know how to dispose of it. Will the psychology of your behavior change? Absolutely!

First of all, you will start to buy things that you could not afford before. Then go to the travel agency and choose an expensive trip to a fabulous country. Maybe you decide to change your place of residence, buy a car, a yacht…

But after the euphoria, the realization will come that your way of life must change dramatically. You are already a rich person, and wealthy people not only spend, but also earn, and invest money wisely. There will be obsessive thoughts going around in your head all the time.

You will be worried about what to do with such a huge amount: start a business or invest it in the bank at interest? Both of these options carry a great deal of risk. Running a business requires experience, and in addition, you have to take on a lot of responsibility and work 24 hours a day at first.

It will become increasingly difficult to build relationships with people, because among your entourage will immediately appear quite a few personalities who will be interested not in you as a person, but only in your money.

You may even have to change your social circle. Not without reason they say: the rich man is no friend of the poor. Different interests, different views, topics for conversation. You will have to learn to dress differently, behave differently, meet all the requirements of high society.

Maybe it’s all too complicated for you, and, in fact, you’re afraid to leave your comfort zone. And your desire to have a lot of money is just a wish, not a cherished dream whose fulfillment will make you a happy person.

Attitude towards work: career first

Attitude toward work: career first

Many people dream of taking the boss’s chair. There is nothing surprising in it: the salary is higher, the office is brighter and bigger, and there is a whole “squad” of subordinates. General respect and admiration for the talents of superior management, worth a lot!

It remains only to hand out commands, enjoy life and wonderful relationships with others. And how else could it be, because you imagine yourself as an intelligent and judicious boss.

But is everything really as smooth as it seems from the outside? A boss must have a good understanding of human psychology, take responsibility for other people, and constantly delve into their problems. If the subordinates do not work well, do not perform their duties, the responsibility, above all, falls on the head.

Firing a person who does not cope with the work is not an option. In his place you must immediately take another, and a highly qualified specialist is not easy to find.

The position of supervisor or director implies a change in lifestyle. You should expect to work irregular hours. You may have to work on holidays or weekends. Work will remind you of yourself at all hours of the day and night, and you will not be able to be your own person as you were before.

Each of us has his own destiny, and the talent of a leader is endowed to few. Human psychology implies a constant search for yourself, your place in life. So before you get upset once again about the lack of career growth, think about it, and maybe a quiet life is more important for you?

The Psychology of Single People: If I Had a Family

The Psychology of Single People: If I Had a Family

Many people who live on their own claim that the one thing they need for happiness is a full family. They fear loneliness and dream of meeting a man who will make their lives full and joyful. The children’s laughter that fills an empty house appears to them as a sound that instills confidence in the future. A day spent with their family, according to lonely people, is not spent in vain.

They get acquainted, have a serious relationship, and even live for some time with their chosen ones in a common-law marriage, but for some reason they do not get beyond that. What is the psychology of a person who, despite his desire to have a family, cannot make his dream come true?

This may sound strange to many people, but not everyone needs a family. Some people feel perfectly well when they are alone, but they just don’t want to admit it to others or even to themselves. This is psychology.

They are alarmed by the fact that they will have to change the familiar way of life and constantly adjust to other people, even though loved and dear. Having lived for some time in solitude, a person “acquires” habits that suit him, but are unlikely to please other people.

Once accustomed to sleeping plenty, it’s hard to readjust to an early rise or sleepless nights at the baby’s crib. It is not easy to turn away from quiet evenings in front of the TV, and weekends regularly spent in the company of noisy and carefree friends. And the wife and children will certainly not be delighted by this kind of pastime of the father of the family.

A man is the rightful master of his life as long as he lives alone. Creating a family involves a change of lifestyle, habits, and attitudes. You will have to listen to the opinions of others, and often put their desires above your own ambitions.

That’s why some people don’t get into serious relationships, because at heart they don’t aspire to them, and maybe they’re even afraid of promising connections.

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Abdominal slimming exercises with a fitball for beginners


The large gymnastic ball (fitness ball or Swiss ball), was originally intended for rehabilitation of people after operations and injuries, as well as those suffering from cerebral palsy. Gradually it was introduced into the world of fitness and became especially popular among home exercise enthusiasts.

This is due to the fact that in order to maintain balance a large number of muscles need to be tensed, including those that are difficult to work out with regular physical exercises.

Choosing a fitness ball

In order to properly perform exercises for weight loss and strengthening the body, it is necessary to choose the right gymnastic ball. The first criterion to be considered when buying a fitness ball is the ratio of its diameter to the height of the exerciser.

  • For people whose height is less than 152 cm, a projectile with a diameter of 45 cm is required.
  • For people between 152 cm and 164 cm tall, a 55 cm ball will do.
  • For people between 164 cm and 180 cm tall, a 65-cm fitness ball is optimal.
  • Those whose height exceeds 180 cm will need a ball 75 cm in diameter.

Before buying, it is necessary to “try on” the ball on yourself. When sitting on a properly fitted fitball, the legs form a right angle at the knees. There is a special feature for pregnant women: the knees should be slightly raised – this will ensure a comfortable position of the belly between the legs in the last trimester.

Next, it is necessary to carefully inspect the ball and find out its main characteristics. If there is an unpleasant smell from the projectile, then it is made of cheap rubber, which will not be able to withstand heavy loads. It is necessary to clarify with the seller, whether the fitball has an anti-explosion system, which provides a smooth release of air from the ball in the case of a puncture. This is especially important for people who are undergoing rehabilitation, as well as for pregnant women, because a fall from a ruptured ball during a fitness exercise can negatively affect the health of the future mother and the baby.

When the projectile is inflated, its surface should give a feeling of tightness and be elastic. The seams should not be felt when resting your hand on the surface. Fitball can be with handles – this option is optimal for small children. Also the gymnasium can have a massage surface to stimulate blood circulation. Choosing a fitball, you need to properly pump it, because over-pumped ball is less stable and it will be harder to stay on it.

Proper exercise on a ball

Doing Physical Exercises on a Ball Properly

Physical exercises with a ball require preparation of the place to practice. Choose a free space in the room away from large and sharp objects. In the initial stages, you can put a towel roller under the ball to make it more stable. This will help make it easier to get used to the new kind of load; then classes are held without additional stoppers.

An important aspect of fitness is proper breathing. Trying to keep a balance, a person involuntarily holds his or her breath, preventing the body from working in the right mode. This situation should be avoided and the breathing process should always be controlled. Proper seating on the ball will help in this: sit with a straight back, put your feet together. Working the abdominal muscles, maintain the correct position and monitor the frequency of breaths and exhalations.

Beginners should consider the following points when putting together a fitness training program:

  • In the first classes, you can stick your hand to the wall if you can’t keep your balance on your own;
  • exercises for weight loss repeat 10-15 times and perform them in 1-3 approaches;
  • If painful sensations arise during the performance of a fitness element, it is necessary to make sure that the technique is correctly followed, as failure to comply with it may lead to injury;
  • If fitness exercises are necessary for rehabilitation after an injury, it is necessary to consult the attending physician, and in some cases – the supervision of an instructor of physical therapy.

Each session begins with a light warm-up to prepare the body for activity. At the end of the workout, stretching is done to restore the shape of the muscles.

Fitness exercises with a ball are convenient because you can adapt familiar elements to them. Over time, you will be able to choose your own training programs, paying more attention to problem areas. Newcomers to HLS can use the following set of exercises for weight loss:

  • Lower yourself onto the floor on your back (for convenience, you can put a gymnastic mat or a thick blanket), bend your legs at the knee joints, place the ball between your feet, squeezing it tightly.

Rhythmically raise the legs and pull them toward you, then pull them back.

  • Staying in the same position with the ball clamped on the feet, begin lowering the feet first to one side and then to the other.

Twist the body as much as possible, but with good flexibility, make sure that the feet do not drop to the floor.

  • Remain in the supine position, with feet resting on the ball so that the shins lie on the surface of the fitball.

Palms together at the back of the head, take the shoulders off the floor and stretch their chests to their knees. After that, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise as many times as necessary.

  • Place the ball in front of you, rest your elbows on its surface, feet on the floor.

The whole body is pulled in one line. Hold this position for as long as you are strong enough.

  • Lie on the ball with your belly, roll slightly forward so that it is in the thighs, legs outstretched, hands resting on the floor.

Tensing the muscles of the back and lower back, raise the legs as high as possible.

  • Sit on a fitness ball, roll over it with your back so that the ball is under your lower back.

Feet rest on the floor, hands on the other side of the projectile also touch the surface of the floor. As you exhale, lift your upper body, hold the pose for a few seconds, and then lower yourself back down.

  • Staying in the supine position on the ball, move it under the hips.

Hands resting on the floor. Extend the legs and roll the fitball, shifting it to the toes. Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position.

  • Sit on the ball, feet on the floor.

Work your buttocks and abs to roll the ball underneath you from side to side.

Regular exercise on a gymnastic ball can help strengthen muscles, reduce weight, and develop a sense of balance.

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